I am going through a stressful period. Death of a beloved, son. Burial, etc. I wonder if I should NOT reduce my Prednisone during this stressful time. I am doing well reducing 1 mg. every 2 weeks......but fatigue, wobbly legs still with me.
Stress: I am going through a stressful period... - PMRGCAuk

My sincere condolences....bereavement of any loved one is bad enough, but of a child it’s beyond that. 💔
No please don’t reduce for time being. In fact probably for a couple of months, there will still be very stressful times ahead. And if you need additional support please ask for it.
Thank you...Should I tell my Rheumatologist that I am not reducing...or just inform
him at my next visit?
I am so sorry you have lost your son. That loss is not something you can get over quickly, so be as sensible as you can at present. You really have enough to cope with and have answered your own question by asking it.
You should not be even thinking of dropping from where you are. Stress can and does cause the aches and pains to come along quickly, so watch it and if it increases up the dose to where you are comfortable again. In the great scheme of things a 'slow down' whilst in a very stressful situation is essential in my eyes.
I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved son, I cannot imagine a worse blow. Sending love to you at this hard, hard time.
You are right, stop the tapering, maybe even take a bit of extra Pred for the really challenging days ahead. Keep in touch with us when you feel like it.🌹
I am so sorry for your loss. Please take care of you and yours and forget about tapering pred. If you have enough pred and don't want to talk to rheumy office then don't just yet. 💜
Thank you. I do have enough Prednisone to see me though.

I'm so sorry to hear that - that is something no-one should ever be faced with.
I'd say don't reduce until you have got at least the burial done and you have settled down a bit again - a couple of months at least. Then see how you are feeling. It depends to some extent what dose you are on at present - but if it is below 10mg it may even be worth talking to your doctors aabout a bit more in the short term. Even on that sort of dose our adrenal function may be compromised enough to no allow the surge of cortisol needed in such situations.
I just looked - you are on 8mg? Definitely speak to your GP and ask advice.
Yes, 8 mg.,I was set to reduce to 7mg on Tues. I will stay on 8 mg.I see my Rheumatologist at Marshfield Clinic on August 26. I will just tell him what I did.
Think I will take 9 mg morning of the burial. Thank you.
So very sorry for your loss. Prayers.
I am so sorry for your loss Gary. Losing a child is the unthinkable.
Now isn't the time to think about tapering, As others have said take a little more on the day of the funeral and if you feel you need it stay there for a couple of days.
Don't worry about your Rheumie at this point, if you don't feel like ringing his secretary just let him know when you see him what and why you've taken those necessary steps. Do what is the easiest for you. You have a hard path to walk now - look after yourself.