After bing diagnosed with PMR in September 2021 I was started on Presdone 15mg. Tapered down slowly to 1mg. Then I started to get terrible pain in my thighs then the shoulder pain started again. I thought the pain in my thighs is due to having severe arthritis in my hip and waiting a hip replacement. I then wondered if the pain in my thighs could be down to PMR? Yesterday I went for 1mg to starting to take 7mg? Should this be ok or should I start back in the 15mg?
Advice welcome PMR: After bing diagnosed with PMR... - PMRGCAuk
Advice welcome PMR

Hi, and welcome
To get from 15mg to 1mg within a year is very quick, so yes a flare of PMR, and no you don’t need to go back to 15mg, the 7mg should suffice. Here is info on dealing with a flare -
And this is just general info -

Hi and welcome.
It is very unlikely after barely over a year that the PMR is gone but it is at a low level of activity and with a bit of luck 7mg should be plenty to get things under control - depends a bit on how long you left it to build up and how much inflammation there is to clear it out.
DL's given your the rest - just ask if you have any questions.
It sounds very like PMR creeping up on you. Hips tend to cause groin pain rather than thigh pain normally, although you never know.
Thank you! The pain in my thighs and legs in general have now all but disappeared (apart from the arthritic hip) The pain was so bad I was also put on Morphine to take alongside the Tramadol that I’ve been on for over 10 years. It’s so much better I think I can stop the morphine as I don’t think it helped with the pain. My ferritin levels are twice what they should be also. Would this be down to having PMR?
Like ESR and CRP, ferritin is also an acute response marker - it rises with inflammation
Have you thought of a hip replacement? Taking Tramadol for ten years is quite a long time to be on opiates.
Yes I am on the waiting list which does take a long time
Good luck. I hope that you get to the top of the list soon. It will make a world of difference to your life.
Thank you! I’m very scared but hopefully will be worth it as this pain is awful
It is always worrying waiting beforehand. I have had two hip replacements and when I walk along and think back to the pain, I cannot believe how I put up with it.
Thank you so much!! What’s the pain like straight after the op?
I did not seem to have any pain and did not need pain killers, although I did have a couple of paracetamol to keep them happy. I may have just been lucky I suppose. I was able to walk around with a zimmer when I first got out of bed and then sticks after that, I am hopeless with crutches so did not use them. The ohysio was not very happy as he caught me going to the loo without the sticks either!
Wow! That’s so good! As I’ve been on Tramadol for such a long time the idea is after the Op I can get weaned off when no longer needed so that will be a relief!
Have you any idea when you might get your hip replacement?