I am reading a lot about adrenal problems as I am down at 3,75 mg and have some issues with my body such as pain in my left hip and lower back on the right side. Feels like impingement or artheritis pain I guess. It comes and goes.
My tapering is, apart from that, successful. Coming down to 3,75 now without bigger problems than a couple of days with some fatigue which I can handle.
I’ve read about adrenal deficiency that one of the symtoms is pain in muscles and joints. How the heck should I know for certain what my pain consists of. Here in Sweden it’s quite rare to have the Synacthentest done so I have no Idea about my levels.
I guess it’s not easy to know what’s what here. Maybe this is ”only” my adrenals troubeling my body and this will go away when or if they kick in....
I can understand those who can’t judge whether their pain is PMR, tapering pain or something completely different and increase their dose for the wrong reasons....