Greetings to all Polymylingerers and GCA Survivors worldwide.
As usual (for me!), quite a long Post: but I hope it stimulates some interest and discussion around the often mysterious and combined Art / Science of PMR and Pred tapering- and also the contradictions associated with it.
As you might know, I'm a Male PMR Veteran (3+ years since Dx), previously very fit and active for my age (now 61) but having slowed-down considerably with PMR. Oh well, it could be worse. At least I'm still On the Ride..
Here's my Dilemma:
A few of You Lot might have followed my (mainly silly) Posts here - but also the more serious ones in which I've talked about the Paradoxes / Contradictions experienced on my PMR / Pred Journey. By this, I mean:
Like many of you here, I was 'stuck' at a level of Preds (e.g.10mgpd) for several months last year with Zero relief from the typical PMR symptoms (i.e. daily Pain, Stiffness & Deathly Fatigue) - despite diligently following the DSNS tapering method (or its equivalents) and hoping for some breakthrough. As I write this, I know that a few of you will relate...
By contrast...
A couple of times when having defiantly ignored the usual Best Advice re. Pred tapering (sorry PMR Aunties) I've thought 'S*d It, I'll take a Leap of Faith' and reduced the daily Pred dosage by far more than is recommended on a Gut Feeling that the side-effects of Preds might out-weigh the relatively minor (for me) PMR symptoms. This has usually worked well, and some of you might remember my adventurous cliff-edge leap from 2/3 mgpd to Pred Club Zero a few months ago (Note: Do Not Try this at Home!). I was ok, and no worse symptoms-wise for many weeks. In fact, I felt much better off-of the Preds during that time.
But the Plot Thickens..
After a quite strenuous (but enjoyable / positive) period of physical and mental 'load' for a couple of months, I've cautiously returned from Pred Club Zero and 're-plateaued' at 2-3 mgpd Pred as a precautionary measure in the meantime. But, yesterday (again, maybe rather adventurously), I decided to miss just ONE daily dose (3mg) and try the same strategy as before - and with the same rationale (i.e. Less Pred might be better than More in terms of side-effects vs. PMR symptoms).
The next day: 12 hours of Extreme Dizziness (not even confident to drive the Limo safely - unheard of for me), Nausea, Spaced-out-ness and more Mental / Physical Fatigue than normal. A bit like 10 alcohol-induced Hangovers all at once - but without having imbibed in any more than the usual, moderate intake of the Red Stuff or done anything different in terms of my usual lifestyle - honest!
So: it was back to 3mg Preds today (I'm not too proud to admit it in good company).
Here's the Ultimate Paradox (?):
24 hours later (i.e. today), I'm suddenly and miraculously feeling MUCH more energised and relaxed mentally and physically than for some time - in fact for as long as I can remember - and, despite feeling truly and exceptionally Deathly for 12 hours yesterday. Minimal PMR pain and stiffness, no DF (Deathly Fatigue), and feeling Great. Yes, Great - like the difference between Night and Day. Hoorahhh - but confusing at the same time?! ;-/
So, here's the 64-Thousand Dollar Question:
As a certain US President would say: What the ****'s going on here?!
Answers on a postcard please?
Best wishes - and try to keep smiling on the often unpredictable and confusing PMR / GCA Journey
'Uncle' MB