Hello everyone, I've been following this forum for a couple of years but don't often post. Here is my scenario, diagnosed with PMR in May/June 2016. Put on 10 mg of Pred and fairly instant relief. Had a slow taper , arrived at 6 mg in January 2017 but had a flare so back to 10 mg. It has taken a whole year to get to 5 mg. waited till after Xmas to attempt 4.5 mg. Symptons returned within a week, first extreme fatigue, sweating, headache on waking. Returned to 7 mg but now feel like a full on flare. Arms, and especially hands are so painful. Do I return to 10 mg? During all this a letter arrived from my rheumy saying my last blood test for my cortisol level was 269 (??) and borderline (???)) and I should remain at 5 mg Pred. He wanted me to have another test which I duly did on 26 th of January. Of. Course since then I have slowly gone downhill!! Rang his secretary yesterday, requesting a call back to see what they suggest. I'm in real discomfort today, struggling to use my arms and hands. I think I will just try 10 mg, what do you think? Added into this scenario , I returned to Simvastatin in December, I read that this can cause muscle pain , so saw GP on Tuesday , he has changed me to Prevastatin. Don't know if this will help but willing to try. My right hand/ arm has become very weak over last 6 months , so he has referred me for a nerve impingement test!!
Oh dear , things were going so well until the first week of the new year!! Back to the drawing board! Any suggestions , gratefully received!! 😃😃😃