I have commented on this before but am now unsure once again of what is actually happening when I split my dose. My current dilemma arises from recent rheumy appointment. She wasn’t a fan of my taking 7 mg at night usually around 9/10pm or when I remembered and then 3mg in morning usually around 8. I seemed to sleep well enough, bit hot at times, but nothing I hadn’t been dealing with as a 50 something year old. She talked about the physiological dose and that it was better therefore to take my dose in morning. I tried to change the balance and all was well at 6 and 4 but then I started my taper to 9mg and began to struggle. Stopped that and remained at 10. Have attempted changing the split to 5 and 5 but am really struggling with stiffness in evening and now through the night. Wake very stiff and today my shoulders feel as if I’ve washed every window inside and out!
I don’t think I understand what is going on. I’m keen to taper and instinctively feel I should stick with my split despite rheumys comments. After all it works for me.....or it was. I feel I’ve lost the balance and it’s all going awry. I continue to have elevated Liver function tests, particularly my GGT, but that has been the case for some years. Does it mean my liver processes the pred differently? Apologies if I’m repeating myself but two years into this and I confuse myself! I’m sure I’ve read somewhere that some people take all their dose at night but why do the doctors not promote that?
Much appreciate any advice or comments. Thanks.