We are all set to thinking about our goals for the year on this day across the World.
Some of you may have already even begun your resolutions and set their first footsteps into the New Year.
So , as I , like many others , have been considering my options for 2019 , I thought I would share my conclusions and resolutions with the members and Far Away Friends I have on the PMR/ GCA forum and others coping with chronic pain with thanks for all your support and friendship .
A simple Mantra which I hope will help me cope with the journey ahead , and I hope may be of use to others like me who are still trying to find their feet.
So here it is in 2019 ,
I promise
Never to set myself unachievable goals or unrealistic deadlines .
I will see
Every day as a blessing , even if I am living with a curse.
I will
Wait before I react and consider how I act because I know being painfree is more important than my principles.
I will
Yearn to be healthy, but admit I am unwell. I cannot expect others to accept the limits of my illness if I won't be honest about my limits to myself.
I will
Enjoy the things that I can do , not grieve for the things I can't.
I will
Aim to improve every day but accept that some days I will not improve.
I will
Remember that just because I have symptoms that affect what I can do , it doesn't mean I have no choice in what I choose to do.
If I can manage to remember my Mantra for 2019 , especially when it comes to remembering that I am in charge of my choices about my health care not my Doctors and progress will come from teamwork not from tyranny , and truth not tales to mask it , I hope that I will be able to achieve a calmer , easier journey along the rocky road to recovery from all the symptoms of PMR / GCA and my other health issues.
The right way to get better is different for all of us , and the path to a PMR/ GCA pain free life certainly has no definitive map.
But even if we are all travelling in unchartered territory it is a relief to know that there are some who are further along the road than we are , and a few who have even managed to reach the ultimate destination that we can call upon to help along the way. .
2018 taught me that I am not alone , so 2019 has to be better !
With my new friends in my emergency backpack and the good feeling we can all get by lending each other a hand along the way life is going to be good next year, even if I don't feel good every day.
May the New Year bring great things and hope for us all and thank you all for making PMR / GCA and Chronic Pain easier to live with.
All my love Bee xx
UPDATE : As PMR Canada asked for a photo of our Grand Asylum Firework Display and my OH mucked up the photos of the Sparkler fuelled satsuma wafting in front of Big Ben on the TV , I have resolved to have no shame and not care a fig about the way I look and post this dotty photo of me bringing in the New Year instead.
Complete with knitted Christmas cracker crown , resplendent in my Elton Xmas tree glasses I raised my broken body off the sofa to , " Bring in the New Year" for all of you !
( The curse of being the only dark haired strange one in the house , and probably the strangest dark haired one on this forum )
Well we need to keep up the Old Traditions , and we all need all the luck we can get to succeed on this PMR/GCA trip in 2019 don't we?
Bet you wish it had been delivered in a more attractive package though!
Please note , the two burnt out matches to replace the lump of coal in one hand , and non gluten free bread in the other, clearly proving that diet was not top of my 2019 bucket list!ππ
Happy New Year to you all! ππππ©π