I'm sitting in hospital, third in the queue for surgery, temporal arterial biopsy. I know it's nothing major, but I'm really nervous as previous surgery I had at this hospital went very wrong and I ended up bedridden for two months and off work for four. Being a wimp and just wanting to know there are people out there who understand.
Sitting here feeling nervous: I'm sitting in... - PMRGCAuk
Sitting here feeling nervous

I haven't had it personally but just wanted to say good luck. Most people report no issues and it heals well.🌻🌻😘
Best of Luck Janet 🍀
Hoping it goes well.
I completely understand. I had my biopsy almost 7 years ago and like you I was very, very nervous before hand. It wasn’t as bad as I expected and I recovered quite quickly. I’m sure you too will be fine and wish you the very best of luck - for the biopsy, the results and whatever follows that. 😀
They've marked just in front of my ear, more or less on the jaw hinge, not my temple. ??? I hope they know what they're doing.
That’s right. They go for taking a small section of artery that wouldn’t be missed. Taking a piece of deep temporal artery would be a bit of a problem! The idea is that it is likely to be elsewhere in the head, but it’s still a bit of a needle in a haystack! The local anaesthetic stings for a few seconds and then it goes numb.
They couldn't find artery where they'd initially marked so went for the temple after all!
Hope all is well, I had the same experience, Dr had trouble finding the vein. Nurse told me I looked very stylish with the partial shaved head😊
That's funny, because the nurse said the same to me, calling it an under cut and saying I should have the same done on the other side to match. Looked at your profile as I thought we might have been to the same hospital, but I'm in the UK and you're not. Raining here today, hope you're enjoying better weather .
Thank you ladies. xx. I'm starting to calm down now.
Had mine back in June, relax and let the nurse hold your hand if they offer , just seems to help, procedure itself quite quick

Late to the party - you'll be done by now I imagine xxx
All done! Felt strange, but no worse than the dentist. Thank you all for your support. Much appreciated. Feel silly now for being a wimp. Now its just waiting for results of this, ultrasound and pet scan when I see rheumy on Friday.
Everything is easier once you know how!!!! No-one in their right mind is totally blasee about having a scalpel stuck in them!!!!!
Glad it’s all okay, just make sure you get plenty of rest, unfortunately I had a busy time just after and I’m sure it’s slowed down my recovery both from the procedure and this revolting illness!
Don't feel silly at all !!
If you have had a bad experience before it's not surprising to feel nervous even for a basic procedure , I'm exactly the same at the Dentist because of previous bad care.
And it's much harder to put our fears behind us when we are not well and tired and tense any way.
You did well contacting us and getting some help to keep calm while you had it done , so well done you , big pat on the back from me !!
Get home and have a good rest xxx
Hope you are resting now. Let us know how you progress. Best wishes.
Sitting with my feet up while hubby is trying to work out how to prepare jacket potatoes for our meal later. He offered to 'cook' so I thought I'd ask for the easiest thing possible and he's already asked about 20 questions and brought through a selection of sizes of potato for me to chose from. Ha ha. Love him to bits.
Enjoy being waited on🌷
That sounds like my OH , by the time you have answered all the questions and occasionally go to find things in cupboards you sometimes wonder wether it would have been easier doing it yourself!!😋😂😂😂
But it's great that both are Men are trying , and if we can train them up with instructions from the sofa to do the simpler jobs and cooking when we are under the weather it makes coping with our illness much easier in the end .
Hope it went well Janet.
Being nervous isn’t an option especially when it’s facial and you’re awake.
I had it done and got through okay. It looked horrific at first but healed lovely. I wasn’t told I had to have a third of my head shaved on that side!
I kept a light dressing until the hair nearly grew back and had the other side shortened to try and match. I needed a reason for having a shaved head at my age!
Don’t be shocked if the results come back negative, many do as did mine. When you’re on pred it improves the inflammation but doesn’t mean you haven’t got GCA. I had a positive Ultra Sound for GCA Diagnosis.
I was told by rheumie that the procedure was an outpatient appointment taking about 15 mins. It took 50 mins and I was there 2 hours. When they asked me who was taking me home I said me - and relayed what I’d been told!
They weren’t Impressed.
Hope you’re okay, how did it go?
It all went well. They sprayed a see-through dressing on the wound/shaved head area so it looks delightful, but I have shoulder length hair so it will cover it up... or it would do if the spray on dressing wasn't sticking the rest of the hair on that side of my head up in the air like Ken Dodd. Its giving my husband something to laugh at. And me. Stitches out in a week.
Didn’t like to tell you yesterday but they managed to glue my glasses to my head!! Surgeon was a little over zealous with the glue , got back to the ward asked if okay to put my glasses on , told of course you can. 10 o’clock at night tried to take them off, glued solidly in situ , thought hubby was going to explode, luckily daughter came to the rescue!!! Biopsy was negative after 9 days on pred but ct pet scan strongly positive,
That's good. I didn't have the spray dressing and stitches dissolved. Just after they had me all gowned up ready to start they'd forgotten to ask me to sign the consent form, I sat up to sign and when they started to explain what I was signing for I said I know whatever you do wrong it's not your fault! They just looked at me and smiled - after all I got to know them well the length of time I was there...
Oh I understand. My blood pressure went up to 190 while I was waiting!! But as you will know by now it is nothing to get wound up about. Hope you are OK today. xx
Had a biopsy done at North Shore Hospital in Auckland (NZ). I wanted to see the whole operation and even wanted to join in the conversation between surgeon and assistant. They were talking about their summer holidays (it was in December). I was determined not to be scared and one of the nurses whispered that he - the surgeon - was one of the best. The whole thing was painless-ish, a little bit uncomfortable but was told what was happening throughout, what to expect. When it was all over, the surgeon asked if I'd like to see the artery. Yes, of course! And was shown this little worm in a jar. Amazed THAT itty bitty thing caused some of the trouble! There was no bruising and the scar has since vanished.
Be positive, Janet. You will be fine.
Ow wow, wish I'd asked to see it now! I didn't join in the conversation between the two surgeons as a lot of it was one repeatedly saying to the other "Careful. Careful." and "Not there.," and "That's muscle," and "No, that's a nerve.". Didn't fill me with confidence!!! Made sure I kept very still though. The best bit was when one of the surgeons called for the biopsy jar then said to the other surgeon, " Don't drop it!". Brilliant!
Oh my God! I don't think I could have stood that! I think I'd have said, "For heaven's sake, hand me a mirror and a scalpel...I'll do it myself!"
I could have asked them to hurry up! For even though the surgery was free, car parking was not. Haha. I could have driven after but a former-nurse friend dropped me off and picked me up. And to say thanks, I treated her to afternoon tea at a café. So, that was my only 'expense' for the whole experience.
I understand how nervous you were feeling - it is only natural to be like that.
Anyway I am sure you are now relieved that it is over and was not as bad as you feared!!
You will get loads of helpful advice on this forum and soon be able to give some of your own!
I wish you all the best on this journey!!
will be thinking about you janet, although by now you will have had it done, hope all went well. take care x
I'm sure you're glad the worst is behind you and a delicious potato awaits you. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
I had one, piece of cake. Actually it was done under local anesthesia: two surgeons walked into the operating room- one of which I assume was a resident (still training). When the younger one said “Oh-oh,” as he was in there, I said, “Junior Mint?” which is only funny if you’ve watch Seinfeld. At any rate, they didn’t laugh, and that was the worst part of the surgery.
I had one a few weeks ago. Going to dentist more uncomfortable in my opinion. Hope you got through it well!
I was the same Janet, it was much easier than I thought, my anxiety was the only pain I felt!