So, following on from my do i / dont i have pmr, i had my follow up appt with rheumy on 6th June, having tapered from 30 to 0 pred over 6 weeks. In my last week all my aches and pains came back, even ones i hadnt thought about such as sausage fingers, stiff lower back, pain in sacroiliacs, neck ache, but most of all, the full on frozen shoulders abd arm pains / soft tissues / tendonitis etc came back full on so that i couldnt raise my arms or reach for the phone at work etc.
As i am going on holiday this week to Tarifa, he has agreed to put me back on pred 30mg reducing 5mg per week to zero, just to get me through holidayreasonably pain free, but he doesnt think i have pmr (nor did you, PMRPRO)! His letter to my gp said he was going to start me on dmards when i see him in 4 weeks, but in meantime to have another mri to check for sacroiliitis and another blood test.
Whilst i was on pred, my esr had gone up to 20 but my crp had cone down to 7 (from 20). I have had iritis (years ago) and now left eye is weeps and eyelid droopy.
I think he is thinking along lines of AS or perhaps sero negative RA. He is a bit confounded (is that a word) but is still throwing everything at me to try and come to a conclusive diagnosis.
Have to say, pred is infinitely preferable to dmards from what i can see .....