When I had my daily telephone call with the pharmacist yesterday to check if they'd had a delivery, I almost fell off my perch when she said yes, but I only have 140! Obviously my answer was 'oh dear, I'll come and collect those and wait for the remainder'.
It was a different Pharmacist and we chatted about the problem, how it arises and the impact on those of us who need to take this drug regularly. The outcome is that she's made a note in 'The Diary' a week before my next prescription is due so that the pills will be ordered in readiness. What more could I ask for? I will be calling in or ringing to make sure it's happened.
Re the apparent shortage, having spoken to various people in the chain I still suspect that it is a supply / distribution problem although I am still waiting to hear from the manufacturer. We last spoke about a week ago so I'll ring again to remind him later in the week.