...find myself wanting more coffee in the afternoon probably for a boost of energy. Should I limit coffee? Or go for that boost? PMR,down to 8 mg.
Coffee: ...find myself wanting more coffee in the... - PMRGCAuk

Hello. I’d go for a nap unless you absolutely need to stay upright. We are already on artificial go juice with Pred without adding more into the mix and going against what the body is telling us. It does feel like a whopping waste of time though!

You’ll probably get as many answers as there are contributors on here!
Advice from “medical” articles vary depending on what day of the week it is, but general consensus seems to be ‘not too much caffeine’. However, what is one person's too much, maybe is okay for another!
Must admit I didn’t vary my consumption of tea or coffee much during my GCA days - but many do.
Sorry, not much help, but would say go with what suits you. I doubt one cup of coffee a day is going to make that much difference.

You aren't doing your body any favours by ignoring its demands for a rest. Pacing is an important part of living well with PMR.
I would have napped. Would probably interfere with sleep as much as coffee, but without the palpitations!
Try half decaf and half high test. You might get a boost without the sleep problems.
Try green tea - it takes a bit of getting used to, but I persevered on my son’s recommendation. It gave me a complete lift with no ill effects.
It does have caffeine though. But I don't know how it compares, in quantity, with coffee.
Couldn't cope without my twice daily double ristrettos - no coffee would definitely be a step too far. Have just come down to 5mg and all seems to be well. (PMR dx'd Oct 2018 and started at 15mg)
I thought like you that I couldn't live without it and when my GP said I should give it up entirely because of an arryhthmia it seemed my world had come to an end ,specially as he warned me against decaff too as it can still contain up to 7% caffeine.
The first week was a nightmare but I now drink chicory, it's not coffee but has a pleasantly bitter taste which takes the edge off the urge and the episodes of SVT have decreased markedly. But I try not to breathe too deeply when passing coffee shops lest I should weaken.
I agree, “a step too far”! The thought of my first cup gets me out of bed in the morning. I usually have two.....it’s the 3pm urge that concerns me. I am doing well on 8 mg. reduced from 20mg. (Jan 2019)....Thinking caffeine might interrupt my progress.
I recently read that strong black coffee without sugar and cream is very beneficial for the brain. If you like it, and it gives you a boost, why not?
Every other day, we hear/read that something is good or bad for us. It seems to change with every study, drugs included.
And good for fatty liver and not as bad as thought for cardiovascular issues as once thought. I go through phases usually based on the palpitations that the caffeine can give me and insomnia. At least cream in coffee low carb and recent research suggests saturated fats aren't entirely bad for you and can be required to aid absorption of minerals and vitamins. It's 3.30am so can't lay hands on papers at mo but will attached later if reqd.
Perhaps not the 'best' advice but I go for coffee often and without that boost I wouldn't (well metaphorically at least) 'survived' this whole performance. I cannot abide sleeping during the day - it makes me feel dreadful - although I can rest - or put my feet up for a couple of hours if need be - and read or 'something' - and yes some pacing is very important. This is an individual thing though I think but there is reasonable evidence that a not too over the top intake of coffee is OK - for me just not late in the day for nightime sleep reasons. I am more alert these days than in my first year or two of GCA and I'm sure coffee has 'saved' me more than once ...
Thank you, all.....off to get a cup of coffee.
Put my answer on the wrong thread. I find no problems with tea or coffee but I drink decaf for another reason (racing heart).
It's my large mug of coffee that gets me going in the morning. I do resist it in the afternoon. At that time either tea or hot almond "milk" with ginger added