Want to change the world while sitting at home with a cup of tea?
I was so glad to see a post by Pepperdoggie today highlighting the great RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch project.
Taking part in this has been a tradition for my wildlife loving family since it began , well before GCA/PMR , but with everything I have had on this week I nearly missed it!!
And I realised , just like PDog , that despite the pain and blurred vision , it is one of the old family activities I could still actively take part in. I wrote a reply but decided to share it in a post with the forum too .
Wildlife Spotting!
Be it from window, garden , car, or park bench is a PMR/ GCA Friendly , Chronic Pain Free Family Activity that you could all take part in straight away today!
Just taking an hour of your time, one day this weekend in January , to sit and record the number and variety of birds coming into your garden , community area , or even at the feeder hanging outside the window of your flat or house ( alone or with others) makes a huge difference to the research about the bird population in your area of the UK.
( You can find the trend , or start one , in other countries too)
It's so easy! Just print off the online survey , sit , tick , and fill in your results.
Or, write down your findings and send them by post to the address online if you have trouble doing computer work.
Most importantly, it is something for people like us on this forum whom suffer from chronic pain, PMR or GCA , that we can enjoy doing with our families , friends or on our own despite the disease.
Many of us suffer and feel loss or sadness at not being able to take part in the family activities , games or Days Out that we once did because of the impact of our symptoms on our physical abilities.
Many of us sit at the sidelines and feel guilty when our children , grandchildren , nieces or nephews or friends want us to take part in something they find fun but we find we can't do them. Or , we feel sorry that we can't actively take part in Community Projects or Social Groups anymore the way we used to.
The ' Big Garden Bird Watch', is an activity that even the most severe sufferers of PMR/ GCA or Chronic Pain among us can do with the little ( or big!!) kids , no matter how hard our symptoms strike. We can feel like contributors , create special memories, maintain bonds and do something for the good of the community again.
We can do it with others or alone and know we still make a difference.
With the family, even if you can't leave your own home you can sit together inside , watch the birds , get the children to fill in the survey ( little kids love spotting games) and talk about the birds.
You can buy feeders , or the ingredients for the family to make them , hang them anywhere you can see and sit and watch them start a tradition that can last generations.
Extend the pain free fun! You can get a book or look online together at the different birds you spot and learn about them , sit and watch them draw and colour in pictures of their favourite birds , have a go yourself!
This sort of PMR/ GCA friendly ( and family bonding activity) can last long after the 'Big Garden BirdWatch' has ended, as the children fill the feeders and spot the birds with you every week , all year around , to create a proper record of what goes on in your garden or outside your window.
Feeling more active ? Motivated? Keep going !!
Buy bird houses to paint and hang if you have the room , see who moves in.
And don't just look out for our feathered friends . Making Hedgehog havens , planting butterfly or bee friendly seeds or plants in pots , making bug hotels , are all things we can take part in to the physical level we can manage , the kids or a friend will do the rest.
And they will love the hours spent visiting Granny , Grandad, Uncle or Aunt, Mum or Dad or their Best Mate without anyone feeling PMR/GCA has to stop the fun.
If your Family already do these things at home , even better!
It means you know they will enjoy doing that at your house too , all you need to do is ask.
All of you will bond again in an activity that doesn't need to stop even with the worst forms of PMR/ GCA , and, you are saving the world too!!
( Let's face it, even if you are 'Bleary-eyed ' the kids can feel so helpful telling you what they see or describing it for you to guess)
There are silver linings even in the darkest skies and I know for many of us GCA/ PMR are the stormiest we have seen , but , who knows , perhaps PMR/ GCA will give us all a positive gift for the future if we manage to encourage the next generation of David Attenborough's despite the pain.
So , Thank You So Much Pepperdoggie for your post ,
' " Big Garden Bird Watch' " Mateys! It's Good for Us! ' ,
and hopefully everyone whom 'likes' my post will pop over to him and give him a ' like' too because without his reminder , I would not have written this post which might encourage you to start a new tradition today.
The RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch , and Wildlife Spotting in general , could remind us all that despite PMR / GCA we are still , " Born to be Wild".
Hugs and Happy Spotting , Bee xxxx
The link : rspb.org.uk/get-involved/ac...
UPDATED : Anyone following or who enjoyed this post and replies can get to find out who won between PDog and Bee in the Birdwatch Challenge , and get a list of some more upcoming events in the UK and Worldwide by reading my follow up post.
Keep spotting Bee xx