After a year in which I lost a very dear friend aged only 43 after 3 year battle with cancer ,Visited my sister in the nursing home who had been there for 4 ish years ,devastating effects of a stroke ,My daughter in law had lymph nodes removed from lower areas because of Cancer .She has been left in a lot of pain because of nerve path damage . A long wait for results followed as she showed just how stoic she can be ,My husband was admitted to hospital with bowel rupture ,Just before Christmas my other sister was admitted to hospital with a stroke ,My sister Kay passed away in the same hospital and I am so grateful for all the support I had from here .I had the task of going from one hospital floor to the other to tell her twin Sheila what had happened in the early hours of the morning , Sheila is now home from hospital and doing well .It was a mild stroke ( If there is such a thing ) She has some problems but is able to walk and function so it could have been worse as we say . I have had a few flares and issues which paled in the wake of all the problems every one around me had , so there we are GOODBYE 2018 .To summarise , My sister Kay passed quietly and quickly ,she got her wish and I was happy for her in that ,just sad for me but she had had enough so I waved her off with love and happiness as she flew to her God ,My Sister Sheila is on the mend and that is promising .My husband if fine now driving me mad with the '' Born again dieter speeches '' I grit my teeth and smile there is nothing worse than a convert ,This man has never been able to diet ,now WE are all going on a diet this year just to shut him uuuuuppppp !!!! Not a bad thing hahahha really ,THE GREATEST NEWS TO START THE YEAR IS ,DRUM ROLL ,My daughter in law has had the all clear and will see them in 4 months . So we are high fiving our way into 2019 with the BESTEST news ever YEAAAAAAAAY . thanks to one and all for the support in 2018 .It made me humble and I was comforted by distant kind and wonderful people who can be friends indeed .
2019 here it is !: After a year in which I lost a... - PMRGCAuk
2019 here it is !

If anyone deserves a good 2019 - YOU DO!
What can anyone answer to such a post?? All I can do is wish you well and a little peace.
All the best fr Constance. 🍀🍀🍀🍀
Thankyou for that , My sister is at peace now and I can be happy for her in that ,It has been a sad year ,the good news for my daughter in law has given us all a good start to this year so we are feeling positive .Don't be sorry I am looking forward to this year we have'' the only way is up ''As our mantra for this year what with the hubby sorting out the diet and daughter in laws good news . By next Christmas we will all be slim if the ''Born again dieter hubby '',confident and thankful .It wasn't I hope a depressing post I didn't mean it to be .More thank goodness that over and Here comes 2019 lets have a bash at that !
You went through so much but still retained your sense of humour. Dare we wish that things can only get better? I do hope so.
All best wishes to you and your family
They will , best wishes to you too .
That is quite a story Patricia. It strikes me how very fortunate these people are to have you or have had you in their lives and how much of their burden you have willingly shouldered. Now, it seems to me that your focus should be on yourself, body, mind and spirit. Bless you and people like you. I wish you a 2019 full of happiness and lovely experiences and good health. 🌹
I do so wish a much happier year for you Patricia,there is nothing l can say to express enough how sorry l am that you have been through so much emotional pain and worry .Take care and keep posting to let us know how you are ,thank goodness things are getting better for you and l hope that this new year will be a lovely one xxx.
I wish you well and the family for 2019....things must get better!
Keep us posted on the diet too!
It’s not “ when life gets tough” it’s
“LIFE IS TOUGH”. We have to try and find the good in every day , gratitude, peace, love all there - some days much harder to find😱. Forums like this is a great start✔️ Wishing your 2019 to be a year of good luck good health and good decisions ❤️
No wonder you are ready to say goodbye to 2018. You and your family have certainly endured plenty last year.
Good for you for welcoming in the New Year, and being willing to oblige your husband’s new diet. Nothing like a health scare to shake things up and get one thinking about a healthier lifestyle.
I, myself, have made some positive changes in my diet and have to admit, the better I eat, the better I feel. I do, however, indulge in treats occasionally as I find doing so satisfies cravings, and it helps me stick to the overall plan long term.
So happy for your dil, and wishing you all a better 2019!
I am so relieved for my Daughter in law it has brought some promise to this New Year .Onwards and upwards we go .wishing you a good 2019 too .
There are a lot of us madly waving goodbye to 2018 and wish, wish, wishing for a better, healthier 2019.
I fear I'm not holding my breath! Though had some good news today - Italy is the first EU27 country to say we can stay whatever happens. Which given the current colour of the gubmint is surprising...
We’ll be in Italy in early July on a driving holiday in our sports car staying at Baveno on Lake Maggiore, in a glamping unit....if they let us in!
Glad you are accepted.
We feel likewise about EUers who have made UK their home. It’s just bargaining chips.
I must confess tho, we were in favour of Brexit.....did not like unelected beaurocrats making our rules. My kids were definitely for staying in, so we do not discuss it.
Managed 2 days touring museums away from home, with a wheelchair and several walking minutes, so hopeful will manage Cuba holiday in 2 weeks. Accepted your warning and stayed on 5mg Pred per day. Thanks. Second physio appointment on Monday to check progress. Being told hips are fine it’s just weak muscles was kick up the b..... I needed to get exercise routine going.