Good Morning! I would like to sincerely thank the HU PMR/GCA community for getting me through the past 15 months! Had it not been for the sound practical advice, heartfelt empathy, guidance, camaraderie and good humour, I would not have made it through many a dark night! Thank you!
Recently when my membership was restricted, I was overwhelmed with the outpouring of support and public outrage that many of you offered. Thank you, thank you, thank you, I cannot tell you what that meant to me!
I also thank those, who's voices I did NOT hear (made obvious, only because your voices are usually so very loud and clear); your silence, during that time, taught me a lot about you and about myself. Thank you.
For those of you who would like to keep in touch, I can be reached through a variety of sources;
Email -
Personal Facebook - Melissa Grassel White
WordPress Blog -
PMR/GCA Facebook -
Instagram - rantings_of_a_madwoman
Lastly, if I have not responded to a private chat message, my apologies; I've struggled to keep up, this past week or so. Please email me.
As they say... Happy Trails!