Some of you may remember that when I saw the rheumatologist he confirmed that I had fibromyalgia as well as PMR. When I saw my GP on the 28th he'd not heard from the rheumy so couldn't prescribe any of the medication he'd suggested. Then last Monday, the 3rd, my daughter said I'd just had a phone call from the surgery saying there was a prescription for me for amitriptyline for my neuralgia and it would be waiting for me at the chemists. I was a bit puzzled by this so rang back the next morning to check that it really was for me. My GP was on holiday by now but I was able to talk to one of the other doctors. Turned out this was for the fibromyalgia. I had mixed feelings about this but had a good chat with the pharmacist when I went to pick it up and decided it was worth a try. I. so glad I did, I'm sleeping better and generally feeling better for it. Some of my aches and pains at least seem to have disappeared. I really wasn't sure about adding yet another medication to the list, I'm up to 6 regulars now, but when I mentioned this to the pharmacist she said it wasn't many compared to some! I choose to view it as the wonders of modern medicine giving me a much better quality of life and manage to keep track of them all with an app on my phone that lets me know when it's time to take stuff. I feel that with the fibro hopefully kept at bay I can concentrate on the PMR and reducing the steroids. I've just started on the reduction from 14 to 13.
On another note I've always been very susceptible to cold type viruses, I was ill a lot as a child and then when my daughter's were little I caught everything that they had and generally got it worse! Ditto when my grandchildren came along. Some years are better than others though and, in spite of the steroids, I didn't really get anything last year. This year though I've just started on my first sore throat and feeling poorly so I hope that's not going to be the pattern for this year. The youngest grandchild is 8 now so I hope they're getting past the peak age for bugs.