New Year Resolutions!!.... One At A Time Is Enough! - PMRGCAuk


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New Year Resolutions!!.... One At A Time Is Enough!

57 Replies

Resolution! Or is it revolution!... Blame my pred head for this one!...

Time of year again! What we going to give up? All personal of course!

Maybe the wine for me has to go for a while! Give it go I will!

Jury always out on this one!

Perfection I Aint ! Who is?

57 Replies
Grants148 profile image

Another beautiful picture,really brightens a winters day ,although it has been a nice day today for the end of December,l even went into the garden and tidied up a few plants.l hope the mild weather continues ! I can see by your posted pictures that you enjoy nature Pepper .Resolutions ,l have not thought of any yet ,perhaps l should try and give up chocolate,but not yet,too many around this time of year,and there are still three days to go before the new year starts !Happy New year and l hope you manage to keep off the wine .

in reply to Grants148

Thank you & happy new year to yourself Grants. You keep on with the chocs. Enjoy.

I will keep off the wine. Whether that makes me a happier bunny is subjective!

I suspect it may make a difference to how my other medical conditions are treated in the future though! ATB

Rosbud profile image

Mine is eat more , salad and beg , difficult it is !

in reply to Rosbud

Most veg. is ok for me Rose but lettuce or onion is a no no! (tum tum)

Love the meaty proteins & fats myself. Got rid of the remaining spuds tonight with an egg & chips splashed with tomato sauce! Stonking!!

JulianJ profile image

Not sure what I can give up, not a drinker or smoker, but I do need to improve my diet, so maybe that will be it.

I also need to get some work done around the house, I hate it, but I need to get going.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to JulianJ

I always feel anything positive is better than giving something up...

in reply to PMRpro

Surely that depends on what it is Pro! But I see where your coming from!

in reply to JulianJ

Blimey mate you're almost perfect! You carry on the way you're going.

Work needs doing here too. Had to let it go the past few years. We'll both catch up. ATB

JulianJ profile image
JulianJ in reply to

Far from perfect!

BUt I do need to get some stuff sorted and then there is the MX5, would be nice to get it back on the road.

SheffieldJane profile image

Lovely picture! I am giving up blaming myself for everything. I want to get my minor ailments dealt with, like my toes and be a lot more forgiving of myself. Also, more wine........🥂

in reply to SheffieldJane

Hey! Don't mention toes or wine! Can't feel the former & feel too much for the latter!

Yes. Stop blaming yourself you're good un..... Just don't blame me! ATB

bunnymom profile image
bunnymom in reply to SheffieldJane

Have your family all gone home? I think I'm ready for mine to go. I've had all the fun I can stand.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to bunnymom

I know bunnymom! Isn’t it awful? They’ve gone....... I miss Theo. 😢

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to SheffieldJane

Jane I’m so sorry. I’ve been afraid to ask. Oh sweetheart I feel your pain. Talk to me??

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Daisychain12

I am undone when I find the odd little sock. We are going out there at the end of March.

Lovely pic PD, I would post a photo of my allotment but it's soil covered in horse muck, to me a triumph that my lottie is now almost weed free and ready for the coming season but I doubt it would cheer people up like your photos. I gave up drinking till Christmas, felt much better but will abstain again after the New Year, trouble with me I can't have just one glass!!!!

Happy gardening in the new year let's hope we get a summer like 2018!!!

in reply to

Ahh! The " just the one glass of wine syndrome"! Wish I suffered with that one!!

Glug glug!... Well! Where did that go mystery!!.. Maybe it evaporated!... May as well pour another!

You're lucky to get horse muck it's like gold dust round here. I don't trust the local stable stuff, it's mostly chemically smelling wood shavings & straw.

It's always satisfying to see that cleared blank canvas for the next season. The planning can start for the Spring.

Happy Gardening for yourself. You can put your feet up for a couple of months now.

RunRabbitRun profile image

My New Year's resolution is to listen to my body/PMR and not let my head rule.

This is how it normally goes:

PMR: I think a flare is coming on

Head: no it's not, you're fine

PMR: yes it is, my hips feel stiff

Head: just take a paracetamol, you'll be fine

PMR: Now my shoulders are getting stiff

Head: You're not getting more pred, you need to toughen up, we are getting off this stuff

A few days later...

Head: argggh why can't I turn over? I'm so stiff

PMR: *waves* it's meeeee!

Head: *groan* where's the pred?

in reply to RunRabbitRun

Lovely!... So true! .... The Mind v Body battle. Same for me. ATB

RunRabbitRun profile image
RunRabbitRun in reply to

I've learnt the hard way, believed the docs that it would be gone in two years, got down to 1mg refused to go back up when signs suggested a flare. :( Since joining here I've learned so much more.

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to RunRabbitRun

Oh sweetheart. You are so hard on your self. You are so brave and funny xxx

Yes we just want it over with don't we! So many docs still don't get it with their barmy plans. Listening to the body is not easy but eventually it bites back if we don't!

This forum is a Godsend. People with great experience & information to share.

nickm001 profile image

Nice pic... Many talk about giving things up... I would like to try something new... I was thinking to try new sport ... We have lovely lake near by and ocean is 20min away... so I am thinking either surfing or windsurfing :)

in reply to nickm001

Sounds great nick. You must be in warm climes! Good luck with the adventure.

Maybe I should give up on giving up!!! If that's possible!

nickm001 profile image
nickm001 in reply to

It is warm relatively speaking , but I do have to wait until spring to try either one of them.

PMRCanada profile image
PMRCanada in reply to nickm001

My hubby wants to try surfing. 🌊

nickm001 profile image
nickm001 in reply to PMRCanada

for me it is more of a wish then resolution, but I like to try something different now and then. I live 5 min from the lake that is famous for windsurfing and about 20 min from beach (pacific ocean)... It is a nice area and that is one of the reason we picked it for retirement.

PMRCanada profile image
PMRCanada in reply to nickm001

Where are you located?

nickm001 profile image
nickm001 in reply to PMRCanada

Hamamatsu city - Japan.

PMRCanada profile image
PMRCanada in reply to nickm001

Wow! How interesting. Never been to Japan before, but my OH’s daughter went there for 3 weeks a few years ago.

Hope you get the opportunity to get on that surfboard this year.

nickm001 profile image
nickm001 in reply to PMRCanada

Thanks! Japan is a beautiful place. So is Canada. I lived in western part of Canada ( Edmonton) for several years back in 80's.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to nickm001

We have a good friend who works for Hamamatsu in the US

bunnymom profile image

I am afraid I have over done the sweets and not feeling as well. Time to get back to better eating 🍅

in reply to bunnymom

It's boring discipline that wears me down bunny!... I'm just not wired for it! ..But "needs must" as "They" say!.... Who ever the "They" are!

Cyclegirl54 profile image
Cyclegirl54 in reply to bunnymom

Me too after Christmas Day lunch! It was the white chocolate ones that were my downfall! I’ve learnt my lesson!

bunnymom profile image

Oh and I'm going to walk a bit each day after the new years starts.

in reply to bunnymom

Brilliant. Steady as you go though!

HeronNS profile image

Agree with PMRpro that a positive action better than a negative one. I've bought a new sketchbook and starting January 1st I'm going to draw a picture every day. Did this for a while last year and it was good. But of my several resolutions last year this is the one that got away, so I'm catching it again in 2019.... Last year's continue, of course: play the piano every day, pretend I'm learning several languages by doing exercises on Duolingo every day. Try to sing or read aloud every day. Go for a walk every day and try to get in 10,000 steps. But don't think I've failed if I miss a day or a week but pick myself up and carry on. That's enough to be getting on with, isn't it?

in reply to HeronNS

That's great Heron. Combined with house move lots going on for you! Well done Matey.

Music & languages I have no talent..! Hear a good tune though & can swear well enough!

Sometimes my positive action is to give up on the previous negative view! Or Not! ..Rest my case!!!

Happy & Healthy to you H

Dontwannabesick profile image

The only N Y resolution I ever succeeded in keeping was to stop making N Y resolutions. But I must say this year I will launch a determined attack on the 6 pounds I've gained over Christmas. Enjoyed it though!

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to Dontwannabesick

Wow, and I was rather annoyed that I put on 1 1/2 pounds.

Dontwannabesick profile image
Dontwannabesick in reply to Constance13

I did deserve it. I just said blow it, I'm going to eat and drink what I like. Unrepentant. I enjoyed every last mouthfull.

in reply to Dontwannabesick

Was that weight or pounds Sterling!... Must have a go at reducing my gut too... I'll need to hire a valet to tie my shoes up soon!! (1 stone gain in 18 months)

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to

Can’t remember what 1 1/2 pounds sterling feels like now. What can you buy with it?

in reply to Constance13

Feels heavy in the pocket! ..About 2 & a quarter 1st class stamps! Which are a waste of money with one collection one delivery for most of us!

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to Constance13

PS. And THAT should have been kilos!!! It gets worse and worse!😏😏

Sorop profile image

Lovely picture hope you will blossom this new year. Gives hope for the future. One thing I will not be giving up is this forum! Thank you for your support, information, and humour over this last year. Happy new year🎈

in reply to Sorop

Happy New Year to you Sorop. Yes this forum is a lifesaver. Amazing contributions in such circumstances from all.

Cyclegirl54 profile image

I’m going to try and not worry about stuff so much. Oh and drink more tea( if that’s possible!) Ha ha!

in reply to Cyclegirl54

You go for it Cyclegirl.. I can sense the determination!!

Cyclegirl54 profile image
Cyclegirl54 in reply to

Lol! 😀 more tea Vicar!

Blearyeyed profile image

I wrote a post much like you today filled with sensible ideas for my resolutions.

But , as it degenerated quite rapidly into a conversation about holding a PMR pyjama party dressed as babies drinking gin from feeding cups , I think you can assume that many of us on here are not resolving to be sensible or give up our sense of humour this year despite the PMR ( sorry folks!)

I am resolved !!! Unfathomable and unsolvable but resolved nonetheless!!

Big kiss for New Year to you and all ( I'm not fussy and don't ration my germs!!😂😂😂)

Bee xx

Greetings Bee...I think we have switched persona's this New Year morning as I sit " Blearyeyed" prodding the keys with my index finger!! No more wine by the end of the week!! .. See I have already shifted the resolution by a few days!!.. It's going to be a taper for a toper!! .. The logic being,it does no one any good to stop too abruptly!...The line in the sand has rippled in the early morning breeze..

Thanks for the kiss but you can keep your germs... All The Best for the New Year. Hope your health improves and any "Burning Issues" are resolved!!

PD xx

I’m with you on the Wine 🍷

Happy New Year 🥳🥂🍾

Wishing Better Health for Us All in 2019 🙏🏼

in reply to

Happy & Healthy New Year for yourself MrsN... Love the blanks! ...Always a new medical adventure on the horizon to look forward too! ATB

tgca profile image

I am going to give up trying to give things up and DO MORE..!

in reply to tgca

Tough it seems mate! You go for it! Personal it always is for all! ATB

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