Query re flares: Since diagnosis I have been... - PMRGCAuk


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Query re flares

Theziggy profile image
37 Replies

Since diagnosis I have been attempted to taper - I got down to 9 (from 15 - 12.5 - 10 ) and had 2 flares and started again and that time I got down to 10 mg and had a bad flare in my hand - so back to 15 and then down to 12.5 and on Thursday evening my right hand and elbow felt very crampy but NOT the intensity of pain or incapacity of any of my PMR attacks, but last night it blew up into a full flare.

What I'm trying to ask is - why is this happening at 12.5 mg and what should I do now?

This is the only place where I can get any help and advice and really would appreciate either. The hand is not as bad today but that is par for my course, my attacks usually last 2-3 days but get worse during the day

Thanks in advance

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Theziggy profile image
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37 Replies
DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer


Do you mean your attack last 2 to 3 days and then you are okay, or do you mean after 2 or 3 days you increase, and therefore the pain goes?

That might sound a silly question but I'm trying to ascertain whether it is a flare or only steroid withdrawal. Also how quickly do the symptoms return? if virtually straight away after drop then more likely to be SW, if a week or so once you've been on dose then likely to be a flare.

Could also be that the inflammation has never been completely cleared - even at 15mg, that level may only just be enough, so every time you drop below then the daily production of inflammation builds up again.

How are you reducing - overnight? Might be worth trying a slower taper. see -


Plus you could also try 1mg reductions instead of 2.5mg - that obviously doesn't suit.

Theziggy profile image
Theziggy in reply to DorsetLady

I mean that when I get an attack/flare that I increase the pred again to 15 and start tapering again. This time myself and my GP thought I could taper from 12.5 to 11 and I thought of doing the taper the DSNS 26 day plan - and then - a flare at 12.5

It happens usually after a week on a new dose. I am aware that I don't know if it is PMR or Steroid Withdrawal

Thank you so much DorsetLady

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Theziggy

If it comes on about a week after reducing then you say it’s PMR and that new dose is not enough.

As previously stated think it’s still lurking and any reduction is enough to let it flare again.

PMRpro has advised on other problems, but as always if it is PMR then you need to take the dose YOU need - not what doctor thinks you need! Even more relevant if you have other things going on!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Theziggy

And you have to bear in mind that every time you flare you are effectively going back to the start. If you reduced in smaller steps then you probably wouldn't have flared more than once, at most twice. The worst thing that can happen is to get into a yoyo pattern with the dose - because it become increasingly difficult to get the inflammation under control (nobody knows why, it is just so). You need to clear it out and not let it come back to a noticeable level by reacting quickly if it happens.

PMRpro profile image

To add to DL's comment - at the very least I think you are expecting too much to be able to go from 15 to 12.5 to 10. And I don't CARE what your doctor tells you everyone else does. I bet they don't.

But the other question is - is there something going on in that elbow? I had what I thought was repetitive strain injury that ran diagnonally from the outside of my elbow to the inside of my wrist. It eventually cleared with pred but it did take months to go altogether. We eventually decided it had been tenosynovitis - from the PMR.

Theziggy profile image
Theziggy in reply to PMRpro

I was wondering if it was something else, I seem to blame everything on PMR - seems to be affecting my hand/elbow

Good news is that it is pretty much pain free today

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Theziggy

Cubital tunnel syndrome can cause elbow pain too, as well as most symptoms being in the hand.


I have a bit of trouble with tingling in the little and ring fingers - it is usually because of having my shoulder at the wrong angle since it goes if I move.

Theziggy profile image
Theziggy in reply to PMRpro

Thanks PMRpro

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Theziggy

Did you see the bit I just added? We were posting at the same time!!!

Theziggy profile image
Theziggy in reply to PMRpro

No I didn't see the bit you added (obviously I have now) I do notice that my middle finger on my right hand is fatter than the other fingers - and fatter than the middle finger on my left hand too,

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Theziggy

Middle finger is usually associated with carpal tunnel - but it definitely needs a bit of thought by someone, especially as you say it stops you driving.

Theziggy profile image
Theziggy in reply to PMRpro

No, the thicker finger doesn't affect me at all, it is pretty much cosmetic and a bit of a curiosity to me. It is just when a flare (or pred withdrawal ???) affects my hand or arm or leg that I can't drive - just physically impossible from a pain point of view.

Thanks so much for your input PMRpro

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Theziggy

I meant the whole thing, not just the swollen middle finger. They'll probably tell you that is OA... Whether it is or not!

Theziggy profile image
Theziggy in reply to PMRpro

Thank you. I'm not really worried about my 'thicker' finger , it has no pain associated with it. But what do you mean by 'the whole thing' ?

I mean I have PMR so what is the 'whole thing'

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Theziggy

Hello Theziggy, I think PMRPro is suggesting that your hand and elbow symptoms could add up to a non primary PMR condition that might require different treatment. It’s worth investigating.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Theziggy

The finger, the elbow, the wrist and hand. As SJ says - are they "just" PMR add-ons? Or are they something separate - which would be my suspicion.

Suffererc profile image

I have been/am in the same position as you. Felt good on 12 1/2 and tapered to 91/2. Am doing alternate days at moment of 9 And 9 1/2. Don't seem to move at this point. Have extremely good days and not so good. Very frustrating

Suffererc profile image
Suffererc in reply to Suffererc

Ps. I am only tapering at 1 - 1/2 mg at a time. Even 1 was too much

Theziggy profile image

I was aiming to taper from 12.5 to 11 using the 26 week DSNS plan starting on the 3rd December, and still plan to try that

It is just so frustrating e.g. that I can't drive for any considerable distance as I could flare in the late morning /afternoon and may be unable to drive the return journey

Theziggy profile image

More help needed:-

After my 2nd last flare on 19th October with the swollen hand I upped to 15 mg going down to 12.5 mg on 5th Nov with a view to using DSNS 26 day plan to go from 12.5 to 11mg starting on 3rd Dec.

However then I had a flare on 23nd Nov, which had one day of a half blown flare which increased to full blown next day and abated on 26th. I didn't increase my dose.

Woke up this morning with pain in right shoulder, but not incapacitating. Then this evening my right groin is sore and tender, which is usually a precurseur of a flare/attack, right shoulder still painful but not overly.

I await tomorrow to see if it gets full blown.

However, what should I do?

increase the pred to 15 again or continue with my DSNS plan to decrease from 12.5 to 11, starting next Monday.

Your help is much appreciated as I don't know when I will see my Rheumatologist again, and my GP is not a great help (but is allowing me to control my Tapering).

Thanks in advance. 😎

(edit) I notice that all the taper plans on steroidtaper.azurewebsites.... except the 3 DSNS plans and Dorset Lady's slow taper plan all jump from 15mg to 12.5 and then to 10. Would 15 to 13.5 to 12 to 11 to 10 and so on be acceptable values for a DSNS plan?

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Theziggy

Is the dx of PMR a confident one? Flares of the sort you are describing aren't a common occurrence in PMR - they sound more like palidromic rheumatism which can present very similarly to PMR in the early stages.

Theziggy profile image
Theziggy in reply to PMRpro

I was diagnosed by my rheumatologist after a five minute examination and slightly raised esr. He seemed confident and to be honest - what did I know.

I do know that from reading through the forum that my PMR seems a bit different form others here. It started with burst of extreme pain stiffness in various areas of my body - shoulder, arm, hand, groin, knee, foot, sometimes two areas at the same time. These could prevent me from walking or driving and doing everyday things and usually lasted about 2 - 3 days before subsiding.

When I first took PMR I was always fine in the morning, but a dull ache in my groin or shoulder throughout the morning could explode into the afternoon into any of those areas.

The flares have followed the same path - usually two days length - don't occur full-blown until afternoon but then they stay constantly for about 2 days.

One of the doctors who examined me mentioned palindromic rheumatism - but didn't go any further leaving it up to the rheumatologist to diagnose.

Thanks PMR, but I have no idea of how to ask for a second opinion.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Theziggy

Your presentation is typical of palindromic rheumatism - an inflammmatory arthritis that inititally comes and goes, the attacks can be hours or days and then disappear until the next time. Eventually it may settle down to form a more typical inflammatory arthritis - and some of them can present very like PMR in the early days with similar stiffness etc. It is thought about 1 in 6 patients with an initial PMR diagnosis have it changed at some point.

So it HAS been thought of - high time to get a second opinion I think and to do that you go to your GP and tell them that this isn't being typical PMR, that someone mentioned PR last time and you have been told that what is happening sounds more like PR than PMR.

Have you a diary of when and what? Make notes, bullet points are good and take them to the doctor when you go to ask (demand nicely) for another opinion.

Theziggy profile image
Theziggy in reply to PMRpro

I am on day 8 of the DSNS 26 day plan, from 12.5 to 11 mg pred, which means essentially I have had 12.5 mg on every day except day 5 when I had 11 mg. Yesterday evening I noticed my left shoulder getting uncomfortable but not full flare pain. But ......... today the pain went down my upper arm and driving this afternoon was not possible. Certain movements cause a lot of pain and it is sore to touch but isn't swollen or red.

Do you think I should I abandon the tapering plan until I see my Rhuemy on 8th Jan and go back to 15 again?

Thanks in advance 8-)

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Theziggy

What's the matter with sticking at 12.5mg? I've had a flare, back to 15mg. So every so often I try 14mg instead. But after getting to 3 or 4 consecutive days, some arm-ache that heralds a flare returns slightly. More to the point, although the PMR feels OK, the "atrial fibrillation plus" reappears after 2 days. It is bizarre - but even a tiny amount too little can result in something...

Theziggy profile image
Theziggy in reply to PMRpro

You aren't at 14 yet @PMRpro? Not for the want of trying I'd guess!

I took an extra 5mg this evening which seems to have eased the flare to some degree.

Plus I seem to be flaring quite often on 12.5 :-(

Still wondering if it is PMR or Palindromic or both.

Such a learning curve since developing it in March and diagnosis in June (though the GP had me on steroids before diagnosis).

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Theziggy

I'd be fine on 14 for the plain PMR - but the increased atrial fibrillation and brief dizzy episodes are just not livable with. The cardiologist is in agreement that the vasculitis of PMR/GCA is closely associated with the cardiac symptoms. She can't offer anything more for the a/f - so we are using the pred!

Theziggy profile image
Theziggy in reply to PMRpro

Any views on what dose I should take now?

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Theziggy

Other than 12.5 if it is enough - otherwise go back to what you need. It might not be the full 15mg.

Theziggy profile image
Theziggy in reply to PMRpro

The flare moved from my shoulder/upper arm (some pain remains) , to my left hand today, I can't clench my fist or hold anything, driving is tough. I took 12.5 this morning and a further 2.5 this evening. May take 15 tomorrow, very disappointed by set back.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Theziggy

That doesn't sound very PMR-ish I have to say...

Theziggy profile image
Theziggy in reply to PMRpro

I'm not totally convinced it sounds like Palindromic Rheumatism either - NSAIDS never helped it and it doesn't fit all the symptoms for PR. Thanks very much for your help and advice PMRpro it is much appreciated 8-)

Theziggy profile image

Thanks PMRpro

It does seem to be more like palindromic rheumatism. Though when researching I did find one person who had both PMR and PR !!!

To be honest, I would prefer the PMR than the PR.

Though it seems the first drugs used for PR are NSAIDS, when I first went to my GP with pains that is what I was prescribed and they made no difference at all. Steroids are rarely used for PR. Trouble is I have been on steroids and can't just stop them. Bit miffed about that!

I do have a diary from the very start and can easily make notes from it. It is like starting all over again. But my GP would just refer me to the Rheumatologist whom I am waiting for a new appointment with anyway as he cancelled my last appointment. Which might be quicker than a referral - which in Northern Ireland at the moment, if not deemed urgent, waiting time is about 2 -3 years!!!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Theziggy

Lord - it was 18 months last time I heard! Thought it was bad in the UK...

Theziggy profile image
Theziggy in reply to PMRpro

So, should I continue with my plan to go from 12.5 to 11 DSNS starting Monday? My shoulder flare got sore - to touch and move but not as excruciatingly painful or incapacitating as a full flare - it was as if the steroids were holding it back!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Theziggy

Not sure I would - until the shoulder calms down. But I can't remember any of the joint pain in PMR being sore to touch - if I'm interpreting what you say correctly. Your GP should agitate for that cancelled appointment to be reinstated asap.

Theziggy profile image
Theziggy in reply to PMRpro

Some good news - got my rescheduled appointment with my rheumatologist for the 8th Jan.

Have started tapering from 12.5 to 11 using the 26 day DSNS plan.

Thanks to everybody for their kind help and advice. 8-)

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