Can't quite figure out how to use the site correctly but can anyone let me know what date the meeting is in chertsey Surrey please?
Next date for meeting in chertsey Surrey? - PMRGCAuk
Next date for meeting in chertsey Surrey?

Hello Jamie and welcome! The next Surrey meeting is on 10th April from 11am in the Function Room, The River Bourne Club, Chertsey, There is a public car park alongside for which free parking tokens are available at Reception. Following registration and light refreshments there will be a guest speaker from The Kent, Sussex and Surrey Air Ambulance Trust, following which there will be an update/discussion focussing on all things PMR and GCA. Please let me know if you expect to come along by sending me a personal message so that I can add you to the register
Look forward to meeting you there
Thank you don't know how to do personal will have a try
Hello, I am in East Molesey and would like to come along to some of these meetings but unfortunately can't make this one. Could you send me future dates and info so I can book them into my schedule? I've just joined. thank you.
Hi Judith, could you please send me a personal message with your email address so that I can forward al list of meeting dates to you and further details about the meetings.
Ok thank you
Hi jamie look forward to meeting you at the meeting
I just received an appointment to go to the Royal Marsden hospital on Saturday, my rheumy cannot find out why I'm still in pain so arranged this scan unfortunately for me it's come on the same day as our meeting on the 10th, I will call them and try change it for a day earlier but I dare not miss it! I am disappointed that I might have to miss the first chance to attend the meeting in chertsey I've being waiting for, hopefully the hospital is open today to change if possible.