My wife, Estela, was diagnosed with PMR 18 months ago. The rheumatologist started her at 15mg prednisone per day. It took her about 2+ weeks to feel relief. A couple of months later she felt great, so the rheumy started to taper her to 12.5mg and told her to take 400mg of plaquenil daily. After another month he had her at 10mg, then 7.5, 5.0, etc. As soon as she went below 10mg, her aches and pains started coming back. Just because her ESR and CSR results showed no inflammation, he did not care that all her symptoms were back. He finally sent her back to her GP and Orthopedic doctors.
They put her back to 10mg, and she started to feel good enough to function, but not quite ready to do the exercises she needs to do to battle her diabetes. Her GP has just referred her to a new rheumy. My wife really liked this rheumy; she was very understanding, and more interested in improving my wife's quality of life than what labs would show, and to allow her the ability to exercise, she raised her dose to 12.5mg.
Her next visit will be in 2 more weeks, after some lab work, and she also prescribed garapentin. She is hopeful that garapentin will allow my wife to start tapering again. She says that the first rheumy was wrong in cutting her prednisone dose so quickly, and that going from 15 to 12.5 was too much. Lowering by no more than 1mg periodically would have been much more effective.
We have been in this forum since the beginning of the year, and it has been so helpful. My wife doesn't have good command of the English language so I read the posts and translate for her, and we respond to some of your posts as well.
Has anyone had any experience with garapentin?