Fit-flops (not flip flops!): I wonder if anyone has... - PMRGCAuk


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Fit-flops (not flip flops!)

ClarkB profile image
68 Replies

I wonder if anyone has any advice or experience of wearing fit flops? I have had a pair of sandals for around 20 years, and they have been so comfortable that I wanted to replace them. The new ones are similar in design, and they are meant to improve posture amongst other things. I thought I would wear them around the house for a while to see if they were comfortable. They definitely ‘realign’ the body posture. I didn’t notice with my old ones, as I had them so long. However, after having had a good day previously, the following morning I was full of aches and pains and felt awful. I have osteoporosis anyway and am on prednisone, and wondered if I was having a flare up, but having felt ok the previous day, could it have been these new sandals, that had forced me into a new position?! Would appreciate any comments or experience with these.

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ClarkB profile image
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68 Replies
nevagivup profile image

I bought Fit-flops for the first time a couple of months ago. They are the slider type because I cannot bear anything between my toes. I wear them around the house for a couple of hours and think they do help my back, but the drawback for me is that Fit-Flops are too wide and long for my feet, so I can't wear them for too long. They don't make ones to fit (UK 3). Try wearing yours for a short time to begin with and then increase when you feel better. Sorry, that is all I can suggest.

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to nevagivup

Thankyou, I appreciate your comments on this. I also find them a bit wide. I had to send some back (cross straps) as they had too big a gap. I didn’t wear them around the house like these current ones. I will try them for a very short time to see if that helps!

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer


Probably new sandals.

When I had orthotics, the lady fitting them (at the hospital) said for the first few days your legs muscles etc may feel a bit strange, it’s because your feet will be in a slightly different position so will affect legs/hips.

I did eventually get used to them, but have to say they weren’t any good for wearing with sandals, so I stopped using them come the summer. When I started again last Autumn in boots same effect!

So, as the old saying goes “you need to wear them in”

My daughter in law swears by them, most of her footwear is made by them, boots to sandals....she has very bad back though and thinks they help.

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to DorsetLady

Thankyou DorsetLady. I thought someone must know what I’m talking about! I do feel the pull on my legs, but next day it was the bad pain in my hips and back which had come from nowhere! There is a wobble board underneath the heel which has worn away in my old ones. I don’t know whether to hang on to them or send them back! I will probably hang on to them until it’s too late to return and then take them to a charity shop! Mm....dilemma.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to ClarkB

Yes that’s the problem. You hang on to things, and then by the time you’ve decided they’re not really you, it’s too late.

Hate to say how many things have ended up in charity shop!

As nevagivup says wear them for a couple of hours around the house for a few days and see if it becomes any better. In fact that’s what orthotics lady told me - forgot to mention that! Duh!

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to DorsetLady

I’ll do that, though I struggled a bit with my old ones today when I was out with my achey hips, and my specs with prisms! Have been walking around barefoot in the house because I didn’t trust my footwear!

I’m like you as far as charity shops are concerned. Some of my clothes still have labels on. I have to learn to resist a bargain, but not all of them were bargains! I buy things when I want to cheer myself up! .....then there are the unwanted presents. I don’t need colouring in books, any more scented candles or ornaments (apologies for sounding ungrateful!)

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to ClarkB

Know where you’re coming from! I

I’ve just offloaded some more “stuff” this afternoon. Have my 18year old grandson from NZ staying for the summer, so had to clear some space in spare room wardrobe for him. Focused the mind!

Q. Do I really need to keep those shoes I bought 2 years ago, and have never worn!

A. No!

So cast out 😇

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to DorsetLady

At least you were motivated by your grandson coming, then you can get focussed on making some space. I have two crammed wardrobes full of clothes, + bags, shoes and hundreds of scarves. I still wear the same things! I do take things to charity though, and to the Salvation Army clothes banks, only decent stuff though. With shoes, it’s not so much about not liking them, it’s when they’re just not comfortable once you get home.

Lovely for you to have your grandson around for the summer. My sister has been widowed, and is having her grandson stay as he has tickets for Wimbledon. It enables one to refocus, as I find when I have visitors.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to ClarkB

Yes it is nice! He’s going to local college come September (living in) - he’s got a summer job as well so as least he’s not bored!

Just realised you live in Peak District - my son lives on NW edge on Derby/Cheshire border. Weather lovely at moment I guess?


ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to DorsetLady

It is, but quite humid today. I’m in Matlock Bath which can get a bit like an inland Blackpool. Fortunately live above it on a hill, and avoid it at weekends! I am familiar with that border area where your son lives. Have done lots of walking there, though not that much lately as can only manage gentle walks for now!

I think teenagers can get a bit restless, and if he has the summer job, he’ll appreciate the free time and the meals!

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to ClarkB

Oh yes the meals! He’s 6’4” well built and packs the food away! But at least he can cook and wash up as well, so does pull his weight!

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to DorsetLady

That’s good, so he doesn’t sit at table like Desperate Dan with an upright knife and fork!

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to ClarkB


I think if he hat done that at home - he would have got an earful from his mother! Chip off the old block she is😊

Marymon profile image
Marymon in reply to DorsetLady

Morning, from

Dorset, resisted spelling with aa, arrived here yesterday by train, from very hot Cheshire/Derbs, lovely more gentle heat here, so far. 😎😎

Fit Flops, feet do need to get adjusted, but more stylish than my favourite at the moment Sketchers, Go Walk. Sent a pair by a friend who has RA, she had worn them a couple of times around the house, but too tight for her.Now has Sketchers Walk 4. Wider and more foot massage. Says the are sublime.

Good to have a friend like this as I have benefited from her ‘as new’ s for years. Otherwise they go to Charity Shop. I have been able to reciprocate from time to time.

Will be tripping, hope not!! me down to Bridport this evening, 👟👟

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Marymon

Lovely - fish and chips by the seaside a must somewhen.

Enjoy yourself - set fair for the next week. Where are you staying (you can pm me if you want) - might catch a coffee somewhere if you want! If busy with family no probs!

Rosbud profile image
Rosbud in reply to Marymon

Lovely fish and chips in West Bay , my birthday go to place !

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to DorsetLady

When I go to buy something my husband says ask yourself....Is it want or is it need.....focuses the mind......I now think when would I wear that, and I`ve got one similar works, but I don`t tell him that!...…..

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to Longtimer

I need to write that down- and act on it. Sometimes I look at my clothes in the wardrobe and think , would I buy those things if they were on a rail in a shop, and the answer is No! Some are near duplicates too. I wear and need the same few items of clothing, from an outdoor shop (and with binoculars round my neck.) Why then do I have clothes suitable for weddings, cruises, smart restaurants,..just in case....!

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to ClarkB

Precisely......the just in case is such a waste of money....

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to Longtimer

Have discovered that....too late!

9lives profile image
9lives in reply to Longtimer

Hi I,m exactly the same, when shopping, glad we are not alone.

I think the excitement is in the chase not the kill (I’m a cat person) if you get my drift!! Ha ha


Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to 9lives

Oh dear, I`m not telling him he`s right....but he is....

Yes, I`m a cat person too.....

I`m going out today and will tell myself his motto even if it`s a bargain....(hopefully) ha ha

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to 9lives

I could happily have them all taken away next day!

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Longtimer

Actually I don’t like clothes shopping - never have! Probably because I never fitted your average size. Long back so tops always too short, dress waists too high; Larger waist than “specified” so if it fits there miles too big round hips/bum - if it fits round hips much too tight on waist!

So I get frustrated and am apt to just “buy” and then get it home and find I don’t teally like it or it’s going to take too much alteration to fit properly!

Ah to be rich enough to get clothes made to fit!

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to DorsetLady

Quite sizes vary so much it's ridiculous.....I am bumblebee shaped!🐝 slim arms and legs.....bigger in the middle...difficult to get slim fitting waisted comfortable trousers....skirts etc that are on hips, hate them.......yes hate shopping.....especially for food.......same old meals after all these years.......oh dear, must stop moaning!

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Longtimer

Oh good, another soul sister who doesn’t like shopping! Could never understand the appeal of a girls day out doing only that! Okay sometimes with daughter for something special, and I do with her when I see her, because I don’t see her that often - so it’s a novelty - and she’s got an entirely male household, so needs a woman’s view sometimes!

Food - boring. Must admit I resort more to online shopping - for packets, tins and anything heavy etc, but still like to choose fresh stuff - but I wouldn’t object if I could just take a tablet instead! And then go out occasionally where someone else buys, cooks and clears up - does that sound reasonable!

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to DorsetLady

Extremely reasonable to me!

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to DorsetLady

I’m always standing in front of the fridge or cupboards looking for something to eat- often when I’ve had a meal! I remember when I was 11 I wished I could just take a tablet too. There’s a vegetarian cafe where I live and could eat there every day!

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to DorsetLady

I think the reason I keep buying similar things is because I try and find the perfect fit and never do. Trouble is I want the clothes to look like the ones on the dummies and they never will!

(At the moment don’t care because my leg and hips are giving me some trouble and it hurts to move. Went down to 5mg from 6 today- possibly why?

I keep hearing people say that diet is so important , yet today I was out and had cappuccino and cake, Welsh Rarebit, chocolate biscuits and still my evening meal to come. Just feel weak-willed at present!)

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to ClarkB

Would say the drop from 6-5mg is probably the reason why you feel a bit iffy. Could try slower taper i.e. only 0.5mg instead of 1mg (uncoated pills are easy enough to cut with pill cutter) and/or a taper that takes a few weeks to get from old to new dose rather than “overnight”

Here’s one I made earlier -

Diet is important to stop the Pred induced weight gain - but that’s usually on higher doses, and of course some foods are better re inflammation than others, and some react to different foods more than others. But to be honest I never got too hung up about it. Just try and be sensible most of the time, and an occasional blow out day is okay!

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to DorsetLady

Thankyou! Am having a lie down and now my left arm aches as well as my thigh playing up. Have had a day out and it was very hot.

My Pred dose has been a reduction of 1mg monthly from an original 20mg. Have had some reasonable days along the line, and last Sunday felt back to normal, followed by a bad day. From my new dose of 5mg today, next month is 5 one day 4 the next and so on. Then 4mg for a month then 4/3 following month until 0. This was from the Rheumatologist. Will look at the ‘one you made earlier’, i’m not very good at working things out.

I don’t know what 0.5mg is, not being very mathematical. 🤔 ??

I’m not worried about gaining weight. In my case I lost it, (7 stone 13) except for bloating, but that could also be from diverticulitis. I eat pulses, and soya being vegetarian, and they can cause bloating but not sure about inflammation .

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to ClarkB

Half a 1mg tablet! Lots find it easier to reduce by this amount as you get lower - me included!

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to DorsetLady

Ah... I understand half a 1mg tablet! It was that decimal point that threw me. Do you think I should try this instead of the one you made earlier plan? Have taken a look at it, but don’t know how to private message to email. I get confused on this site, am not very bright in some areas! Sorry for taking up time on a Friday night.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to ClarkB

No problems. I’ll send you a private message - you reply to it with your email address. Then I’ll send you an email with my plan attached to it. You then need to download it. Is that okay?

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to DorsetLady

Thankyou so much. I do appreciate your taking your time to do this. Feeling a bit sorry for myself! When I saw the Rheumatologist in April he seemed to think my PMR wasn’t active, and I always try to sound chirpy even if I’m not! Perhaps that’s why he suggested the tapering plan I mentioned.

EdithWales profile image
EdithWales in reply to DorsetLady

I agree. I wear them all the time. At first they pulled until I got used to them but now I rarely wear anything else. I have walked most of the major cities in the world in them.

Worth persevering as they make a difference if you can get used to them

They do well on eBay if you don’t want to give them away. Every little helps


ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to EdithWales

I sent some to charity which were new, but they had no backs. My ancient ones are still comfortable and I wear them everywhere - even had them mended! The problem with these new ones is that I wondered if they were causing the pain I had, as my body was realigned (I think!) Will persevere and still have time to return!

suzy1959 profile image

I wear fit flops all the time and they have spoiled me for other shoes as they are so comfortable! My podiatrist who provides orthotics to me does approve of these too!

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to suzy1959

Thankyou! Will give them another chance. They aren’t as comfortable as my old ones though as they are not as soft, a different composition, but my old design isn’t produced anymore

Sandradsn profile image
Sandradsn in reply to suzy1959

I may have to get some😁my feet are so sore in the summer.Actually they're sore in the winter too😳

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to Sandradsn

I think it’s better if you can try them in a shop, although you can send them back otherwise. I wanted a particular style, so ordered them online.

For comfort I buy Sketchers, and they’re like wearing slippers, - not as stylish, but fine with trousers. Haven’t seen sandals though. Trouble is, they spoilt me for other shoes!

Sandradsn profile image
Sandradsn in reply to ClarkB

Yes I've got Sketchers go walk,they are very light trainers and so comfortable.They do make Sketcher slip on sandals but not tried them.

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to Sandradsn

I wear the trainers, but some others are too wide. Very comfortable though.

SnazzyD profile image

Hello, If your body is used to holding itself in a certain way, even if bad, and you make it do something different, even if it’s better, it’ll complain. You need to re-educate it in small doses.

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to SnazzyD

I think you’re right. I don’t have very good posture, when I check in the mirror, then straighten up. Have to remind myself to stand up straight.I just wasn’t sure if fit- flops corrected posture in the right way for everyone, and especially with my having osteoporosis.

Grants148 profile image

Hello,l have always found that certain footwear causes numbness and stiffness in my feet and legs,especially when l go from boots during the winter to summer sandals.l wear old mule like sandals indoors,they have a slightly raised really effects me when l wear really flat shoes. I find it very difficult to find footwear that is comfortable when buying something new.l am sure that as you get used to your new flip flops your legs will adjust,but personally l cannot wear very flat shoes or sandals as they seem to pull on my calf muscles which effects my legs all the way up.Good luck,l hope you can avoid sending your flip flops to the charity shop.

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to Grants148

My new fit flops sandals have a 2 inch wedge heel with two wideish straps across the foot. I can’t wear flat ones with thin soles either. I didn’t mind the sensation of them if I could be sure they didn’t affect my balance when out, as they do feel different, or that the osteoporosis/PMR pain didn’t kick in, unless it was coincidence. Not the charity shop yet as they’re still within sending back date!

Telian profile image

I haven't had an experience like you so can't say if it's a coincidence or you were heading for something anyway - perhaps wear then for a little time each day, on the carpet, then if you're still undecided I have a saying 'if in doubt don't do/keep it' and return, sorry no better help.

ClarkB profile image

You are helpful Telamon. I need these responses because I’ve been glaring at these sandals for days as if they’re some dark force! Will try them on the carpet again, when my hip isn’t playing up!

Pongo13 profile image

I have always walked a lot and always worn fit flops - well since john Lewis started stocking them some years ago. I buy one size smaller than my shoe size. I have narrow feet. They work for me.

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to Pongo13

Hadn’t thought of a smaller size. I must try some, but couldn’t get the style I wanted before, probably because there was only a small stock.

Cyclegirl54 profile image

I’m not very keen on backless sandals as I always end up gripping the front too much and my toes get sore! I’ve got quite narrow feet but find Merrell sandals, although a bit roughty tufty looking ( lol) do the job in the daytime with Clark’s providing a smarter but very comfortable sandal if required . The sales are on in the uk at present - bargains abound!

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to Cyclegirl54

I tried a Clarks one similar to the fit flop, but it was too wide with a gap under the straps. I have enough for walking, and have some Merrells, but I wanted some smarter ones. With walking shoes I always check the grip hasn’t worn away too much on the soles, because I dread falling over now!

HeronNS profile image

I found Fitflops sneakers some years ago and was so happy to have shoes that didn't look like running shoes but felt comfortable. Then the store that carried them here closed and so I got my cousin to send me two pairs from the UK (at that time Fitflop didn't sent internationally, maybe they do now) which looked identical to what I had, but I found I couldn't wear them, they killed my feet. Fortunately they fit someone else in the family so they didn't go to waste but I was very disappointed. I was also sorry to discover that once the sole wears out they cannot be repaired - there is nothing to attach a new sole to. So it may not just be that your sandals are new, they may actually be slightly differently constructed so not fitting the way your old ones did when they were new.

ClarkB profile image

The sole looks the same, but the upper part is slightly different, not as flexible, and instead of the Velcro back fastening there is a buckle - not really an improvement in my opinion. However I was prepared to give them a go, until this niggle over whether or not they caused the severe pains the following day.

How frustrating that you thought you had found replacements! I think they come from different sources sometimes and that can affect the fit. We do have various stockists here (UK) but sometimes a limited stock, hence my buying them online.

PMRpro profile image

It will almost certainly have been as a result in change in posture - like exercise, it probably helps to build up the time you wear them slowly.

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to PMRpro

I think I will try them out again when I feel pain free. Reduced to 5 mg Pred yesterday and have aches and pains all over the place this morning!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to ClarkB

Don't make multiple changes at once!!!! New shoes or a reduction. Not both the same week!!!!

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to PMRpro

You’re right. Avoiding them! I still have L plates with all this!

yogabonnie profile image

I'm shocked at how many people wear fit flops. I wear them too. I have had them a long long time. 2 pairs. I had a pair of fit flop winter boots which for some reason were useless and off to the goodwill with them but in the summer I wear them all the time. I never, however, wear them on long long walks. I love them but have noticed no difference in how they make me feel ...except the initial annoyance of the thing between my toes at the beginning of summer. They sure do last a long long time! I didn't know they were still in existence! You learn something new everyday.

Now off to throw out everything in my inspired by you all.

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to yogabonnie

I got rid of my fit flops with the thong between the toes- unworn. My new ones have wedge heels, like my old ones which I still wear. Think I’ll have to get rid.

I need to go through my wardrobe and my drawers, but it’s too hot and feel lethargic. Not used to this heatwave!

Hi ClarkB

I wear Fit Flops all day everyday and have done for years. I have a few pairs that I alternate ( different colours and styles). They do take a few weeks to get used to, new pairs are more firm even to long-term users. I usually buy my new ones in sales as I'm not after most current styles.

Calf muscles can ache a bit at first but do persevere. I also wear mine as slippers indoors. I cannot wear any cheap rigid shoes, boots or sandals and always go for anatomically formed footware. Sketchers are good too. Google Fitflops sales and buy some to try.

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to

Thankyou tansy. I wanted some like my old ones, but they seem to have been discontinued unfortunately, and they were really soft and comfortable from the start. The new ones are similar, but not as pliable. It wasn’t just my calf muscles but pain up to my hips. I was testing them indoors in case I had to return them. I wear sketchers and Keen sandals. Can’t believe I ever wore heels like Meghan Markle!

artfingers profile image

I was thankful to be able to get orthotics builts into my flipflops (they even have bling!) which my chiropractor was able to sell me until the insurance company cut him off from doing that type of business. They support my arches and I love them.

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to artfingers

I think my problem was the way fit-flops are constructed, which didn’t trouble me before. Perhaps it was coincidence, but on trying the hew ones I developed bad leg and hip pains. PMR or fit-flops?!

Islandgirl50 profile image

I have been wearing fit flops for several years in the summer, body took a little time to get used to them , as it does sort out your muscles( correctly) I happily recommend them . Angeline 🌹

Islandgirl50 profile image

Grrr, lost my reply to you , here we go again . I have been wearing fit flops for several years, yes, they do sort your muscles out , (correctly) I highly recommend them , they do take a little getting used to tho , maybe break them in gently and slowly . Angeline 🌹

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to Islandgirl50

I had no problems with my old ones, years old and still wearing them. It’s just that the new ones aren’t quite as comfortable, and I wondered if they had caused the bad pains the following day due to my having PMR. I wore them for an evening, in the house. I know the intention is to sort out muscles correctly, but I wondered if it applied only if there are no other problems! Thankyou Angelina

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