Hi all,
I have been on prednisone for 1 month. I suspect I've had PMR for 15 months, but was just diagnosed 3 months ago. The first week I was at only 5 mg which made me feel significantly better. However, I still had quite a bit of burning pain between my shoulder blades and a really stiff neck . The last 3 weeks have been at 10, which cut the pain in my back a bit and pretty much alleviated the pain and stiffness in my hips, legs, knee, shoulders, and collarbone.. I think my rheumatologist started me off slow because I refused the prednisone for two months and I almost always react badly to medication and she didn't want to freak me out.
I just had another appointment on Thursday. She suggested that I could increase to 15 mg for 3 days to see if it helped the pain in my back and rib area substantially or the neck stiffness. She said if it didn't help the pain much or if I got worse side effects that I should drop back down to 10 mg after 3 days and stay there for another month.. I hate to keep chasing the pain between my shoulder blades by increasing dosage when I feel pretty good except for that area. I also suspect the remaining pain may be due to a disc issue in my neck, and not PMR. However, the pain seems a little better today, my 2nd day on 15 mg. Do you see any problem with going the 3 days and then dropping back if I see only slight improvement? Thanks.