my taper down from 20 to 17.5 is going pretty good so far, it should I guess, more problems seem to happen to people around 10mg I've seen from reading on the forum...anyway...I over exerted the other day, snow shoveling!!! expecting a rough morning and day after...nope..all was good...lucked out this's my main morning problem with stiffness and soreness are my hands..I don't read a lot from people that have hand problems with PMR...very stiff and "crab claws" early in the morning for an hour or so...not unusual?? I thought it mainly stayed up in the arms and shoulders...
going good so far: my taper down from 20 to 17.5 is... - PMRGCAuk
going good so far

Prior to diagnosis with PMR my hand would get stuck in a painful claw position for a few moments then sort of crackle free. Gone since Pred. I had forgotten about that symptom until your post. I do get painful fingers doing things like applying body lotion with a flat hand, only during that motion though.
Any sign of arthritis at all, like knobbly joints in fingers?
Golden rule, no more than 10% at a time so do the math.
If you wake up early in the morning, take your pred does, cuppa and a slice of bread, snuggle back down and then have a warm shower, or fill a sink with fairly hot water (not boiling and stick your hands in and see if that relaxes them a bit.
my hands, (like right now) get much better as the day goes on...I don have OA in some joints but nothing that swells up or knots...

Depends on the person but hands and feet can be involved in PMR - I had tendonitis and synovitis and it reappears if I am having a flare. Some doctors will claim hands and feet are nothing to do with PMR but Leeds did a study - and yes they are.