Greetings again to All of You PMR GCA Lot.
In my best efforts to comply with the recent, New and Improved Guidelines from the Forum Administrators around the relevance and appropriateness (+/-?) of Posts here: I will, for once (Ha - what, me?) try to stay On Topic and ask for your valued advice.
This is my recent experience - and my current conundrum:
My PMR background: Dx PMR 2015, started on 30 mgpd Preds with miraculous relief from the worst of the symptoms. Then, a Roller Coaster, 3 year Pred tapering Journey with many Ups, Downs and sticking points along the way. (I can provide a detailed and highly analytical Spreadsheet analysis of my daily Symptoms vs.Tapering Gradient for anyone here who is interested?).
More recently: currently at 2mgpd Pred and after a month of persistent and dreaded DF (Deathly Fatigue) during a cold, wet and windy January I've (paradoxically?) enjoyed and survived a busy, exciting and full-on week of travelling, being very active physically - and felt better for it regardless. Yay!!
So, my Important and Very Serious Question is this:
Ohh, sorry, I've Iost the Plot again. Maybe due to Brain Fog? Or is it Pred Head? Answers on a Postcard please?
Either way: and whatever your needs, attitudes, opinions and preferences around when, if or how you engage with me or others here, please try to be tolerant of others in the Communication Process. Sometimes, some of Us PMR GCA Lot just need to let-off some emotional 'steam' and seek reassurance and social support. Sometimes, we need the other side of the coin and some hard-and-fast clinical advice.
Only to say: try to keep smiling on the PMR / GCA journey - even if nothing makes sense medically or psychologically. A healthy SOH can help when the going gets tough and / or we can't make sense of what's going on with our types of illnesses.
That's my take on coping with both the medical and emotional sides of PMR and GCA for better or worse..
Best wishes
'Uncle' MB