Dog pic: As instructed, here is my dog picture, he... - PMRGCAuk


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Dog pic

SnazzyD profile image
64 Replies

As instructed, here is my dog picture, he is Rory. Adopted from Romania a month ago at 6months old. A Romanian shepherd dog in there plus who knows what else. He is cheeky and full of himself, a far cry from the skinny thing, paralysed with fear that arrived at our door. I think he is going to be quite big, so cracking on with the training. On my bad days I wonder what we did when I’m having to do what you have to do for a young rescue dog, but the positives outweigh the negatives and winter isn’t the best time for this. When he arrived, the whole family had the flu really badly. I didn’t get it, so Pred isn’t necessarily a sentence to all bugs. I was nursemaid and dog whisperer, it was exhausting but I harnessed the power of chicken.

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SnazzyD profile image
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64 Replies

He is gorgeous!!!! Beautiful face!!!!

SheffieldJane profile image

What a smooch!

Celtic profile image
CelticPMRGCAuk volunteer

Now I’m dog-broody after seeing these gorgeous dog pics today - lovely stories, too.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer

Love him...what a handsome chap 🐕

SnazzyD profile image
SnazzyD in reply to DorsetLady

Oh and he knows it, especially when he’s been naughty. I think he practices ‘the look’ in the mirror.

GOOD_GRIEF profile image

Give him some cuddles for me!

SnazzyD profile image
SnazzyD in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

Ok, I’ll take one for the team

Nones profile image

what a handsome chap!

Charlie1boy profile image

Fantastic, and such a lovely picture. I've fallen for him already, and good on you for taking a rescue dog from Romania. I'm sure you will be well rewarded.


He is soooo cute.

My dog wasn't rescue i' m afraid as I was wobbly in my legs I wanted to try and train a dog with a known history. She is 11 this year. I remember the first few months being exhausting and I questioned my sanity.

He looks like he has cheesy grin😂.

SnazzyD profile image
SnazzyD in reply to

Oh yes, we always say to ourselves that this time we will get one with a known history, pre-fostered etc etc. and end up with something very different. Last time we went for another young lurcher and came away with an older pair of terrier types that nobody wanted, thinking, “what just happened back there?”. Had to put to sleep the last of that pair 7 weeks ago; it was traumatic as always.

in reply to SnazzyD

Oh dear. I am sorry to hear that you lost them. They just pull at your heart. Mine was the ring of the litter. I always say the best gift she has given me, in addition to constant companionship and just good fun & love, is that I wouldn't hesitate to get another dog when the time comes. As a working cocker she is still a handful but off the lead is great. Given my brothers experience of adopting the sofa eating dog from Cyprus I might risk a rescue. My friend daughter and her nephew live in Portugal and Spain respectively and have taken about a dozen in during the past few years. My friend says nephew has adopted 21 cats! Although the new spaying legislation has reduced number of feral and strays by 80-90% apparently.

I am sure once he gets through his adolescence he will be even more perfect!

I am a cat person really but who could not say that he is a beauty (for a boy). I always admire anyone who takes in a rescue animal. I am sure he will give equally as much, if not more, love than he gets. 🐕

yogabonnie profile image

I love Rory. He looks like my sweet girl Blaze looked. (first owner was English..wrote it Blaise)

What a wonderful dog to have rescue you!

He has that Charles Bronson look in the 'Great Escape'. And it was for him. Super rescue SnazzyD.

Soraya_PMR profile image

What a handsome chap.

Do you clicker train?

SnazzyD profile image
SnazzyD in reply to Soraya_PMR

No. We’ve thought about it with all our rescues then don’t get round to it. Establishing pecking order and making sure doggy feels a real part of the pack has usually done the trick, but we’ve always had older ‘problem’ dogs from 2-7 years. Do you recommend it?

Soraya_PMR profile image
Soraya_PMR in reply to SnazzyD

I was just thinking it’s a way of training that requires less physical input. I’ve always found it great for boosting the confidence of timid/fearful dogs. (Not that Rory is displaying any of that body language). It makes them use their brains and crosses the communication divide. Also great for 4 minutes during the adverts! As he’s likely going to be a biggun, and as a shepherd he’ll need a ‘job’, you can build on the training infinitum.

I’m not into shoving dogs around, and like the ‘praise the good/ignore the bad’ emphasis of clicker training. Dogs love it and really LEARN, you can almost see their brains trying to work things out. I’ve used it on many of my rescues, so long as you work out their ‘drive’ (food/squeaky toy or ball/cuddles) it just works. Currently helping a friend with a biting dachshund! Tut tut! First 20 minute session you could see a change in him.

My ❤️ Breed is bullmastiffs, 10 stone of muscle that absolutely must be trained, great fun clicker training those big beasties. I’ve also ‘clicker’ trained a deaf dog using a flashing torch. I’d absolutely recommend it as a training method.

in reply to Soraya_PMR

I have used hand signals and my whistle. Mine is ball crazy and water crazy....followed by chewing trees crazy. She can be a bit zazzy if dogs invade her space but of course usually ends up playing. I did spend hours stretching her mind finding things round the house. A terror on the lead...done every technique but hard when you are slow Walker with a crutch in one hand and a lead in the other. I am lucky that I can drive to lots of countryside walks for her and sits for me. The only thing I "regret" is I taught her to "sing and talk" to me. Most days we have woofing argument over number of biscuits. 😂

Soraya_PMR profile image
Soraya_PMR in reply to

Chewing trees sounds fun!

My ‘regret’ is teaching my terrier (the one with Cushings) to ring a bell when she needs a wee. She needs to wee a lot, and every time my bum touches the sofa........dingaling!

Elaine-W profile image
Elaine-W in reply to Soraya_PMR

Dear Soraya

I now pronounce you to be our resident dog whisperer. You really seem to have a gift with dogs it’s wonderful ⭐️.

SnazzyD profile image
SnazzyD in reply to Elaine-W

Ooh, I don’t know. Let’s see down the line a bit. We have learned better than to get too smug!

Soraya_PMR profile image
Soraya_PMR in reply to Elaine-W

Thanks Elaine-W , my dogs have taught me a lot. To witness rescues transform Is a delight.

in reply to Soraya_PMR

I am going to try that bell😂

Soraya_PMR profile image
Soraya_PMR in reply to

I fancied one of those dome bells, 🛎 like you see in hotel receptions, but couldn’t find one. So we have a cow bell.

in reply to Soraya_PMR

I have a handbell that i can adapt. She still learns new things so may work.

Sandy1947 profile image
Sandy1947 in reply to Soraya_PMR

You are the dog whisperer! I wish you helped me with Joey 13 years ago! She flunked out of school! The teacher said she was traumatized and couldn’t focus. My 10 pound Coton is all about the love 💕! At least she wags her tale when she wants to go out!

Please post pics of the bullmastiffs. I have been Great Pyrenees obsessed lately. I see pictures of available rescues. They must be difficult to train or shedding monsters because there are sooooo many rescues. At 108 pounds, many outweigh me. It’s unrealistic but I love to dream.

SnazzyD profile image
SnazzyD in reply to Sandy1947

Mastiffs are very lovely.

Soraya_PMR profile image
Soraya_PMR in reply to Sandy1947

Sandy1947 , she was a terrible teacher then! Fancy giving up because the dog was ‘difficult’! I wish I’d helped you both too.

Sandy1947 profile image
Sandy1947 in reply to Soraya_PMR

Me, too! I got her and she was so damaged she sat in the corner motionless. I spent so much time with her and she developed a personality. However, she didn’t bark, interact with other dogs and acted liked a stuffed animal. She is great with little kids, especially those afraid of dogs! She also wasn’t crazy about men! She has a high pain tolerance according to the vet. All signs of abuse to me.

Soraya_PMR profile image
Soraya_PMR in reply to Sandy1947

Sounds like it :(

At least she found love 💕

SnazzyD profile image
SnazzyD in reply to Soraya_PMR

Oh yes, is definitely a worker rather than a hunter like all our others. He definitely guards his ‘flock’ in the garden listening to every new sound, but is very sociable with people and other dogs so we keep making sure his flock doesn’t contract to just us and everything else becomes other. Don’t worry, we don’t do dominance through shoving, or for that matter, fear. Not sure what his drive is yet. Trying to find a food that trumps all distractions; you can see him weighing up if it’s worth it. I’ll look into clickers today.

in reply to SnazzyD

Pretend to eat the food too. Unless it's cheese then top up! They always seem to want the human food. The best advice I got from a woman in the park when I was running round trying to find her as she shot off with a new playmate was to make myself more interesting. I decided balls. I carried a few as she wouldn't bring them back at first. I am agood whistler so did so and threw another ball. Now I only have to tap crutch in certain time and she turns and comes to me. I can even do same knock on the window when she is down the garden. I must confess that as she gets older she is less biddable. And just gives me that look. One trainer recommended garlic sausage but I am veggie and didn't want to a)give her such processed meat b) handle meat.

Soraya_PMR profile image
Soraya_PMR in reply to SnazzyD

SnazzyD not for a moment did I think you shoved or pushed! Rory sounds like a real shepherd, so intelligence is built in :) he’s going to be great to train.

in reply to Soraya_PMR

I am very proud of the fact that I can wave hands and newspapers etc eye at my dogs face and she just looks as if she's thinking "crazeee beeatch". Over the years she has kept me going.

Klah profile image

I can’t see the top of his head, or face, but he looks great! Everyone should have a dog😊

If you accidentally locked your significant other in the garage all day....and the dog too...who would still be happy to see you when you opened the door🤣

in reply to Klah


Sandy1947 profile image

I love your dog! He looks full of personality and cuteness. Keep posting pics as he gets bigger and we all get better!

nickm001 profile image

How do you adopt a dog from different country? Usually there is so much red tape ( requirements) for vaccines, etc. It is especially strict in island nation, like UK.

SnazzyD profile image
SnazzyD in reply to nickm001

There are specialist charities like Barking Mad and local rescue centres take many foreign dogs, Spain and Ireland are other counties that have them too. There is strict red tape but the charity does all that and for a fee of £300 the new owner just waits for delivery. The couriers are speicialised for animals and have to have all the right paperwork for borders. Sometimes the authorities come round when they do spot checks at the destination.

I’m often asked, why a foreign dog when there are plenty of strays in the U.K.? After 20 years of challenging rescues we decided to get a puppy so we are more likely to have less baggage to deal with. We just couldn’t find one about 6 months that wasn’t a breed our live-in elderly relative wasn’t prejudiced against. I read about the historical persecution of Romanian dogs and the website was full of pups. They try to guess the breed but if you care about what they will turn into, you don’t go there! Rory had been found outside a factory with his littermates when he was tiny, so has not been abused. His siblings had all been chosen and Rory was not being picked, the rest is history.

nickm001 profile image
nickm001 in reply to SnazzyD

He looks really nice and cuddly. Paws are not too big, so he will not be much bigger then he is now IMO. When I moved form US to Japan, I brought a dog with me, but it took 6months of preparation, vaccines, RF chip implant... This is why I asked.

SnazzyD profile image
SnazzyD in reply to nickm001

Normally it takes about 3-6 weeks from application but Rory was put on the transport instead of his sister by accident. He was in Belgium when they realised. Luckily all the vaccinations were complete and he’d been chipped anyway. Then followed some frantic form signing online and he turned up 2 days later. Perhaps it was less than 6 months because it was all within the EU?

in reply to SnazzyD

My first dog was rescued from a rubbish bin and fit in my hand and still had eyes closed. I worked for police and when she was brought in I arranged that I got her. Hand feeding for weeks was tiring but worthwhile. She lived for 16yrs and had a great life bless her.

SnazzyD profile image
SnazzyD in reply to


Graziella profile image

Beautiful dog and even more beautiful who adopted him.

in reply to Graziella

Graziella- how are you doing?

Graziella profile image
Graziella in reply to

I am still on 10 mg of prednisone but I ended up in a nursing home because of the great weakness caused bypass prednisone. I fell and broke my shoulder. I will never be able to go go back to my home as I would not be able to take care of myself. I have no family, only friends. As soon as the orthopedic doctor tells me, I will be able to go to an assisted living studio apartment where somebody's else can take care of my needs.

in reply to Graziella

I am sorry to hear that. Hopefully when you get settled you will feel a bit better. I will be keeping my fingers crossed that the apartment provides you with a new if different lease of life. Please take care x

Graziella profile image
Graziella in reply to Graziella

Thank you for your kind words.

SnazzyD profile image
SnazzyD in reply to Graziella

Oh I don’t know, I’d kill for his eyelashes and deep brown eyes. Not so much the wet nose though.

nickm001 profile image

Well, since this is PMR site and we are talking about the dog, here is my story that connects the two: I have 6 year old Weimaraner that recently developed some sort of immune problem and vet put him on: drum roll... prednisone !... He started him at 15mg and is currently tapering down. It just so happens that we are both at the same dose at the moment - 3.5mg :). What was hilarious is that dog started to have same side effects to steroids and promptly gain weight in the first month (2.5Kg) which is about 7-8% of his body weight. He was getting exactly the same portions as before, but never the less gained weight. He is also tired and sleeps more then usual and tends to drink a lot of water... Finally my wife believes me that my complains about PMR and pred are not imaginary :).

in reply to nickm001

AaaW and 😂😂

Soraya_PMR profile image
Soraya_PMR in reply to nickm001

I’ve never owned a Weimaraner, but always think they are smart looking dogs.

You’re in a similar boat to me, my terrier with Cushings (high cortisol/adrenal tumour) has an insatiable appetite, drinks like a fish (more than 5 litres a day!) and now looks like a barrel on 4 stick legs.

Years ago my first bullmastiff had some allergy/immune problem and developed jaw myalgia. Prednisolone was her saviour. Vets aren’t as afraid of steroids as doctors IME.

SnazzyD profile image
SnazzyD in reply to nickm001

Well, someone’s got to bring us back!

Well done doggy for championing the cause. Shame he has to go through it without being able to talk about it.

jlyndauk2002 profile image

Ahh what a gorgeous boy. we adopted a rescue last year from Cyprus, she is now 15 months old and is gorgeous, a bit of a handful at times, jumping up to greet visitors, but we are working hard to correct this, her name is Sienna and she is pointer x lab! She was abandoned with her siblings and fortunately rescued by a fab charity out there.

SnazzyD profile image
SnazzyD in reply to jlyndauk2002

Gosh, Cyprus too. These foreign dogs do look different to UK dogs, you can usually tell them a mile off.

justcallmenurse profile image

Hi SnazzyD yes I'm sure the positives outweigh the negs. Have been very tempted to get another dog as I'm sure there are lots of benefits but I am hoping to get back to work ( although I may be deluded ) and so until that is certain or not I must refrain. Hubcap aka husband keeps reminding me it would not be fair to have a dog until we have more time and we are not both working.

SnazzyD profile image
SnazzyD in reply to justcallmenurse

It was part of the plan to make going back to work harder for me as they are begging me to go back. I don’t fancy forever, looking over my shoulder hoping GCA isn’t still a risk and whether it is too stressful. It seems to be a condition where by the time you find out what you’re doing is too much, it’s too late. However, I’m not ready to go out to pasture at 55.

bunnymom profile image

What a sweet face. How wonderful you found each other!

Marcy47 profile image

We adopted our cat Tigger in Spain, he was a 3 month old stray wandering around the houses looking for food. When we returned to UK in 2015 he was 2 yrs old and we had to bring him with us, luckily he had a passport and all the jabs needed.

He loves it here, he has a large garden and we live in a cul-de-sac backing onto open fields.

When we had deep snow recently he ran out of the patio doors and landed up to his tummy in the snow, then tried to back into the house again. I wish I had had a camera handy.

teesher profile image

I'm not even a dog person but have fallen for the divine Rory. What a beautiful face.

Jackoh profile image

Gorgeous dog! He looks like he's got everything sussed!

Reethebeat profile image

What a lovely dog, we always have rescued dogs. Be proud of yourself for making one dogs life so much more happier.

Grants148 profile image

So gorgeous,a lovely addition to your family Snazzy .

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