Flights of fancy on a November day when maybe we could do with some light relief from Persistently Monotonous Revisiting of our various states of body/mind - this is just me having a bit of a riff on a surprise rainbow, not seen by me at the time but somehow picked up by my trusty camera lens. It just got me thinking in the pre-dawn greyness...
Birds: the air is filled with them, visible, audible, borne along on the wind; Words; the air is filled with them, all our voices borne on the wind lost to hearing but receding into endless space, what an invisible network surrounds us of languages spoken today (or uttered in an ancient long-lost past, wish we could hear those). Guess they are all still rippling out into billions of miles of faraway galaxies. Except that there is no sound in space... get a grip! Although is a 12 minute hypnotic look and listen to the Earth from the Space Station. Puts a lot of things into perspective.
The words we share here form a written glue uniting unseen strangers who are strangely 'known' more thoroughly than maybe family or friends - here we all are, flocks of 'birds of a feather', fellow-sufferers winging it day by day all joined in understanding and co-operation. I've been imagining ( I have far too much time on my hands) that certain words and phrases could be represented by a bird: 'I wish' (a charm of goldfinches); 'Help Me' (a parliament of owls ); 'Pain' (a murder of crows, and a pitying of turtledoves); 'I feel so isolated' (a hermitage of thrushes); and lastly perhaps I should go and join an asylum of cuckoos!
And the sun's just come out