Saw rheumy yesterday. An urgent referral after I hit problems with his taper plan which was a 15mg start in July, reducing by 2.5 every 2 weeks til down to 7mg, then you 1mga month to zero. Symptoms started to return at 10 and gave up after 10 days and returned to 12.5, intending to follow slower taper as suggested here. When I phoned rheumy nurse to seeif I could go to 15 she said I needed to see consultant hence visit.
Saw the same guy who diagnosed PMR in July 2018. Very attentive and he listened. Said I had a couple of slower taper plans and showed him what I intended. Said I was also struggling with fatigue beyond anything I'd ever experienced; worse over the last month to a point where I'd almost prefer pain. Said PMR pains 90%+ improved with pred, had responded immediately and I was delighted with improved mobility etc, but aware that as dose dropped, the flare type pain was lurking and returning. All bloods are normal and have been for at least 2 years (GP ran ESR and Crp and others when I first consulted with pain in 2016)
He looked at hands, said fine, took an arm and pressed inner elbow. I nearly went through the roof with pain. Same, but not as bad on other arm and similar in knees. Last week, I thought I'd pulled something carrying the coal bucket as my arm was sore in the evening, to a point where I couldn't straighten comfortably, but it improved and I'd forgotten about it and hadn't mentioned it to rheumy. He then floored me with his view that he believes I have fibromyalgia as well, plus (probably) chronic fatigue. I was speechless as this was totally unexpected. He wants me to take Alendronic, which I've declined, again. Plus amytripyilline or gabapentin for the FM and to improve sleep. Both declined.
As for the pred plan, he says it's going to be a long road. At least 2 or 3 years. I'm to go back to 15mg, reduce by 1mg every 2 weeks down to 7, then 1mg a month to zero. But, that may need to be slowed further at any point if symptoms return. Have to say my usual glass half full attitude has taken a bit of a battering. He reckons PMR and FM together isn't uncommon. But I didn't react to those pressure points in July, so don't understand how it's arisen now. It's all an unwelcome and unexpected setback and I share in the hope that anyone new to this path will understand how much it can change.