I posted a month or so ago about groin pain. It then started to include hip area. After a short pred increase with no relief, I saw GP. GP thought bursitis sent me to Ortho Dr for steroids shots. Ortho Dr thinks it's hip impingement with a bit of bursitis. I don't have typical leg pain. Waiting for hospital to call and tell me appointment time. This had really worn me down. Hoping after steroid shots that things get alot better for me. It's like dealing with untreated PMR and I don't want any of the suggested pain meds. Anyone else dealt with this? Finding myself a bit teary lately.
Hip impingement: I posted a month or so ago about... - PMRGCAuk
Hip impingement

Hi Bunnymom
You will be teary with constant pain, especially bone bane as it’s unrelenting.
I have had shoulder impingement, had surgery on the first one but a Steroid Shot on the other shoulder & it worked a treat.
So fingers crossed for you 🍀
I really hope it helps🌷🌷🌷
I have been to gp about groin pain and after checking it wasnt a hernia he decided to send me for a hip.xray. Now waiting for results to see what it is. My pain is mainly groin but also in the hip.at times. It does wear you down when you think you have things under control. Hopefully you will get relief from the injections. I have had them in shoulders and they were very effective. Keep us updated on how you are getting on.
Thanks so much. I have neck injections which last for a year so I'm hoping I get in quickly and get the same result. If thats not helpful she mentioned a possible tear or hip replacement but we aren't going there yet!
I have a shoulder replacement but must admit I woildnt want to add any more artificial joints at this stage!!
Agreed. I think what we currently deal with is gobs. Pain is a great persuader however.
Oh definitely!! If it came to constant pain I would willingly book myself in for what ever joint replacement they wanted to do!! My pain in the groin isnt responding to paracetamol but I upped the pred for a few days to see if it was the pmr but it didnt make any difference!!
I played with the pred too to try and sort it out. No help.
I had similar pain when tapering an got to lower doses. I decided it was sciatic in nature. Got on line and found some stretching exercises. Did them twice a day for a few weeks and it resolved. Can be so hard to figure out which is what with all this!
Oh so sorry for you , nothing worse when you already have the PMR and its limits to getting a pain or another issue in the same areas that affect the PMR that Pred doesn't solve.
Especially when you get a vicious circle going on when exercises that could help one issue get relief cause a flare up in the other .
As already said, it could be OA hip and need a replacement. I had groin and thigh pain that no-one could explain for a couple of years until a surgeon I was seeing about both my knees said it was OA hip. So now I have had a hip and a knee replaced and waiting for the other knee to be done. The other hip is also OA and giving me some trouble at the moment. As others have said it is very confusing as to what is what and I haven't been out of pain, especially when walking for over 3 years now. (Have had PMR for over 7years)
The first steps are shots. She mentioned it could come down to replacement but we are in early days. I'm 63 and that seems young to me but who knows.
It really does grind you down. I sincerely hope that the injections give you relief. Xx
Hi, I have been in constant pain since before xmas hence not been on here 😭 been having Physio and makes it worse. This weeks appointment I am telling him no more and want an up to date scan now as can’t take no more, mine is also in groin and hip. Hope you sort it out xxx
I'm with you on stopping physio if pain is worse. I can't take one more add on. I even had the nose pieces on my glasses adjusted as they were pinching. I am all done with pain and discomfort when possible. Hope to get my garden in today 😎
Depressing to read that physio might make it worse. I had what I thought was an arthritic hip, but a recent x-ray apparently shows that my hip is ok (can I believe this?) and that the pain is coming from problems in the lumbar spine. Hard to believe, as the pain is definitely in what I consider to be my hip - like a nail through my hip - though it does sometimes radiate down my leg or across my lower back. Suspect it might be bursitis also. A combination?
I won't routinely take 'pain killers' either, except Voltarol gel which helps a little. But it does wear you down. Worst = keep having to miss things, and when it wakes you up in the night.
This pain was masked by pred on higher doses (started 40mg Nov '16). But I'd had it, not quite so bad, for a couple of years before that, and now worse again since the pred dose got down. Now 5.5mg.
I tried a 'functional fitness' class in Jan-Feb. V gentle, but had to stop as the pain became excruciating. Hoped that was just because a whole hour at a time was too much. The GP has suggested physio - haven't started it yet. Am apprehensive but will give it a go.
Don't suppose spine replacement is a viable option!
Fingers crossed.

I've had repeated trochanteric bursitis and occassional iliopsoas bursitis which feels like a knife into your groin - no signs of impingement though. Constant pain is wearing - even when it is 3 or 4 on the pain scale when it is all the time it is awful and when you know certain activities will cause a spike in the pain it is even worse because you have to build up to doing something. I got a wholehearted agreement from the pain clinic doctor on Thursday. My steroid shots have worked well.
And as a PS - she also commented on how I am obviously particularly pain-sensitive at present. All the little bits have added up and my whole body is reacting.
I will keep me fingers crossed that it calms. Hypersensitivity is horrid.
It seems to vary which is strange ...
After the trials and hipster tribulations I suspect it will just take a few weeks to let your body calm down. Use the rubbing technique. It overloads it past sensitivity....if you can bear to.

That's interesting. I find that pain sometimes goes after I press the area. Makes sense now.
It's the old mummy rubs your knee trick. There is a "science" basis that I read a while back...years ago. if I can find the reference I will link it. Don't hold your breath. 😂😂😂
It has probably been 25% of my pain management for back and fibromylgia.
Surprised myself...it just the news report of research though.

That is so interesting and easy to do. Makes me wish I was a cat.

Wouldn’t be surprised if this is connected to the feel good factor of stroking a dog or cat, which is supposed to lower BP and stress etc. There’s a saying ? Irish, no idea where I’ve heard this one! But it’s been in my head for years ‘Give your pain to a black cat’. Which was useful as I had 6 black cats. Current tabby is more likely to inflict pain 😸
This what I was diagnosed with 8 weeks ago. I did wait two weeks before seeing a gp due to thinking at first it was my Fibromyalgia or back pain i get although you know in your own mind it was more than that. The pain was so intense and still is very bad. I have to choose what tasks I take on or go out feel I am becoming house bound. I have physio exercises which I don’t feel are making any improvement she said yesterday my leg is very week and it’s still sponge around the area. At my wits end with it. I would like to have a steroid injection and that’s not something I agree to easy I have had them with my Lupus before and they are painful but my dr said they don’t do them at the my gps. Not sure what to do next. I have had no investigation. Any help would be appreciated.
I read somewhere that 100% of PMR patients end up with bursitis. Not in a good spot to search for the link. I just googled PMR and bursitis. I know you've mentioned it several times. Steroid shots for my bulging disc in neck work well. High hopes for this one too. I go on Tuesday. My pain is probably at 3 or 4 but stays with me. I took one ibuprofen and got huge relief. I know it's not compatible with pred but sometimes....
I have had Knee impingement, had surgery on the first one but a Steroid Shot on the other knee & it worked a treat. Hope your treatment goes well.
You need to find a good ortho doctor for the best results of the treatment, hope you find one.
Nothing to add to what’s already been said. Just sending hugs!