Anyone else experienced a Mole Change while on Pr... - PMRGCAuk


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Anyone else experienced a Mole Change while on Pred?

777s profile image
19 Replies

been on 40mg since Dec 2017 . have a Mole on leg that is growing larger by the day! .. Have read on google (yes, know shouldn’t ) that it’s a Pred side effect skin ca .. Scared and off to see gp asap .. any reassurance appreciated .. I’m trying Very hard to stay positive with this condition but the side effects of Pred (have a puffy face) tinnitus/Head nosies, brain fog, feeling giddy are proving to be a challenge

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777s profile image
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19 Replies
DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer

Hi 3777s,

I’ve been on this forum for over 5 years and that’s the first time I’ve heard anybody ask about whether skin cancer is a side effect of Pred. I did find an article on web regarding this but it was not particularly recent, however another quoted there may be some connections between skin cancers and a weakened immune system (which you have if you are on steroids).

But you should take any changes in moles seriously so glad you’ve got an appointment- please keep us informed and good luck

777s profile image
777s in reply to DorsetLady

.. hi yes, I’ve read that too ... I will ask this question when af my next Rheumatologt appointment . Also will ask the Dermatologist same .. as it’s definitely quoted those with Autumune conditions, .. And it’s odd/strange/or just pure coincidental .. that a mole which I’ve had for most of my life! Is now become very .. growing daily .. and being on Pred since December obviously enlightened my initial question .will update when had my Dermatologist appoint.😊

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to 777s

Just for info, I forgot to say I’ve got more moles than you can shake a stick at, always have had, but not one of them changed during Pred days.

Did see the GP a year or so ago about “something” (slightly raised and bit rough) that I could feel on my back but couldn’t see. Like you I’m widowed with grown up children, and you can’t really ask a friend to “have a look at my back”! Only to be told by GP - “it’s only an age spot!”

Oh great, thanks!

777s profile image
777s in reply to DorsetLady

... thank you for info .. that’s made me more positive and not to worry about my newly changed mole ... appoint next Wed!

I feel I’m extra sensitive to the Pred as when started on 60mgs in Dec had a dvt .. told nothing to do with the Pred. But a few gps have said yes it is a side effect .. others say no ... If the drs can’t agree then what chance do we have! ... I’ve tried to research this and in 2013 it was confirmed high dose can cause a dvt it is a rare side effect I guess; as not come across it on any info here .. Have written down lots of questions for when I see Rheumatologist in 2 weeks time.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to 777s

You might be interested in this - although there are holes to be picked in the study:

It is currently not possible to say for certain it was the high dose pred - or the underlying disease that it was being used for.

777s profile image
777s in reply to PMRpro

Hi .. yes, interesting Reading .. there are lots of Reports and doctors who say yes, being on Pred does give the risk of a dvt .. I’ve had a few locus gps at my surgery say it before I’ve even said that as the cause .. as I am sure it was in my case! 5 days on 60mgs! fit healthy and hey ho .. a dvt appears after being in this medication! In USA it does seem to be accepted that it is a possible okay, rate side effect it the case is out here in the U.K.! As always! .. I’ve now come to the conclusion we all have to be vigilant with any side effects whilst on this drug which is a Very Powerful one I’ve come to realise now reading your messages here .. Will be interesting on Wed when I see the Dermatologst re my existing mole that’s now triggered which is gone awol! again ... after 40 years of having this mole .. seems a coincidence it’s now (since taking high dose Pred Dec 17to Date) become a five ..

Back to Dvt and Prednisalone .. I’ve noticed .. now that it’s been advised for people on Pred to take low does aspirin! which is 5mg Now I Wonder Why!!!

This country needs to get up to date with this Medication! Like USA have .. it’s been around and used for 60 years, yes, it works . And all the Drug Companies are happy bunnies hence, no cure is being sorted! ...

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to 777s

There was some thought that low dose aspirin would counteract the increased risk of cardiovascular events in the first year after diagnosis. It is now being removed from the guidelines as the benefits are not felt to outweigh the risks of increased bleeding.

There is a new drug for GCA, tocilizumab, a monoclonal antibody. But it costs rather a lot and no medical system in the world could afford to replace pred with it for PMR. If anyone is happy - it is the healthcare funders, not the pharmaceutical companies. But believe me when I say that the potential adverse events with tocilizumab make pred for PMR look quite a pussycat...

SheffieldJane profile image

Hi 3777s, can I call you 3? ☺️

At the risk of sounding like the woman who always says me to! Me to! I have noticed new warty things on the skin of my body right from the outset of PMR. These were dismissed by a GP as not important. So now I look at new ones and wonder how on earth GPs tell that they are not signs of skin cancer as they are uneven and do grow and change. I would have your mole checked out. My son in law works as a GP in Australia where everyone is alert to the dangers of skin cancer. He cuts out wayward moles several times a week - no dramas - as they say in Australia. They do have a hole in the Ozone layer directly above them. The attitude to this danger is admirable and so matter of fact. We are much more complacent here. These things need to be caught early though.

GerriMc profile image
GerriMc in reply to SheffieldJane

Jane, I have those warty things too. I had s basal cell melanoma successfully removed over 30 years ago but I try to be vigilant. The doc has measured the warty things and I try to keep them covered. Not much chance of over exposure here in Dublin in Winter but I’m longing for some heat and sun. 🙄

Rimmy profile image

Living in OZ we are constantly reminded to check any changes in spots/moles - without hesitation. Don't worry about it being anything really bad - very often it's not the ones you think are a problem that turn out to be - BUT no procrastination - to be certain - just GO !!

Best wishes

SnazzyD profile image

What a worry for you. Whether it is a side effect or not you’ve done the right thing in getting a doc appointment. Let’s face it, even if we said it could be ok, you’ll never rest until you’ve got a diagnosis. Good luck.

777s profile image

.. thank you all for your replies ... have just returned from gp, says pretty sure it’s Not due to the Pred I’m on ... but did add skin ca is more prevaliant in people with Auto Immune Decease, thanks doc!! Hence, a fast tract appoint to see a Dermatologist. Positive positive thoughts till get my appointment hey

GerriMc profile image
GerriMc in reply to 777s

Fingers crossed for you. Hope all goes well!

777s profile image

... thank you Gerri .. it’s reassuring to be seeing a dermatologist soon .. will post info when known .. I’m a widowed lady children grown and flown so having this site to talk to good or bad .. helpful and informative ... thank you😊

PMRpro profile image

The steroid and skin cancer link is thought to be for non-melanoma skin malignancies and the evidence is disputed - while older studies said there was a definite link, more recent ones are less sure. It is for very high doses and over long periods and where the immune system is heavily suppressed.

If anyone has a mole that is changing visibly it needs to be looked at by a dermatologist immediately - but that is anyway, whether you are on pred or not.

777s profile image

... yes, I do have an urgent dermatologist referral .. will update when seen. Guess it’s all too easy to put everything down to Steriods, especially when on a high dosage.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to 777s

Well, doctors do it all the time!!!

My husband had a dermy appointment when he turned 65. All moles carefully examined with a light - and one i'd never noticed was deemed dodgy. It was removed a few weeks later - and that was the last we heard. They would have contacted us if there was anything to be done. So we hope the letter didn't get lost in the post...

Parijm profile image

Oddly, I had a small area on my leg (can't quite recall exactly what it was now) examined last year and was told it was a basal cell melanoma which was treated. I had been taking Prednisolone for a couple of years but I was unaware of any increased links to skin cancer. I do have a number of moles on my skin and have always kept an eye on any changes in their appearance and will continue to do so. My Dr has also dismissed some of my 'examples' as simply sun damaged skin.

777s profile image

... Update.. seem Dermatologist all okay, nothing nasty, such a relief! Poor Pred it’s been getting the blame for everything from me! also, esr down to 10! which is normal at long last can start tapering down now! ... thank you all who who written to me .. most kind and appreciated .. Support while living alone is really welcome. Thank you all. 😊

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