Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? ... and Breakfast ... - PMRGCAuk


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Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? ... and Breakfast and Lunch and Dinner and...

61 Replies

Yes, it's true! Max is coming to visit Grandma for 4 whole days! His parents are coming too, but that's inconsequential!

I have not seen him (in person) since Easter weekend. That's 8 weeks now, and he has changed a lot since since that time! For one thing, he's walking now! I have only seen him walk on FaceTime. And he says, "cat," and "what's that?" Or at least that's what we think he's saying!

I know it's a bit crazy (and risky!) after just returning home from a long weekend away, to now have company around... but it couldn't be helped. Sometimes timing just sucks.

However, (and quite surprisingly) I am still feeling pretty good, after the birthday bash weekend! Shhhhhh, don't say anything! I don't want to jinx it!

Other than the "bad knee" (which is what it is) and the neuropathy (which is just annoying) I have only the occasional bout of fatigue and heaviness in my shoulders and upper arms. Other than that, I have been doing really well!

Hmmm? What's that I hear in the distance? It sounds like the voice of a "wise one," saying... Hmmm? it sounds like she's saying, "I told you so."

Odd that.

I will try my best to take it easy and NOT be my usual Obsessive Compulsive Self. I will try to remember that nobody, but me, cares if there are dishes in the sink or wet towels on the side of the tub... coffee/tea cups do not have to be removed from the coffee table within 30 seconds of being emptied and a laundry basket, that's half full is not really a "State of Emergency!"

I will take lots of deep breaths... look at that little face and try to focus all of my love and energy into just being "Grandma," for a few days... to hell with the rest of it! : )

61 Replies
Rimmy profile image

What a wee 'darling' who REALLY DOES look like YOU !!! Melissa.

And yes - no 'states of emergency' Max won't care a hoot I promise - just 'being' with him is what matters and he'll adore you for it !!

Have a really GREAT time !


in reply to Rimmy

I'm soooo excited!!!!!


Nerak12 profile image
Nerak12 in reply to

I hope you have a wonderful time with your grandson & family. They grow up so quickly, every memory moment is precious. Such a lovely age. Enjoy! Xx

in reply to Nerak12

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Baileyw06 profile image
Baileyw06 in reply to Rimmy

He is so cute!!!Have fun!!!

in reply to Baileyw06

Thank you !

scats profile image

I'm jealous , I know how you feel, I rarely see my grandchildren, sometimes I just ache for them. Have a lovely time, I can just feel those hugs now!

in reply to scats

Ohhhhh, thank you! It is so hard when you don't see them regularly.

CT-5012 profile image

Have a wonderful time with Max, everything else can wait! 😁

in reply to CT-5012

YES, it can... and logically, I know that.. but when I see it, it's a different story! Not this time, though.

SheffieldJane profile image

He looks like you!! What a heartbreaker. I spoke to Theo for an hour last night on FaceTime ( his 6 am). He took me on a tour of his new house and showed me his toys. He crossly told his parents not to listen. He told me all about a dream he had of being alone in the dark. He reminded me that I needed to get 2 planes to find him ( Australia). He told me a story about a greedy pug. God I love that boy ( aged 3)

I have rashly said that I will help finance them all to come for Christmas aargh! I am a neat freak too and find it hard to relax with visitors. But this is how it has to be. Grunge is a wonderful cook!

I am really glad your wellness is enduring, it sounds like you are in a good place.

Let’s face it, we’d walk across hot coals to get to these boys.

I felt so lively after listening to Theo, he makes me better. 💞

in reply to SheffieldJane

Ohhhhhhh, Jane... Last night's house tour and "private," conversation sound amazing!!! I can't wait till Max is able to communicate. Oh the fun (and secrets) we will have!!!! Theo sounds like a lovely, little boy, who LOVES his Grandma very much!!!! Ohhhhhh, he sounds just precious!

££££ Ouch! Yes, I brought my oldest daughter and her two over a few years ago, from the states. Not as bad, but my savings took a hit.

"Muck" is NOT a good cook... or housekeeper, or host for that matter! Hahahahahaha. He might make you a cup of tea, if he were making one for himself, but that's about it! He is a good dishwasher though... : )

Yes we would walk across hot coals... and yes I bet I feel 100% while Max is here!

Thank you... I hope you too are well and in a good place!

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to SheffieldJane

Aren't they just adorable at that age....You cannot love them enough - it's the best feeling in the world!

My two granddaughters are 17 and 20 now but when they first moved to Oz 15 years ago I was poleaxed by them leaving, still am. What would we do without Skype? they send messages all the time in between Uni and work between, letting me know how they are even if there's nothing much to tell it's just 'hi nanny we're okay how are you?' It gives a nice warm feeling that's belongs to you and no-one else. I often get a message to Skype when they want a private conversation, asking me what to do with allsorts really boyfriends/clothes/phones....or Dad wont' let me do so and so - so they never end and I wouldn't want it to and am so pleased they do. Looks like Theo has started already, they know when they are loved.

They both drive and youngest has just got her first car too, they drive at 16 over there, and a private number plate as well! that's the rage among her friends - I just shake my head gently from side to side.

What I wanted to say is they are coming over for Christmas, as we don't get there now, and like you I want everything to be perfect - so am already planning - but once they arrive it all doesn't matter and we have a brilliant time. I'm just wondering where they plan to visit this time as two years back it was Barcelona for a tattoo for the eldest! Apart from marathon shopping in London and Leeds it will be trip to Europe, as we live so near to the airport we can now fly to lots of places there.

So so different to when they were little, you cannot plan for them the same - but they are so excited about coming to Europe, it's how they talk, not Essex where we live Europe! the youngest was only two when they left so cannot remember living here...

Sorry for going on but listening to you about yours set me off.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Telian

I am so glad that the loving relationship endures over the miles and the years. I never thought of the whole of Europe as a lure. First for the parents then move on to my 4 grandchildren as they get older. They are 9,4,3 and 14 months. Boy,girl,boy,boy. I looked after Theo for two years while his mum worked, so we’re kind of joined at the hip.

in reply to SheffieldJane

Ohhhhh, I love that Tellian.... I was REALLY close (at the hip) with my now 19 year old grandson, who lives in Florida! We were inseparable, but then I moved to the UK when he was 12 and things changed... : ( We are still tight, but not as close as if I still lived in Florida.. and maybe he wasn't 19!!!!!! .

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to SheffieldJane

Beautiful to have them wherever they are, you cannot tell anyone how much it hurts them being away - we just have to make the best of the distance by other means - that is so so hard for you with Theo, I know exactly how you feel. Are they all in Oz?

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Telian

Yes, near each other which sort of helps. I love that the sisters are close even with 8 years difference in age. X

The cousins get on well with the only girl ( Ruby) ruling the roost of course. 😄

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to SheffieldJane

Mmmm all of them eh! that's lovely they are close - my daughter in law's sister lives near to them too so it is a comfort. They live in Queensland - Sippy Downs an outer suburb of Brisbane. Which part do your family live in?

I also have three grandchildren in Tingley, West Yorkshire.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Telian

One lives just outside Coffs Harbour and the other in Sawtell.Both families very near the sea.

5lupins profile image
5lupins in reply to SheffieldJane

Hi, I don't think it s rash of you to help your family come home for Xmas. We spent all our spare money bringing our son and his family home for Xmas. Love is about sharing what you have when it is needed. My son and family have now come home and are helping look after his lovely Dad who has Lymphoma. Start thinking about your little grandson coming over and fill your house with joy. It will help you through the lonely times. Jen

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to 5lupins

On Christmas Day we will probably get the other grandparents too though. 😬 xx

5lupins profile image
5lupins in reply to SheffieldJane

We were lucky there daughter in law comes from a large family in the middle of Texas....... Luckily she loves England.x

in reply to SheffieldJane

You'll have to learn to share.... : (

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to

Er sharing is the least of it. They are not the easiest of people, resisting a wail of an essay here!😖

in reply to SheffieldJane

: O Bummer.....

Neither are Arielle's in-laws. Nick and I and them.... Chalk and cheese!!!!

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to

Rock and a hardplace, devil and the deep blue sea, oil and water. Rictus grins here I come.

ConventCassie profile image

You enjoy yourself to your hearts content 🤗

in reply to ConventCassie

Thank you, thank you, I intend to!!!!! : )

Footfairy-1 profile image

Oh, what a sweetie! I can feel your excitement. Don@t forget that he wont notice or remember any mess. But he will remember being with you and the thing you do together. And so will you.

Have the most wonderful time.

in reply to Footfairy-1

So true! As long as he remembers me! : )

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to

You are in his DNA he’ll know you. 💞

He’s so cute Melisa 💙

Max certainly won’t care if the dishes are washed or not, l recommend a story on your bed & nap afterwards every afternoon with Max of course!

Just chill & enjoy 😊

Angela x

in reply to

I'm sure you are right Mrs Nails! It's me.. an OCD Control Freak!

I love the story on my bed idea... we can take nice cozy naps together! Snug as bugs in a rug! : )

GOOD_GRIEF profile image

Cuddle your baby and her baby for me. Don't forget to kiss your son-in-law, too.

in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

Ahhh, thanks GG, I so will... and YES "son-in-law" is a sweetheart! He's actually more empathetic and in-tune to the PMR/GCA than my daughter is!!!!! Hahahahahaha. He always asks how I'm feeling and then asks questions... Perhaps because he's a 2nd year Med Student, but he makes it feel like he really cares!!!!

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to

Fantastic you can 'educate' your SIL and he'll be well ahead of the 8 ball with PMR/GCA at least - who knows he could save somebody's eyesight - even life one day - so go ahead and brow-beat him Melissa (in between playing with darling Max that is)


in reply to Rimmy

I am... I am indeed!!! : )

I have told him some of the horror stories I have read here on this site, about GPs and A&E doctor's getting it "OH SO WRONG," and treating people like crap! Thank goodness he is appalled!!! He asks a lot of questions and really seems to listen!

sharonnorfolk profile image

Enjoy it. He is a real poppet, looks about the same age as my Evie. Go on holiday with her and her Mum.

Just be careful, when they walk they also make bids for freedom. Evie spotted a gate on the play park open. She was off, No turning around when I called her so I had to get my little feet scurrying after her. Phew I am still faster but no doubt not for much longer.

Have a really fun few days, lots of cuddles and kisses. p.s. Evie's favourite word is SpIder!

He is 16 months old now... and THANK YOU! Yes, I have seen him go from one end of there house to the other like greased lightning!!!! He when from this "butt crawl" thing, to running!!!! : )

Evie.. what a cute name!!!!!! I love it!

Telian profile image

Beautiful little boy - all things to one side and enjoy!

in reply to Telian

Thank you, I think so, but I'm prejudice!

Pongo13 profile image


in reply to Pongo13

Thank you!!!!!

Telian profile image

This site is confusing the hell out of me I don't get the messages timely anymore, they're all over the place only just saw the adorable little boy..

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Telian

It’s called nesting apparently. Your replies appear all over the place. I’ve got used to it but it does make me repeat other people’s advice unknowingly.

in reply to Telian

Thank you!!!!!!

Baileyw06 profile image

He is so cute!!!

in reply to Baileyw06

Thank you, thank you!

5lupins profile image
5lupins in reply to

I can feel your excitement. It is quite contagious. Happy days.😀😀😀😀

morrison profile image

Have a great time with your family and rest up after. 😊😊x

in reply to morrison

Exhausted.... looking forward to RESTING!!!

stellafmdm profile image

Gorgeous Melissa! Enjoy your few days!

in reply to stellafmdm

Thank you!!!

Suet3942 profile image

How lovely Melissa. He is such a cutie. I have 2 grandsons and I adore them. Mind you the eldest is now 15 and us very monosyllabic at the moment. But I remember the days when he was the same age as Max. We used to look after him for 2 days a week from 4 months until he went to school. A magical time. Have fun...🤡🤡

in reply to Suet3942

Ha! I have a 19 year old and a 7 year old (grandson) as well..... I remember the when the 19 year old came here when he was 15!!!!!! WORST trip ever! He was a nightmare!!!! he's better now... but lives in Florida! Thank you, thank you!!!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Suet3942

My 16-year old g'son appeared in the door the other week - all 6 ft of him! We hadn't seen him for the best part of 2 years so it was something of a surprise. He is past the nose in the computer and monosyllables though...

Suet3942 profile image
Suet3942 in reply to PMRpro

My grandson is 6 ft as well. Looks like a young man instead of a 15 year old. Towers over me (4ft 11insj lol. ..

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to PMRpro

A sight for sore eyes I’ll bet.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to SheffieldJane

He was a very attractive small person - I'm sure there are a load of girls swooning over him now!!!!

teesher profile image

Melissa, enjoy that gorgeous little scamp. If PMR teaches/forces us to learn one thing, it is to stop and take in the moment. Not to sweat the small stuff because as you say, it is not a state of emergency. There is nothing more humbling than feeling our mobility slipping away from us. Sounds like your condition may just be on the move, fingers crossed. Have a lovely time being a granma. They grow so fast.

I am, thank you! ...but he's tiering me out for sure! SO MUCH ENERGY! How do I harness some of that?

Thank you teesher, wise words!

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