Bah Humbug or How SugarPlum Mary Saved Christmas - PMRGCAuk


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Bah Humbug or How SugarPlum Mary Saved Christmas

41 Replies

The very first "fictional" rant, written by Rantings of a Mad Woman

Those that can't do... RANT!

Warning; this rant does contain some colourful language. If you're easily offended by expletives, perhaps you want to think twice before clicking on the link above.

**** A very special THANKS to “Teesher” for providing the basis and creative inspiration for this seasonal “rant.” Without that “spark of brilliance,” this rant, could not have been written. ****

41 Replies
Pat9442 profile image

Brilliant! Is there to be a sequel telling how she got on?

in reply to Pat9442

Ohhhh, THANK YOU! Pat9442! We'll see.. I'll wait to hear the general consensus as it's my first try at "fiction" and God knows it might be real shite! 🤣 ... but Teesher's idea was so brilliant, I could not let it just sit!

stellafmdm profile image

Brilliant!! keep it up Melissa!!!

in reply to stellafmdm

Cheers Stellafmdm!!!

Rimmy profile image

LOL !! we are still laughing Melissa - a fantastic - inspiring ingenious piece of 'feminist' story-telling - Sugar Plum Mary will do a fab job - even better than her predecessor as we all know !! Loved it !!

D & R


in reply to Rimmy

Thank you Rimmy & Ruth! She heard her calling and she RAN towards it!


Jean56 profile image

You’ve got talent. Fantastic keep up the good work.

in reply to Jean56

Hehehehehe Thanks Jean56, Not sure about talent but maybe an overactive imagination! Thank you for reading!

scats profile image

Loved it. With just a little judicious pruning I will be able to share it with the grandchildren!

in reply to scats

Hehehehehe, I love that "judicious pruning!" Yes, how wonderful! Cheers!

bunnymom profile image

Very clever. Poor old guy. But would Santa swear? ( I know I was warned)

in reply to bunnymom

Yes bunnymom, *laughing* in my world, everyone swears! It's mandatory!

Thank you for being brave and reading... I appreciate it! Now go wash your ears out with soap! xxx

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to bunnymom

I never used to swear , I was known for my lack of bad language until this illness hit.

So , I think possibly Santa would too.

Maybe , like my family and friends , when he finally did swear , all the elves looked as shocked as they could be , and virtually did a back somersault like the kids do in the ' Peanuts and Snoopy ' cartoons.

in reply to Blearyeyed

Yeah... I think working with children for all those centuries, may have allowed Santa to let loose and drop a few "F" Bombs... I know I would!

peace_lover profile image

I want Santa’s GP. He EXPLAINED things to him in detail .😍

Can’t wait for Santa’s visit to the Rheumy....🤔

Not sure about Sugar Plum, she sounds a bit too good to be true!😉

Love it!

in reply to peace_lover

I know right.. his GP Rocks!

Primarose profile image

Ho, Ho, Ho! You are amazing mamici1. Brillo, brillo, brillo!

So well written, we can all relate to poor old Father Christmas.

I just reading your Rants.

in reply to Primarose

Awe... thank you! Thank you so much! I appreciate you reading it!

teesher profile image

Love this Xmas rant and to find that pmr can stretch even Santa's patience. So funny to hear him swear and that expression on Santa's face perfectly sums up pmr on a bad day. LOL.

in reply to teesher

Ohhhh yes, PMR/GCA kicked his butt too!!!! Thanks for your support! ..and inspiration!!!! You were my muse! xxx

Blearyeyed profile image

That is the funniest , sweetest and most poignant story I have read in years , not just on the subjects of PMR and Christmas but as a whole.

You really are an incredible and entertaining writer and maybe the silver lining to PMRGCA isn't just that Sugar Plum Mary got the chance to deliver Christmas but that it inspired you to unleash your talents and entertain us all.

It is wonderful to read , especially when I get to see that their other people out there as bonkers as I am ( with or without the pain and Pred) .

Thank you so much for making my , and many others, sick , dark days so much more bearable. You really don't know how much difference you make to our quality of life .

Hugs . BEE aka VENOM xx

in reply to Blearyeyed

Awe, thank you, you are so kind!!!!!!! I am definitely as "bonkers as you, " if not more.... but misery loves company so thank you for joining me! Thank you also for reading and for your support! xxx

CT-5012 profile image

Fantastic Melissa, still laughing you definitely have a way of telling a story. Loved it. 😂🌟

in reply to CT-5012

Ohhhhhh good! I am so happy it made you laugh! Thank you for reading and for supporting me!!!!!

Grants148 profile image

Great story mamici,l loved it ,you are a talented writer .lt certainly put a big smile on my face !

in reply to Grants148

Ohhhh, thank you Grant148! Thank you so much!!!! I appreciate your support and your encouragement!

Footfairy-1 profile image

Brilliant! Fantastic! I'll probably be dreaming about it tonight. Hahaha. I love the humour and the swearing. When I suddenly started to swear - usually F-Bombs (occasionally) after diagnosis, my friends and family thought and still think it's hilarious.

I also love Santas GP. Why can't all GPS be like that?

You're so talented.

You may say it's your over-active imagination but that's exactly what goes towards making a great writer.

I can't believe it's your first venture into fiction writing - please keep going. I can't wait for your first novel!

Thank Fu..... goodness Christmas is still going to happen 🌲☃️❄️🍷🎉

in reply to Footfairy-1

Hahahahahahaha! Thank you Footfairy-1, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thank you so much for reading and for your support and encouragement. Cheers

Telian profile image

Loved it, made me feel like I was there and really wanted to know the ending...sequel next year?

in reply to Telian

Ohhhhh thank you Telian!!!!! I'm so happy you liked it!!!! We'll see about a sequel...

Thanks for supporting me!

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to

You are welcome, I love fantasy and animated films....

As "Bruno" would say...." Brilliant! The Sugar Plum Fairy Rides Again"!!

in reply to

Thank you PD! ❤️

Just loved it. Really cheered me up this morning. X

in reply to

Oh that's GREAT! I'm happy to hear that! Thank you!!!!

Suffolklady profile image

Lol that was truly brilliant. Only you could think up Mrs Claus having a crafty fag in the corner it’s surprising she didn’t sneak a bit of cannabis in the cookie jars. For a few minutes of reading I forget everything as I was so engrossed and roared at swearing - you are an amazing story teller.

in reply to Suffolklady

Ohhhhhh thank you Suffolklady!!! I did originally have Mrs Claus smoking a joint... but thought I may have crossed a line! 🤣 . I am happy you enjoyed it! Thank you for your encouragement and support!

Jackoh profile image

Loved it!! Xx

in reply to Jackoh

Cheers! xx

Berylholley profile image

I am having to read it in parts but can't wait to get back to it. THANKS mamici1

No, thank you!!!!! xxx

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