I saw a Rheumy Reg today for the first time since I started reducing from 40mg for GCA six months ago. He was warm and polite and let me do the talking. I don't think he liked my DIY method. He asked me why my current dose was 16.5mg as it is an unusual dose for Pred. I explained my approach to reducing and timings and had no scares for a while since reducing the jump sizes to 0.5mg. Oh dear, then came the negative stuff. He said I am still on a high dose and I WILL get Cushings and there was a lot of it about in this area of the country (eh? What's that got to do with it?). Then came the plan B if Pred "isn't cutting it" such as Methotrexate/Actemra. I said, "but they can have bad side effects as well" to which he said people with GCA do better. It felt like he was saying that given I could not reduce as per the speediest guideline rate it meant Pred was going to fail sooner or later. I can see he was wanting to have a plan B ready in place but really, give me some credit and positivity Mate! It's pretty miserable this lark, you know. I allowed myself to get a bit emotional to express how much I hated being on Pred, not least because I can't work, so I need no encouragement to get off it. I also said, I am only six months down the line and so far have not had to go backwards. He encouraged me to consider the GiACTA trial but why would I consider that stuff if I'm doing ok? Why at this stage would I want to swap a known bad thing with a relatively unknown bad thing that is potentially very bad with my cyclical Neutropenia? Then came the bone drugs talk. Again, on balance right now, I am not happy to mess my body about any more than I have to. Doc not happy and more scare talk.
It does seem that doctors are so hell bent, whether they like it or not, on delivering the Gold Standard for a particular condition, that thinking about individual patients is no longer possible.
So home I go feeling flat and scared but feeling I don't have many options other than stay calm, keep the faith and cross whatever bridges when I get to them. Right rant over, time for bed so I can emerge tomorrow more positive.