How do I get into the “chat” site. When I press the chat sign at the top of the page I can only see the people I have chatted to myself. I know there is a site where people send photos and exchange things they and their families do.
Chat forum?: How do I get into the “chat” site... - PMRGCAuk
Chat forum?

Are you talking about this other site?

ummm! Think you’re right - wrong forum. It was PMR/GCAuk site.
Hi Constance13, we do a little of that here too. We all have PMR and or GCA but we occasionally go off subject and talk about our lives and exchange photos of dogs etc. One or two of our talented contributors do occasional comedy riffs. Not strictly about managing our conditions but therapeutic nevertheless. You may have tuned in on a day that everyone seems to be doing that. Just tick “follow”on people that you want to hear more from.
Unless of course, everyone is chatting away somewhere else and I didn’t know about it. Happened all the time at school. 😄

Isn't the chat link at the top of the page really just the link to the private messaging option on this one Constance? Never used that link - the easiest way to send a message on this forum is to click on someone's name and their profile page will come up - the message box is at the top right. The chat link brings up a list of all the messages you have sent/had replied to.
But this forum isn't as fussy as the patient one - you can put pictures up here! Just to start a thread I think, not in the middle (unless anyone knows better, I don't "do" photos!). As you've noticed - we chat in the middle of a thread. And you can put up links - within reason.
You can only attach a photo to the original post you raise. Or add one to your profile. The system would probably crash and burn if you could do to every/any reply. 😳
I doubt whether I could send a photo anyway.😏 I’m useless on machines of any sort. Wouldn’t be able to use the internet if my husband wasn’t with me most of the time.
I suspect..suspect mind...that if you had a photo on a face book account you could link to it. Similar to how mamaci1 links to rantsofmadwoman page. I have a FB account bit have never used it.