How a dose of the PMR/GCA community gets me throu... - PMRGCAuk


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How a dose of the PMR/GCA community gets me through the day.

Blearyeyed profile image
34 Replies

So , picture the scene over here at what my friends lovingly call , "The Asylum", if you will .

I am attempting to help my daughter create some party decorations for Halloween.

I am presently sitting here with a Gryffindor striped sock tied around my head , like a Rambo inspired House Elf, trying to give my throbbing temples some pressure induced pain relief and have managed to stick , not one , but two ping pong ball headed ghosts to the palms of my hands with hot glue in my Bleary-eyed state.

It should make me feel sad that just a few short years ago I have comedy photos of me at a Halloween music festival, dressed as Julie Newmars Catwoman ( she was the best, FACT!!) , being unceremoniously " arrested", hands mock cuffed behind my back by a far too willing real life policeman.

What stops me feeling sad about the changes that have come about ?

The posts and partners in PMR crime I have on this site.

Not the Hammer Horror like events that we are all being put through by our various medically trained torturers of course, but the light-hearted banter that eventually begins between us all as we try to find out blurry eyed way through the minefield of our illness and it's effects and cheer each other up on the way.

I could , of course, be a pitiful sight , sitting at the table , sock on head , manically trying to shake a gluey ghost off my fingers on one hand while typing this with the other, but funny chats like I have had this morning , are the best thing I have found to lift me from the PMR gloom.

Via Mamici 1s post , Catch 22, I have been able to cheer myself with Sheffield Jane's amusement at me walking down the street , looking like a drunken vagrant and supervised by my daughter .

Turned that into the possibility of creating a PMR/GCA flash mob of wobbling zombies , dancing to the spooky tinnitus version of Michael Jackson's, ' Thriller' , playing in my head ( obviously a silver lining of the condition!!).

Mamici, Rimmy and I have even decided to throw the crumpled party hats from the pity party aside and organise a PMR/GCA Halloween party instead , complete with countrerband portions of gooey cake and party games involving dunking our worst doctors in the apple bobbing barrel until their toes wiggle , and full body tar and feathering them in syrup and rice crispies until they surrender and give us the pain relief we require.

( Perhaps Doctor Torturing should become a form of behavioural therapy to get over the Pred induced blues and made available on the NHS?)

If anybody else would like an invite you are most welcome, please apply below. I think the first annual electronic Halloween Party of PMR induced psychosis will be this years big event!

Yes, I know it sounds like I am suffering from some sort of Halloween inspired , pain induced lunacy , but in reality , it's this sort of light hearted banter , with people who understand what we are all going through , and are willing to send out an electronic hug and a few funny words despite their own troubles that keeps me going through the day.

So I just wanted to say to all those members on the site that give me great advice , the cheery support and the odd bit of cheeky banter THANK YOU SO MUCH, I really don't think I would be here and my version of sane without you.

Bye for now, see you all with your zombie rags on and above all,

We ain't afraid of no white coats!!

Pain Free Halloween All

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Blearyeyed profile image
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34 Replies

No Blearyeyed, THANK YOU! You make me think and consider, laugh and giggle... I see your comments and I forget how pissed off at the world I am! This one above is no exception.... the image of you making Halloween decorations with a "...Gryffindor striped sock," tied around your head... like a "Rambo inspired House Elf," had me in stitches! And then... as if that didn't make me pee myself just a little, sticking "... not one , but two ping pong ball headed ghosts to the palms of my hands with hot glue," had tea spewing from my mouth... So, thank you! I now need to not only change my pants, I need to change my top! 😳

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to

Glad I was able to give that warm, although somewhat damp feeling inside.

From a fellow Slackbladder and Partner in PMR Crime .

You can change your pants, but leave your hat on!!

Party on dude!! xxxx

in reply to Blearyeyed

ROTFLMAO! 🎩 back to work! Those Halloween decorations are not going to make themselves!!!!!

Suet3942 profile image
Suet3942 in reply to Blearyeyed

Another pred side effect - slackbkadder indeed!! 😆😆

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Suet3942

Yes, Slackbladder is one of those drug induced badly behaved alter egos my friends and I have

( some of them don't have the drugs to excuse it ) , she pees when she laughs or sneezes , first name Jenny!!

She has sisters called Jenny Wobble , Penny Limp, and a brother called Benny Brain Fog, the winter nights just fly by around here!!!

Mai45 profile image

Oh, that post was brilliant! I have such a wonderful vision of you and such fellow feeling, as I’m one of the clumsiest people I know. I really do hope your headache clears and you shift the ping pong eyes without the aid of A&E.

Keep smiling through, no matter what! And look on the bright side, at least the sock is Gryffindor. Can you imagine how you’d feel if it was Slytherin?

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Mai45

Pretty sure Slytherin sock bands are for the exclusive use of poorly trained medical practitioners , until they get dunked in the bobbing bucket of course!

Glad it gave you a little fun , and be relieved , I have managed to remove the ping pong ghosts without medical assistance. Although I did nearly take my daughters eye out as one came loose at speed and flew across the room. It was a Homicidal Casper moment before it hit the wall.

Hope to see you with us other loons at our imaginary Halloween bash.

Mai45 profile image
Mai45 in reply to Blearyeyed

Just tell me the time and place. Directions from Goggle eye-maps?

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Mai45

Just follow the ping pong ghosts, hugs x

Longtimer profile image

Love it....I'm sure pred enhances the imagination.....cheaper than alchohol!😀

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Longtimer

Believe it or not I was this nuts without the medication or the alcohol!!

There is a reason this house is affectionately known as , " The Asylum" , and it isn't just the amount of times the neighbours see me opening the door to the men in white coats looking like a dressing gown adorned Brian May on a bad hair day!

Glad you enjoyed it and if you have any doctors you want to add to the ducking list feel free.

Hugs BE xx

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Longtimer

Just noticed autocorrect bizarrely added a rude word into my initial reply , I have corrected it and hope it didn't shock , sorry.

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to Blearyeyed

It takes a lot to shock's ok, I loathe predictive text, I have to check always because of some of the words ....they would have locked me up!

Have a love weird and wacky weekend!...

Suet3942 profile image
Suet3942 in reply to Blearyeyed

Good job it didn’t auto correct ‘’ ducking list’’. 😂😂

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Suet3942

That was exactly what it did autocorrect, I just saw it when I was replying to someone else and after a squeal I changed it.

Bizarre, that it seems to be something the device chose, based on standard use rather than mine, I don't usually use the F word.

State of modern life I suppose, blimey, I sound like such a duffer !!

CT-5012 profile image

Oh yes, count me in. Reserve me a parking space for my broomstick please. 😳😂

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to CT-5012

Just wrote you a reply under Chrobs reply by mistake in my brain fog,

Upside, if you read my reply to him I have come up with a wicked joke.

Chrob profile image

PMR/GCA flash mob of wobbling zombies 🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️ Can just picture that , great .

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Chrob

Have you got your favourite wobbling zombie Halloween costume sorted out though?

How do you know when you've see a PMR/GCA zombie flash mob?

We are the ones that start the zombie walk to the left and then trip and fall to the riiiighhht!

And yes, I may well have been giggling at that Time warp related pun all afternoon.

Brain fogged minds , simple pleasures!!

No offence meant folks

Hugs BE x

Blearyeyed profile image

Can you get a broomstick license with PMR/GCA?

Don't forget your blue badge, and feel free to imagine all the doctor dunking you want.


Blearyeyed profile image

Crazy mad scientist zombie , I will be keeping an eye out for you at the imaginary punch bowl!!

Have a great weekend

scats profile image

Wobbly walk?.......check

Flaky skin?.......check

Wild hair?.......check

Blank eyes?......check

(Broom) Stick......check

Ready for party.

PMR can save a lot of time and money at this time of year!

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to scats

Love it! Your on the VIP list !!

Bring your own doctor to syrupy tar and feather .

Prizes for all those who can wobble convincingly without their heads falling off.

Doctor dunking limited to only three per member due to the inevitable demand .

Have a good weekend

scats profile image

Sorry, avoid doctors like the plague since first appointment with arrogant rheumy (all 5 mins of it!). I'm sure mamici has a spare one.

Rimmy profile image

Ha ha ha ha .... !!! Blearyeyed - you are quite 'mad' - that means you are one of my 'tribe' - those of us who don't even need to try to look a wee bit 'zombie-like' and actually 'embrace' our inner-craziness. Thank heavens I agree for the conversations we can have here - cos WHERE ELSE can we all be as free as this to spurt it all out and - to fantasise about 'doctor dipping' .....

HAPPY HALLOWEEN ...........................😈😈😈

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Rimmy

Just woken up , sock still on head, hair trying to escape out of the top , now looking more like a slightly startled Keith Richards ( impressive considering my thin, thinning locks and hair loss) and saw your message.

Won't mind the pain induced insomnia tonight because I am so happy that I have become part of your tribe.

I have just practised my zombie walk to and from the bathroom and must say it is perfected .

One day I would love to get to the point again that I could jet off to Down Under , meet you in person , and we could zombie walk together.

I think we would cause a hit.

Thanks again for keeping me cheery!

Now on with the party preparations.

Hugs BEe xx

Daisychain12 profile image

In comes Daisy singing “ you’re simply the best” while dressed in a black diving suit painted with white lines to look like bones!!!!

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Daisychain12

That's so awesome!!!

Are you going to use glow in the dark paint so we could watch your bones in the candlelight.

If we are going for skin suits perhaps that Catwoman costume better come out of the closet again!

Hope you are feeling better

Love and hugs

Yellowbluebell profile image

Me and piglette were discussing my symptoms in a less than serious way a few days ago and whether it is the pmr causing these or whether I was I reality just a bitch to start with!! I think the latter has a splattering of truth in it exacerbated by pmr and Pred. It does make all the crap we have to deal with easier if we can have a laugh with each other. I would like an invite to the party please but won’t be sharing any cake as intend to lie face down in the diabetes inducing sugar on my own. Debby

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Yellowbluebell

If a little bit of bitching has always done you good and nobody else any harm then keep on bitching!

Whatever gets you through the day.

You and Piglette have RSVP d and there will be a huge plate of sugar stuffed zombie cupcakes just for you to stuff your face in.

Now get that zombie costume on and practise your wobbling!!

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to Blearyeyed

I am never cruel but after over 20!years in the nhs legal I actually have no tolerance for bullshit or idiots!! Sorry about language. Add doctors receptionist in to that and I have to have a rant. Just stolen my grandsons ghost outfit and he made a broom at forest school so will fuel up and be on my way. Looking forward to cupcakes....

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Yellowbluebell

Feel free to bring that receptionist and some doctors for the bobbing barrel .

I am actually beginning to feel quite disappointed that this isn't going to be an actual event , although if it were we could get arrested for tar and feathering doctors in that syrup and rice crispies.

Might be worth it though!!

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to Blearyeyed

It would be great for us all to have a real party wouldn’t it? If they arrested us for the tarring and feathering as long as they supply Pred and sugar I don’t care.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Yellowbluebell

We will have to make a definite plan for next year .

And a giant barrel of golden syrup or two.

Off to buy pumpkins to carve with my daughter now.

After the glue gun incident yesterday I really don't think she should arm me with a craft knife!!

Speak again my ghosty friend

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