Well, I saw my new rheumatologist today. I was so nervous but she was a delight and thorough in her exam, discussion of events leading to the referral, test results and treatment plan. It is PMR, classic symptoms and response to Prednisone. She has put me back on 20 mg taken once a day, as early as I can manage. I believe that is what many of you told me from the start. She ordered more blood tests to check various vitamin levels, ESR and CRP(to monitor only), an additional RA test and bone mass. She said the inflammatory markers blood tests are not her biggest concern, she prefers symptoms and Prednisone response(I believe you also told me that). I see her in a month and will evaluate the dosing needs at that time. She told me to rest often, do not overdo but gradually try light exercises such as short walks, stretches and yoga. Make healthy diet choices but don’t deny myself some comfort food(oh, thank you). She asked that I contact her immediately through an online patient portal if I have unpleasant side effects or new symptoms and she checks and responds twice a day. So now I have a good doctor and all of you for so much support!! The healing begins. Thank you all again!
Rheumatologist appointment and confirmed disgnosis - PMRGCAuk
Rheumatologist appointment and confirmed disgnosis

Hi vnett,
Hurrah, what a sensible lady. Hang on to her...hope she’s as sensible with her reduction plan, which you’ll no doubt discuss at next appointment.
Good luck with your journey until then.
Sounds like you've got a great rheumatologist.
Best wishes,
She sounds like the answer to everybody's dreams. Glad you had such a good outcome from your visit.
Fabulous! It sounds like you found a "good" one!!!!
Supportive doctor helps on this unpredictable journey!
Hi vnett, I need your Rhuematologist might have to consider moving. What time zone are you in? Nice to hear there are Drs with some good old fashioned common sense. Good luck
It could be quite a move! I’m in Chicago. I’d love to be able to share her with everyone though. And yes to common sense in doctors. That seems to be lost much too often. I also give high praise to the doctor who takes the time to listen to the patient. Are you still waiting for a diagnosis?
Oh wow! Is it windy there today? It is great to be able to share these issues with people across the globe, one of the benefits of the I should mention that I am still as yet in the " not formally diagnosed phase" as you will see from a another thread, but this forum has been a life line for me. If it transpires I don't have this condition I will be posting a sad farewell.
ps I'm in the UK down in the Westcountry
I’m sure it’s lovely there! I hope to make a return visit to England and enjoy the beautiful countryside someday soon!
My GP is waiting for a letter from my Rheumy who is waiting for a letter from the Shoulder specialist, whom I saw on Tuesday and who has recommended a trail of steroids to see if these produce the immediate relief one would expect if I have PMR. How long these letters will take is anyone's guess. This sounds like a song. The thigh bone's connected to the knee bone etc falala It is possible my Rheumy will decide he doesn't want to give me a trial but we will see. Watch this space!
It is indeed windy here and it always is but at least it will soon be the Spring winds! I too have greatly enjoyed the global aspect of this wonderful forum. They have kept me hopeful and sane. I do hope you get a definitive diagnosis soon. The waiting and wondering causes so much additional stress. And if it’s a sad farewell, I hope it’s due to good news!! Good luck!!
OMG! She sounds like a dream doctor. So glad for you! Are you in the UK? However did you find her? She responds to messages? How wonderful. Sure to immensely help your healing.
She is quite wonderful! I am the Yank from Chicago. My GP had made some errors with me but bless him he referred me to her! And she responds to messages twice a day and told me to let her know if I had trouble with my next appointment being made in her desired timeframe. I had tests late in the day yesterday and she messaged me early this morning with results and comments. She even asked me how I felt this am. Though I’m thrilled to have found her I’m beginning to feel terribly guilty. I wish everyone could be so fortunate.

Excellent - needs a clone...
Hi Venett,
What your rheumatologist has told you fits what all the great people on this forum have said, and also what my wife has experienced. Sounds like you have a good rheumy. My wife's first rheumy was more concerned about getting her off of prednisone ASAP. So 7 months into it he had her down to zero prednisone simply because ESR and CRP were normal though all her symptoms were back to Day 1 of diagnosis. Her second rheumy is much more like yours sounds, Venett.
Good that your wife has found a new rheumatologist fully aware of the guidelines that work! It must have been disheartening to have to start all over. All the information shared by the wise people on this forum helped me so much! I knew immediately that I had found an excellent doctor. Good luck to your wife and to you as well.