Please enlighten me!! I've tried and failed!! 😡😡
Message to chat /Julian: Please enlighten me!! I've... - PMRGCAuk
Message to chat /Julian

Tap on chat button (2speech bubbles) on banner at top of screen. New page - hit Compose button (blue) - new page. Type in “JulianJ” in box, select and then type message. Press send
Thanks DL , was typing in his name wrongly and it wasn't recognising. Hopefully it's worked now!! 👍👍👍👍👍
Yep been known to do that!
Just look in your chat box and you’ll see if it’s gone. You will need to check for a reply - if you’ve got a number in a red circle next means there’s a reply. You don’t get a notification email from HU because it’s private - so they aren’t aware!
I get message notifications.
Do you? Perhaps it’s because I haven’t asked for them, must check profile! Thought it was because they were private. Learn something new everything day!
I do feel it is not a true chat forum it is more of a private message group. I do feel that has a much better one where chat is just another group.
Patient has a chat room? I though it was just private messages too.
Not a chat room as such - but a thread you can post about anything. Not very successful if you ask me.
It is not much used at the moment. I suppose if people started to use it it could become vibrant.
I don't think I could find it any more. Do you have a link?
I think it is
My Medical Centre use for repeat prescriptions, I find it fantastic for that. It also gives me blood test results etc and you can book appointments although they seem to be few and far between!!
It is an error page. I don't know what the community is called where you can access what you were calling chat. I used to follow I think it was Alternative Treatment, and that wasn't useful because it could be alternative treatment for anything.
Sorry I should not have had the full stop it should be
But a real chatroom would be in real time.
That is true, it is just that on the patient one you don’t have to name the people, you can just go on and talk about anything. Neither HU or the patient one are ideal, I just felt the patient one was better than the HU one.
But I don't have to name anyone here, do I?
I though on the Chat on this forum you had to put a name in. Am I wrong?
I feel like we're talking at cross purposes here?
There isn't any chat (is there?) just open threads like this and private messaging, where the person is already named because you usually click on their name in a thread (you can enter people's names, especially if you want to be messaging more than one person) but it's still only private messaging, not real time chat. A thread automatically replies either to the poster or to the person you are replying to. If I make a new post I don't need to put in anyone else's name. I only put in a name, using the @ symbol, if I want to tag them to be sure they see the post or reply.
But you can add as many people as you like to receive a pm - and create a conversation that only those people can see.
Exactly, but my point was you don't need to type in a name if you are simply clicking on a name in an existing thread. I have to say it does look like you must type in a name, but it's really just giving you an option to add more names. Not exactly intuitive.
I think we are saying the same thing. I do agree chat is not exactly intuitive regarding the name bit. It was just that people using the PMR/GCA thread could send their thoughts and pictures to everyone. They were then told to use chat instead but it is not really the same as the normal forum.
I cannot do this,tried and failed !