Anyone else suffer with this?
Little bumps under the skin that itch like mad! - PMRGCAuk
Little bumps under the skin that itch like mad!

Also got them Constance, I have have them on one hip, and rear calf this last couple of weeks.
Night time is when they itch, gone during the day.
They seem to be similar to the ones I had after the Zostervax shingles jab last Feb.
Mentioned it to Doc. at one app. was ignored.
Here in UK with 10 min slot, only expected to discuss one problem at a time. So never know if it is because they don’t have an answer, or expected to make another appointment to discuss it.
Must challenge more, usually just want to get out and get on with it myself.
I have them mostly on my arms and legs. They itch more during the day but sometimes in the night too. Silly things I can’t help scratching. They don’t open up though, thank goodness.
Hope you’re having a good weekend. 💐💐
Yes I have them on backs of my arms. To copy recent posts- another case of GOK.!!
Weather is wonderful here for last couple of weeks, went to the garden centre this morning, bought more than I needed, as usual. They are now in situ, but need to go and put them in the ground.
Snooze and cuppa first I think.
Hope the weather god is being kind to your area of Germany.
Are you replacing the pines🌲🌲
?? So sad.
It bucketed down yesterday, but lovely today. Just getting ready to have a “spin” round the park (on my mobility scooter, of course).
Since we moved here in February I have’t even got a balcony.😟 Only indoor flowers from now on.
They were chestnut trees! We’re not reponsible, thank goodness, as they were in our ‘communal’ gaden.
YES! I have them on my face and arms! Extremely annoying when they itch and unsightly too.
~I would be interested to know if these itchy thingies (bumps) peel off leaving a scale like appearance.
My arms & legs are looking more & more like a crocodile each day. The mind boggles!
Not sure if these are one in the same thing? ~
I have the bumps ( on chest and back) but not the itch! I'm not complaining though😜
I also had them on the back of my wrists, arms and lower legs and surprisingly symmetric. Itched like crazy. Took Benadryl to sleep and that helped. After two appts with a Derm Doc I was recommended 0.1% Triamcinolone lotion morning and evening for two weeks. Within a few day, the symptoms cleared up completely!!! Now I use it only if I start to feel slightly itchy. Good luck.
I had them on my legs and toes, Dr prescribed topical steriod cream (inside and out now with them! - Eumovate) It does do the trick and helps a lot.