I am constantly feeling cold.Is this an effect of Pred?
Feeling cold is normal?: I am constantly feeling... - PMRGCAuk
Feeling cold is normal?

Not usually - but to start with I always felt too hot. Then suddenly after a few years of pred I suddenly felt cold and needed socks and sweaters in the winter. Think that was preferable to be honest - something comforting about needing a hot water bottle!
Hi, I have been on pred since May this year and now we are into autumn, have started really feeling the cold. Thought it was maybe due to an underactive thyroid but that was checked a couple of weeks ago and it was fine.
I sit with fluffy socks and wool jumper at night while OH comfortable in short sleeved shirt! Our daughter says it’s because “you don’t have any fat on your bones” !! Have no idea what the cause is, be interesting to see if other people are the same. Currently on 8mg pred.
"that was checked a couple of weeks ago and it was fine."
What was fine? TSH? Pred suppresses TSH, which means it may appear OK, but in fact it should be raised.
When I had my monthly review with the GP, she told me the thyroid check “was within the normal range” , and my thyroxine did not need any change. I just assumed she knew what she was talking about, but maybe I should raise the matter with her again, Thankyou for the information!
Started in March and now down to 5mg.Have tended to feel the cold b4 but not like this!
Over the last year, have had very cold hands and feet...even when rest of me is hot.....today went to chiropodist who commented on my blue toes!.....she told me to watch out for chilblains.....I have got a hot water bottle for feet.....so will be using that...all helps. I have been on pre d 7 years, but this last year have had cold extremities....
Hot mostly Marotic. Mention it to the doctor. What stage are you at in the disease process?
Chills are listed as a symptom of GCA. I was very very cold before prednisone. I could not get warm. There is the thought that since your arteries are inflamed less blood is getting to your organs so your body reacts as it does to very cold where capillaries are constricted to get blood where it is most critically needed?
I am now on 7 mg of pred after two years of GCA and am so cold, heating on all day, wrapped up in thick woolies, electric blanket at night, very cosy! I think it's probably due to reduced circulation from the inflammation.
However love looking at the fabulous autumn colours on the trees.
Keep warm!
I was cold and stiff before i started on Pred. Once I was on the full dose I started to warm up and hardly felt the cold. We are all different I guess. Maybe it was because I had energy to rush about.
I think so. I was hot and had miserable sweating all summer. The minute the weather changed I am getting the shivers and bundling up more.
We are all different. For the first time in my life I am always too hot. I am still wearing sandals in November and I live in Nebraska! I started on prednisone in September 2017.
I am always too hot, I have menopausal type hot flushes since I have been on Pred which is unfair but saves on heating. Summer was miserable though
I have gone from always feeling cold to standing outside in the frost relishing the cold in short sleeves. I have found that I am not too bad until I start to feel a bit warm and then my body just can't stop overheating and I go bright red and start springing sweat mainly from my neck! Not a great look!