Heart Monitor Outcome + Wallop On My Shin!! - PMRGCAuk


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Heart Monitor Outcome + Wallop On My Shin!!

50 Replies

Bear with me!! Pouring with rain on way to local rail station. Flat cap positioned against the wind! (Wife gave me a lift). Earlier train late so can use my free pass for this one! (I know pathetic!) Great to get on train with an old friend not seen for ages. She didn't let me get many words in though! Beautiful person & family rock. Okay off the train,University/Hospital station. Busy people going their own lines down the platform & dodging!..then crunch..my shin hit the low bench..Ahhhh! Anyway!!

Good hospital experiences today all round. Why my weight & height measures are taken twice in an hour a mystery! (training hospital)! Had ECG & ECHO testing.

Good consultant,nurse, technicians & appointment was on time.

Verdict! Heart not pumping to normal expectation. Referred to" Heart Failure Clinic". Could be the Atrial Fib & nudge on Alcohol consumed. Thought GCA a rare factor! Steroid's !! There you go! Thin skin on that shin now mind those leggs !!

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50 Replies
PMRpro profile image

That was fun. NOT...

Is your a/f well managed?

in reply toPMRpro

Who knows! Is Apixaban better than the Warfarin testing etc! It's a heart misfiring condition. Years ago it was a heart murmur I had!! Some juggling of medication on the way with getting rid of the Amlodipine.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to

The warfarin or apixiban has no effect on the a/f itself, they are just to reduce the risk of clots in the bottom of the ventricles setting off into the bloodstream and causing a stroke or heart attack. Keeping the a/f itself under control requires other medication. I find my a/f flares with a PMR flare or with a lower pred dose.

in reply toPMRpro

Perindopril & Bisoprolol are my other heart meds which I think he wants to increase & get rid of the Amlodipine. (wrong spelling in previous post). My a/f bothers me more during sleep when I wake with a fluttering beat.

Megams profile image
Megams in reply to

~Pepperdoggie - please tell me what your heart murmur was/is?

My heart murmur was an ASD (atrial septal defect). Hole repaired but electrical circuitry faulty which I've managed to live with. Had episode of SVT & AF recently & heart sort of settled on Diltiazam 120mg CD (b/p meds) but side affects awful.

Heart quiet presently until next episode & have Flecainide 100mg CD on hand which deals more to A/F. I am still a work in progress with Cardiologist. Can't tolerate alcohol & love my cuppa altho not strong. Keep me posted & good luck.

in reply toMegams

Hi Megams. I never had a definition of what my heart murmur was 20 years ago, other than it was there! Atrial fib was diagnosed 5 years ago due to a minor stroke. It was probably the same condition since nothing else has turned up on recent scans & tests.

Sorry to hear of your heart problems Megams. It can be frightening when your heart goes off on a runner. I will post on my Heart Clinic Experience. Wishing you all the best.

Megams profile image
Megams in reply to

~Thank you Pepperdoggie - will keep an eye out for your post :) :)

yogabonnie profile image

OUCH just OUCH to that shin!!! our thin skin REALLY takes a beating when we bump it! Best of luck with Atrial Fib. Husband taking Eliquis.. working great! no side effects ..they have amazing drugs for the atrial fib these days. Hope you get one that makes you comfortable!

in reply toyogabonnie

Thin skin indeed yoga. Peels away like it never did! Wound now sorted at home with a shiny sided dressing & a smear of germaline. Ha! I'll need a minder soon or bubble wrap!

Ouch! Bummer about shin.... good you fouud out about issue with heart! Know let's get that fixed!! Xxxx

in reply to

Such a clumsy sod these days M. The winging through the throng days should be on the burner really! It would help if people getting on walked on one side & those getting off on the other!! But hell!! I'm a bit chaotic myself!! No real fix with the heart stuff! It's another managing situation! Hope you're having improving days as the dose comes down. ATB

in reply to

Me too PD, me too! I have bruises on my bruises!!!!!

Sorry about the ticker... but "IF" some day you "gotta go," (and that's a big IF, because you might have found the Fountain of Youth or made a deal with the Devil, for all I know!) I think, it might be cool to have the cause be a tired and worn out ticker! That's actually my dream exit strategy! My Dad chose a beautiful, sunny, June day; he was in the garden with his dog and was cleaning out the flower bed by his statue of the Virgin Mary (he was very Catholic!) and "boom," heart attack and dead before paramedics arrived! I can only imagine he had a smile on his face! That's my plan!

Anyway, NO MORE shin banging! We're goig to have to wrap you up in cotton wool!


in reply to

Beautiful way to go for your Dad M. No Virgin Mary statue here or dog at the moment!... F......ing squirrel who pushes my heart buttons though!!

To think there use to be shin kicking competitions! The pain of it!

in reply to

Awe..... 🐿 I love that s/he "pushes my heart buttons." That started my day off with a smile.... xxx

in reply to

Pleases me no end! Keep the smile!

in reply to

I tried PD, I tried... but to no avail. There were powers much stronger than me that stole my smile and kicked me in the butt! (Read my most recent post! It's a tear jerker...)

in reply to

Ah! The powers that be!! Haven't read it yet M!

in reply to

I hate the powers that be... ; )

Grants148 profile image

I hope your shin will heal quickly ,keep posting to let us know how you get on with your heart problem.l love the flowers in your photo,and the vase is very pretty ,l love the poppy design xx.

in reply toGrants148

Thanks Grants, it's a skin peel nothing more. Wife's vase & photo. I grew the gladdie. It's a raging colour like a flame. I like hot plants in the garden.

SheffieldJane profile image

Oh fingers crossed Pepperdoggie. I was sent for chest X Rays last Friday and noticed “GP diagnosed heart failure” on the referral for the bloods as well. First I’d heard of it. Let us know how you get on. Your poor shin! Hope it heals soon.

in reply toSheffieldJane

Good luck with your diagnosis Jane. I believe they grade it by number! Had it predicted 20 years ago at a Nuffield clinic ECG test. Willl have to delay my Everest expedition again!!!

Need a rubber romper suit the way I keep knocking myself about!

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to

Or cricket pads at least.

This getting older is pants!

in reply toSheffieldJane

Telling me!!

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply toSheffieldJane

'Heart failure' and they didn't discuss this with you SJ - perhaps it is just a 'query' ? - still it doesn't make sense there was no discussion does it ?

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply toRimmy

My lung capacity was measured by blowing into one of those tube things and it was pretty poor. I am sleeping propped up because of a chest infection. She took my pulse through a thumb thing. ( I will be thrown out of class by PMRPro for my lack of medical terminology). I guess is the doctor was covering all bases, but it was a bit alarming to read. My dad died at the age of 69 of undiagnosed heart failure. Last week was not a good week. Today I feel ridiculously happy and Christmassy, we have been wrapping our grandsons’ presents. They will be here in 6 weeks!

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply toSheffieldJane

Well the chest infection certainly wouldn't have helped blowing into any device - I was a flute player and know a little bit about about 'breath' . Maybe you mentioned your dad's condition and it was just a possible 'conclusion' - but it all sound far from anything definitive - and I could certainly be sent out of 'class' myself - but I don't think you should worry about 'heart failure' without LOTS more info SJ - it's not as if you don't have 'other stuff' to be bothered about.

Your Christmassy mode sounds like a healthy antidote to all that medical 'mumbo-jumbo' anyway - as for me does the fact my youngest grandie Sophie turns 10 today and she IS such a delight - we need to enjoy the 'happy' stuff' too as 'hours are like diamonds ...'


SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply toRimmy

My eldest grandson, who lives in North Boambee Valley, turns 10 on the 1st November.Hours are like diamonds. Thanks again for your wisdom and good sense!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply toSheffieldJane

I wouldn't throw YOU out of class - why should you know the big words? I WOULD throw your doctor out though - that is NOT acceptable. They would be getting a stern word in the ear if it were my notes!

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply toPMRpro

I know you wouldn’t really but I do envy your medical vocabulary and grasp of all the terminology. I use “ thingy” too much. Of course it was your career but it’s a whole other language, never mind the spelling.

This was a young unconfident GP who couldn’t even manage the sphygmomanometer (yey!) very well. It was the “GP diagnosed “ heart failure that alarmed me. My OH saw it and blanched - he’ll be a great help at the end - not.

bunnymom profile image
bunnymom in reply toSheffieldJane

Glad you have turned in around today. What a crummy Dr visit. Do they think we can't read and not to even mention it or explain and leave you fearful? Terrible care! Best wishes to you dear Jane ❤️

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply toSheffieldJane

I think that “Christmass and happy feeling “ would be good for us all at the moment. Bring it on!


SheffieldJane profile image

PS. Your Glads are lovely. Mine died off weeks ago.

in reply toSheffieldJane

Photo is a few weeks old. I love em. Bold & Brash they are.

bunnymom profile image
bunnymom in reply to

Yes lovely glads. Just dug mine up for the winter. First frost last night.

Coo heart failure sounds a bit final!! That's the trouble with being ill and monitored, they keep finding other things wrong which is bound to happen when ageing. I'm lucky my doctor has gone very quite so I am keeping my head below the parapet. Love the gladies, in the meantime didn't get the forecasted rain but sunshine! Hope the shin heals quickly.

in reply to

Yes not the most patient friendly expression is it!! Depends on the degree of course!

We had all your rain Chris! 3 flipping days of it! Have disconnected the water butts for the Winter now. Not looking forward to bubble wrapping the cacti greenhouse! Have to see how it goes with the old shoulders & balance! We could do with a resident slave!

scats profile image

Sorry you're having problems hope it's sorted soon. You cunjure up an amusing image of you in flat cap with rubber romper suit and all covered in bubble wrap.

Have you considered zorbing? It may make the crowds on the platform easier too.

Keep posting the photos.

in reply toscats

Ha!! Zorbing! I thought it something Greek at first! Now that sounds my type of sport!

"Rolling down a bumpy hillside, in a hippy hat. Thinking everything is groovy...." All together now...".And It's High Ho Silver Lining, Anyway you go now baby,I see your sun is shining..."...... I blame the tablets!!

scats profile image
scats in reply to

Sounds like it's more than just tablets!

in reply toscats

Probably! A song that sticks for whatever reasons! Some music just does it & it's there in your brain!! AHHH!

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to

Definite more than tablets, but what he hell,just enjoyx

in reply toYellowbluebell

Some wisdom there Yellowblue!

karools16 profile image

Ouch, Ooh,I can just 'feel' that bump for you. Never mind, that flower is marvellous, along with the rest of your marvellous garden.I have AF...heart beats too fast.

in reply tokarools16

Ah! You mean...... Bumptity.... bumptity... bum.. bum.. bum!!! Well goodness gracious me!! Well doctor I'm in trouble......So many complaint clubs to join now!!

Telian profile image

Hi Pep, you're a glutton for punishment if you don't mind me saying - as if you haven't enough to contend with and now your shin! Hope you get on okay with your heart issues...I'm no expert on AF and such like but more and more I hear about a link with heart and GCA!! I've got a rheumie appt next week and am going to ask as I've got some heart problem now.

Talking about hearts....do you recall a conversation re my sister collapsing in the town centre and, long story, she eventually caught a bus home. Well she finally got to see a cardiologist and following echocardiogram they kept her in, that was two weeks ago and it's been a minefield of tests ete etc - she was told yesterday, her birthday, that she needs a valve replacement and they're not letting her home before surgery, she is well p....d off but at least she's in good hands now - better than the debacle getting to where she is....how lucky she was following that collapse (and going home on the bus) she saw her GP, same day, and he urgently referred her to cardiology AND because she wasn't having chest pain (it was a chest pain clinic) and never had, they wouldn't see her!!! They sent her home...she was having angina symptoms on and off and jelly legs but that didn't count..... Sorry it's a long story - there is much much more........haven't been on here properly for a few days as all this and more going on here.....

Wish I could grow glads like yours, I love them, mine have never flowered - do they take some establishing before that happens? Thank you MontyPep! ATB.

in reply toTelian

Previous reply disappeared T. Must of hit a wrong key & it's gone! No saver it seems!

True! Glutton I am! Sharp it was on the old shin! Mostly I saw the tackles coming in footballing times!! Good job I didn't fall down though! Would have been trampled over by tablet reading students & commuters!!! Lucky Pep I was!

Good idea to push your Rhumy on yet another health problem for yourself. My heart consultant was good but I don't think the GCA stuff is on their agenda really yet.

Good news your sis has been properly diagnosed. Know a couple of people where this has been successfully treated.

Tough for yourself dealing with others depression. Give yourself space if you can!

The Glads! Biggest bulbs you can pick & sunny spot. Grow mine in big pots now & dry out the best over Winter. Look after yourself T. ATB

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to

Think we've all lost our hard earned posts at some stage...it's all part of the inauguration!

Thank Pep, the old times and what we used to do certainly do flash across our minds sometimes.... hubby's always reminiscing..... hope your leg's improving.

I don't expect miracles at Rheumie but the more that mention it maybe it will register there just might be a link.....we won't hold our breath on that one - if we could that is...

You're right re the depression and it's sad when it's your kids, he's in a rough place but I'm trying to remain positive for him and all of us. Hubby is being really helpful too! Taking him (son) on a 50 mile round trip today for a second visit to see someone private. Wish us luck!

Right the biggest bulb eh! I keep them all in pots but will heed your advice for the winter routine, which I know but have been lazy I admit - at least our love of gardening is a good distraction - what would we do without it....... Best wishes.

in reply toTelian

Had private psychotherapy myself after a severe period of depression in my 30's. Mental health is the Cinderella of the NHS and it was better then than now! Hope it works out for you all. Good Luck.

Telian profile image

He's managing the meds only as GP has reached a stage where he daren't prescribe any more - the meds he's on should knock out a gorilla yet his brain is still fighting it, chronic insomnia he has. I have faith in this Psychiatrist certainly knows his stuff - should do for the cost! - he covered more in that 50 minutes than 4 weeks on the NHS - (not GP). See how we go today. No wonder my CRP levels have risen!

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