At Twenty Five and Still Alive! : Twenty five! I... - PMRGCAuk


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At Twenty Five and Still Alive!

76 Replies

Twenty five! I never thought I'd make it! It has taken me 315 days (which is equivalent to 10 months, or 45 weeks, or 7,560 hours) to get from 80mg of Prednisolone to 25 mg! I guess in the big scheme of things (and compared to others) that's not such a terribly long time... And it's not a "race," right? So today, I embrace 25! I celebrate it! I own it!

1. 25 is the atomic number of manganese.

2. In Islam, there are 25 prophets mentioned in the Quran.

3. In jewellery, 6 carats is equal to 25 percent of gold mass.

4. Number 25 helps us get into our own mind and self, because it is a symbol of introspection.

5. The M25 is the name of the London Orbital motorway.

6. 25 is the sum of the single-digit odd natural numbers 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9, the first five odd natural numbers.

7. Pachisi, the Hindu word for 25, is one of the national games of India.

8. In the UK a "pony" is slang for 25 pounds.

9. The part of the name of LSD-25 molecule.

10. 25 is the number of years of marriage marked in a silver wedding anniversary.

11. The minimum age of candidates for election to the United States House of Representatives.

12. The number of cents in a quarter.

13. The name of an Irish card game

14. 25 is the per-second frame rate of the PAL video standard.

15. The name of Adele's 2015 album, named for her age in that year.

16. The number of the French department Doubs.

17. The temperature, in Celsius, at which some characteristics of semiconductors are specifically given in a data sheet.

18. The number of panels on the TV Asahi quiz show Panel Quiz Attack 25.

19. In Ezekiel's vision of a new temple: The number twenty-five is of cardinal importance in Ezekiel's Temple Vision

20. In baseball, the number 25 is typically reserved for the best slugger on the team.

21. 'World Pasta Day' is held on the 25th October every year.

22. The number of Florida electoral votes that won the 2000 U.S. presidential election was 25.

23. An average week worth of coffee cost an American $25

24. In Roman Numeral the number 25 is XXV

25. The exact number of Prednisolone milligrams I am taking as of TODAY!

Wooooo Hoooooo

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76 Replies
Primarose profile image

Super wonderful mamic1, I am so pleased for you. 25 seems to be the magic number, I didn't know about # 21 but # 25 is the best!

I'll raise a glass of sparkly water to you later, can't wait to have a real glass of something stronger.;-) Cheers!:-)

in reply toPrimarose

Cheers Primarose! It does indeed seem like a "magic" number!!!! I'm so looking forward to 20 too, as Rheumy said I might actually start feeling like "myself" at 20!!!!

Wooo Hoooo!!!! 👏🏻

Hope you are well!!!!

Primarose profile image
Primarose in reply to

I do hope so, you are heading in the right direction.

I feeling OK thanks, hoping to get of the preds by December and have a nice G & T!:-)

in reply toPrimarose

"Off," the Pred by December??? Wow! That will be a day to CELEBRATE, huh? My fingers are crossed! 🤞🏼

Marymon profile image
Marymon in reply to

So does that mean you will be a twenty year old 😻 cool cat?🤷‍♀️

👩‍🎤 🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️

Brighton is the place for it.

in reply toMarymon

Hahahahahaha! Brighton is the place for ANYTHING!


Marymon profile image
Marymon in reply to

I have my memories 😉😉😇

in reply toMarymon

If you have memories, you were doing it right!!!! 🤣

Marymon profile image
Marymon in reply to


Seemed so at the time.

in reply toMarymon

That is all that matters!!!!!

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to

Well done, hope you do soon start feeling like yourself soon...

I often wonder if I ever will at blurred vision is now so bad and balance it`s making me housebound....but it`s also making me bloody determined on 10th Oct when seeing Endo to get answers, or asked to be referred to another dept....or go private.....anyway, hope you had a lovely holiday, and did wonder about you under that roof!....

in reply toLongtimer

Bummer Longtimer! I do see that people have issues at the lower mg too... which scares the crap out me! I always thought the problems were at the 50's, 60, and 70 mg's! YES, give em hell and demand answers! ; ) The holiday was just what the doctor ordered... thank you! 🍷 🥓🍷🧀🍷

Sandy1947 profile image

Congrats! Well done.

in reply toSandy1947

👍🏻 Thanks Sandy1947, not sure I had a lot to do with it, but I didn't give up I guess....

How are you feeling? Good I hope!

Sandy1947 profile image
Sandy1947 in reply to

Just started tapering from 4.5 to 4. PMR pains lurk but I ignore them. I’m craving sugar lately and went from 107 lbs. to 110...emotional eating reins at this cream called my name last night!

in reply toSandy1947

4.0! Way cool!!!!!! Good on you, ignore the pain as long as you can!!!! I am at the heaviest weight I have even been, in my life!!!! We arrived home from France on Saturday and since then, no wine, no bread, no ice cream, no cheese, no lovely milky coffee... NOPE! It is time to get serious! 😠

Sandy1947 profile image
Sandy1947 in reply to

Serious is no fun! Let me know how it goes! I exercise about an hour day so I let myself slide. Maybe I’ll start inspire me!

in reply toSandy1947

Just went for a walk (or with this knee, should I say a "hobble?") 1.9 miles. Had a nice coffee, no sugar. Watched hubby eat a lovely pastry thingy, filled with feta cheese and spinach! Mmmmmmm. I had nothing. I am determined!!!! Will be on the stationary bike after dinner!

Sandy1947 profile image
Sandy1947 in reply to

Very proud of you! I was good so far with only 2 squares of 90% dark chocolate! I’ll try to continue. You motivate me. Thanks!

in reply toSandy1947

I motivate YOU? Look at your photo... you are stunning! And wicked thin! I look like I am 9 months pregnant! I did cheat last night and had a juice glass of red wine... after being in France, drinking GREAT wine... it's hard to go COLD TURKEY! You keep up the good work... 👍🏻

Sandy1947 profile image
Sandy1947 in reply to

A little wine is good for you and doesn’t count as a cheat! I stopped drinking immediately after diagnosis, eliminated sugar, night shades, took Tumeric tablets and was the ideal patient. 15 months later I realized I wouldn’t fall off the earth if I had sugar! When I tell dates I don’t drink some think I’m a recovering alcoholic! I say I prefer dessert.🍦🥧🍰🍩. Sunday I had a date with a short, egomaniac dermatologist after which I took myself out for ice cream!

So sorry about the bowel situation. G-d is hysterical from you! Thanks for the compliments. This age thing is kicking my butt!

in reply toSandy1947

You gotta live life... otherwise why are we sticking around, right? A little sugar here... a little wine there. It's all good! Good on you, after a date with short, egomaniac dermatologist... I would have had the Banana Split!!!! ...with extra chocolate sauce!

Sandy1947 profile image
Sandy1947 in reply to

No banana split’s lunch date is with a builder who volunteers at an animal shelter. Salad is my plan.

teesher profile image

Down to 25, wow. I love all the number facts. You've done so well Melissa and travelled a long road. x

in reply toteesher

THANKS teesher!!!!! In one way it seems like I've been fighting the battle for years, but in another, it seems like the last 10 months have flown by! Funny how our mind warps time, huh? Hoping you are feeling A-OK!

Keep it going M. Well done. Another one for the list:- Zager & Evans........1969...." In the year 2525" ......

in reply to

Ahhhhhhh, GOOD ONE! Thanks! Hope you are well and that you get that BS straightened out at the GPs and "Myhealthcare!"

in reply to

Lovely sunny day here & feeling ok ta. Just back from an amble up the cut. A few fishermen there today sitting in silence staring into the water. Had to limbo under their extended fishing poles!!!! (must be joking). Another one for the list:- "25 hours (minus 1) from Tulsa"..... Gene Pitney. Must be the endorphins!! I'll pack in now!

Telian profile image

Congratulations Melissa, it has been quiet the last few days so welcome back.

PS: ...and the 25th is Christmas Day! xxx

in reply toTelian

Thank you!!! In a weird way it is good to be back, I guess it's the normalcy I missed...

YES! of course!!!! Christmas Day!

stellafmdm profile image

Wow Melissa, what an amount of knowledge! my pred head could not cope with all that!

in reply tostellafmdm

Hehehehehehehe. And that is why God invented "Google" my friend!

Hollyseden profile image

💃💃 well done Melissa. Great news

in reply toHollyseden

Cheers Hollyseden!!!! Hope you are well!

Hollyseden profile image
Hollyseden in reply to

Yes thank you I'm plodding along nicely. Tapering dead slow n successfully 🤞 This week going for 5.5 taking the advice of the learned on here and going .5 at a time. Onwards and downwards for us all 😋

in reply toHollyseden

Best of luck! I will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you!

CT-5012 profile image

Well done Melissa keep it going. 🍷🥂🌹

in reply toCT-5012

Thanks CT-5012, I'll try!!!! 🍷🥂🌹 <<< Back at ya!

Insight329 profile image

Congratulations! Your journey has been one step forward and two steps back but look at you now! So pleased for you!

in reply toInsight329

Many thanks Insight329. ...but wait, could it be one step forward three steps back? Watch this space. 😲

Insight329 profile image
Insight329 in reply to

If watching, an uninformed viewer might think you’d been playing hopscotch. But yet, you persisted!

in reply toInsight329

🤣 Hopscotch? With this knee????

I did indeed persist and yet I continue to be tested... 🤔

Insight329 profile image
Insight329 in reply to

Yep! Ain’t it a b*tch?

in reply toInsight329

It is indeed!

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to

Just remember that life stops testing you, it means you've passed...on.

Daisychain12 profile image

Melissa that is a fantastic achievement. Bloody well done. Super star. I really get how hard it’s been for you and I applaud you. Xx

in reply toDaisychain12

Cheers Daisychain12!!!! Not sure what I did much, but go along for the ride... and do my best to stay on this bucking bronco, but it does feel like an accomplishment for some reason. I hope you are feeling better! xx

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to

I’m hanging in there. I’ve got from 75 and even a couple of days over 100, to 13. I have many side effects from reducing. I am agitated and have a bike temper and huge appetite. But I have a clearer head at times and the pain is not back so that’s good. What’s this about you making some masks? Xxx

in reply toDaisychain12

Ahhh, I did read about your nasty temper... Hahahahahahaha! That's me normally! ; ) Hang in there.

I'll message you about the mask project... 👹

Rimmy profile image

So happy for you Melissa - such a journey - and I'm pleased you took a break from here when in France - and clearly had some OTHER fun. I am now on 16 mg after a rather faster taper than I would have preferred - but had to consider the myopathy side effect - which is now fading thank heavens. This is not my lowest in my approx 20 months since diagnosis but getting back there. You WILL feel more like your 'old self' soon - I am - it REALLY DOES happen !!!


in reply toRimmy

GREAT NEWS Rimmy! I am thrilled to hear the myopathy is fading!!!! 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 Yes, France was a good distractor... although I have managed to conjure up some new, "fun" and interesting tests of my tolerance and perseverance! Watch this space.

Love to Ruth! She must be THRILLED about myopathy fading too... no more cranky Rimmy! 😉

Pongo13 profile image

Good for you! 25! Much better number x

Well Done Melisa 2️⃣5️⃣

in reply to

Cheers Mrs Nails! 💅🏼 xx

MartiFL profile image

And isn't it "almost" fun to set up your weekly pills and see progress being made?

I keep a monthly calendar taped to my bathroom mirror so I can see what's ahead.

So happy for you at 25!

in reply toMartiFL

Good idea MartiFL! Thanks for the tip!

PMRCanada profile image

Good for you!! You have much cause to celebrate given the long and sometimes difficult journey you’ve travelled over the past 10 months. I’m hoping your pred reduction journey goes smoothly (and likely slowly) moving forward.

in reply toPMRCanada

Thank you PMR Canada! However, watch this space... I'm afraid it's one step forward and three steps back! *laughing* ..but it is what it is! ; )

Jeannie29 profile image

OMG how knowledgable you are, but I wish you well , and how many things do you know about 20 when you get there lol


in reply toJeannie29

Ahhhhh Jeannie29... Google is my best friend! ; )

Grants148 profile image

Wow,you certainly know your 25’s mamici,l wish you a successful taper ,l hope you are feeling well ,you have been through so much to get this far and l am so pleased for you xx

in reply toGrants148

Thanks Grant148!!!! I am Queen 👑 of Google!

Rose54 profile image

Well done your getting thier

in reply toRose54

Cheers Rose54! Perseverance and a whole lot of swearing! ; )

Mstiles profile image

Congratulations to you! It’s a long and winding road and you’re a brave traveler! ❤️

How are you feeling?

Joaclp profile image

Could we meet for World Pasta Day on the 25th of October? You break your diet, I do the same. Congratulations are definitely due you, but are we going to begin to miss those rants, fulminations, 'roid rages and other effusions? Brava!

in reply toJoaclp

Ooooooooo sounds like a plan!!!!!! Nah, no worries. I will always have something to rant about... roids or no roids! xxx

SheffieldJane profile image

This is really good news. These are manageable numbers. There’s that song in the year 2525 too, if man is still alive............

It’s red and yellow ( my synthesia or whatever it is).. who would have thought this day would come when you were delirious on 80 was it?

I want to say well done but I was told off because it was a subjective judgement. 🤫 well done sshh! Xxx

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply toSheffieldJane


I think it was Zager and Evans who sang that eerie song first - but maybe Bowie did a version - it would have suited him - it is rather 'creepy' and depressing but sadly apt as well know ... And why can't you say 'well done' !!? - everybody else here is 'subjective' even if it is in their reference to some 'chosen' scientific data - in the end we are all always 'subjective aren't we - and anyway I thought this forum is about the integration of the experiential and the 'scientific' so nobody should be 'telling you off' !



SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply toRimmy

Oh yes! It wasn’t Bowie at all.

I think someone got upset because if you can’t get down from your Pred dose, it is not through lack of effort, so why cheer on those that do?

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply toSheffieldJane

Well we can't begrudge the 'lucky' ones as after all it isn't really about 'effort' just the course of the disease in each individual - and that IS always 'individual'. I am sometimes myself amazed at what some people have done or seem to be doing and wonder why I couldn't be doing that myself - but let's face it we all know our limitations when the 'hit' us and in the end nobody should be telling anyone off - especially not someone as empathic as YOU SJ !

in reply toRimmy

Seriously! I think we all need to take a "chill pill," and RELAX! Nobody should be telling anyone off, especially SJ!!!! ...and you are right Rimmy, she is one of the most empathic people I know!

in reply toSheffieldJane

Who "told you off," I want a name!!!!!!! 😡

SheffieldJane profile image

She’s perfectly nice and had a good point. Will power gets us nowhere with tapering. You do sound fierce, 25 suits you. Where is my mask? Get the paper mache out. 😁

in reply toSheffieldJane

I am fierce! 👹 will be there by the new year! Fingers crossed!

Rimmy profile image

'Fierce' 👹 can be good ..... in a creative context - but be careful as 'they' put some very brilliant women especially artists 'away' like Camille Claudel - 30 years in an asylum !! - I hope I don't end up there myself - but I'm not 'fierce' or brilliant enough to be too threatening .... whereas you ....

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