The Lighter Side of PMR - Some More Wislode from ... - PMRGCAuk


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The Lighter Side of PMR - Some More Wislode from The Professor: this time, about Steroid Tapering…. ;-)

markbenjamin57 profile image
37 Replies

Well, my dear PMR/GCA partners in crime, it’s THAT time again!

No, not to open the red stuff (or whatever's your equivalent pleasure). It’s something more serious than that. I mean an opportunity to psychologically self-harm yet again by daring to read yet another of my silly ramblings. Oh well, it just confirms what PMR and those steroids can do to a normally healthy brain and Mind..


By popular request, I’ve once again consulted with one of my comedy heroes, the late ‘Professor’ Stanley Unwin who, for many decades, was one of the UK’s most prolific Word Manglers and a purveyor of Gobbledegook which, however contorted gramatically, still managed to make some kind of sense overall. How did I connect with the late ‘Prof’? Well, that’s OUR secret...

This time, I tackled Stan on the thorny and perennial topic of Steroid Tapering - one of the Mysteries of the modern medical age about which I was sure he’d have an informed opinion…

Me: Greetings again Stan!

Stan: Greetlodes Marje Bench, nicely to see you!

Me: Er, Stan, I now have quite a ‘following’ here on the PMRGCA / HU forum - nearly 3 people in fact! They all want to know the secret of steroid tapering with PMR and / or GCA. Can you help us?

Stan: Deeply humblefold Marco Polo - and a bit of Napoleon Solo - such goshful! This topiclode rattly roundy in my brail endy-endyful until I felt like I had the ‘Bendlodes’ - a bit like the French explorer, Jake Costalot after those deeply dank, darkful and hairy-scary missionlodes into the sub-marinated world of mermaidladies, antiquariful lobstodes and all things watery-eyeful. Deeply jangleful at times…but a bit if an eyeful too! 

This is my best advice: PMR (PolyMyGodlyRuefulAtrocious) really is a deeply jangly, mangly and, frankly, frazzly afflictode of the bodly’s normally sweetly, delicode and happily-go-lightly immuny systful.

No wonder we descend like a proverbial stole from gladful feelings of nicey-nicey-happy-go-lucky into sadly, madly and, in some cases, even Humpy Dumpy Fell off the Wall?! Some sufferlies even report epilodes of Dire Eel (or even Insanitary) as a result of the imbalance of normally smiley bodiful hormodes with RPM. This is not to be laughy-laughy at mirthful unless you stand at a safely distode wearing protective clobber - AND adopt a straightly, respectful expresslode (to protect the innocently).

As for the Scary Rods (in some quarterfuls, otherwise knowy simplefold as ‘Stair Rods’): well, admitedlode they are the equivalent of sending in President Doris J. Frump to sort-out a tutti-frutti fuelled punch-up at a childers’ tea party. But they do seem to settley downy most of the worselode symptodes of RPM. Deeply Joyfulness for many sufferfuls despite some of the sidely effectodes?

The main thing with the Stare Rods is this: slidey-down the dosey-do’s gentlefold and regulatory. Don’t racey-racey down hill-and-dale like poor Michael Shoe Maker - you know what happened to him (deeply sadfully). Just do a pacey-pacey ‘slidey’ dosey adjustfulness both Mindly and Bodyfold, as with the DSNS (Dearly Slowly Nearlyful-Stoppy-at-Times) methodful - it makes sensible. As the cigar-smokey and magnanimously Sir Winslode Churchful once said, ‘Better losey the battlefield and win the war chest’? No wonder he coughed muchly - and deepfold!

Me: Thank you so much Stan, I’m sure this will be well-received by my (3) followers here!

Stan: No probfuls MB (Uncle Napoleon Solo?), all partly of the servicelode and gladly to helpfold. In return, can you do ME a favour? Just GET ME OUT OF HERE as these B****y Angels are driving me madly with their incessant repeats of ‘Amazingly Gracefold’ all day long. It’s worse than watching SKY TV!


As in the past, my fascinating over-the-ether conversation with The Prof ended suddenly, and mysteriously. But I’m confident that he will be back in one form or another. We’ll see… ;-)

Finally, and as they always say in the UK BBC News - ‘If you have been affected by any events in this story, either get in touch or just have a nice cup of tea and settle down. This, too, will pass’.

Happy Weekend All - keep smiling on the PMR / GCA Journey (or any other of Life’s journeys, for that matter?).

MB :-)

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markbenjamin57 profile image
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37 Replies
shella profile image

Hilarious......neighbours must be wondering whats going on especially as live alone!

I blame the medication.....

Looking forward to more ..😂

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to shella

Thanks shella. Yes, loud laughter in the middle of the night might just get them wondering..? ;-)

SheffieldJane profile image

Just the job when I woke at 2.30 am feeling dreadfold badlog with nagers of the nightly attire. Much greatfold for cheering missive. X

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to SheffieldJane

Much gratifold too Jane, Deep Joy! :-D

Brixhamhampster profile image

Brilliant mark, just what I needed at 2.30am when sense of humour needs some help. As you mentioned in one of your previous posts the forum has gone flat a bit over the summer. Maybe people are actually having an easier time or as in my case struggling somewhat and no energy to contribute. Sounds like you are over your man flu which must be a relief for you and so glad to have you back. Does that make me fan number 4?

Rokerman profile image
Rokerman in reply to Brixhamhampster

Reading the texting with carefulness, Brixhamhamster - I'm thinking that that's making you only three and a half and me four and a halfing............?!

Brixhamhampster profile image
Brixhamhampster in reply to Rokerman

Rokerman I bow to your superior maths and happy to be three and a half fan.

loopeyloo72 profile image
loopeyloo72 in reply to Brixhamhampster

And can I be fan number 5?

Brixhamhampster profile image
Brixhamhampster in reply to loopeyloo72

Yes loopeyloo72 but please form an orderly queue. 😃

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Brixhamhampster

Daft lot - haven't you got better things to do..?! :-/ :-D

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to loopeyloo72

Steady now loopeyloo, not sure if I can handle this amount of fame..(or is it notoriety?) ;-) :-D

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Brixhamhampster

Another Daft o clocker..?! Oh, yes.. maybe Pred time? :-)

Thanks Brixhamhampster, a couple of You Lot have mentioned things going a bit flat recently - maybe the Summer hols and people have better things to do!

Yep, the Man Flu is finally subsiding and the giggle glands waking up again. Blimey, 4 fans? - at this rate the fan club will reach double figures by 2020! ;-) :-D

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to markbenjamin57

The forums have been majorfully dancy-ful over the summer! I've had the best part of 100 notifications a day from 2 forums with this one being the more active by far. So how you can think people are not around is a matter of some mystery to me!!!!!!

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to PMRpro

Interesting... maybe because a lot of us tend to tune-in selectively and skip over topics that aren't relevant to us..?

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to markbenjamin57

In order to see all the replies you have to click on follow at the top of each thread - and even then you may not get everything. So if you arrive at a new thread when a few replies have been posted you may forget that and miss the rest that comes later. New people keep posting on very old threads - and probably think they are being ignored for that reason too.

But really - this forum is definitely not on its holidays!!! ;-)

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to PMRpro

That's good to know PMRpro (hey, that rhymed!) ;-) :-)

Rokerman profile image

Ah, you made me think back to Benny Hill's take on Jake Costalot or, come to think of it - it might've been Hands- und-Lottie Hess (sic)

A study, in the cold, murky waters of the English Channel of the Dover Sole. After noting the solitary habits on the bottom of the Straits of Dover, said flatfish ended up I think, in splendid isolation after mating - Poor old Sole....

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Rokerman

Boom boom! :-)

Janll profile image

Marcus, all I can say is......thank you. You have a gift with words and rub shoulders with some strange people or are they just in your mind? Wherever they are they seem to be good company for you. Enjoy the sunshine......... we still have sunshine, Yipee!

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Janll

Thanks Jan. Actually, the late 'Professor' Stanley Unwin was a unique and well-known TV and radio comedy character from the 1960s to 1980s in the UK. His trademark was Unwinspeak - you can find lots of his hilarious interviews on YouTube if you want a giggle. I've just 'borrowed' his style for these posts ;-)

Patience_1 profile image
Patience_1 in reply to markbenjamin57

You capture him to a T! I can picture him as I read your magnificent missives!

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Patience_1

Thanks Patience. 'Unwinese' is actually quite difficult to imitate accurately in writing - let alone trying to speak it! ;-/ :-D

Jackoh profile image

Mark- very clever !! it really sounds like him- we need a bit of the light side as we roll on!!

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Jackoh

Thanks Jackie :-)

altywhite profile image

Brilliant!! :-) I wonder what our non British friends make of this??

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to altywhite

I agree, they might want to look-up Stanley Unwin on google ;-)

Gaijin profile image
Gaijin in reply to altywhite

I can reply to's way over my head...almost like it's in a different language.😂😂😂

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Gaijin

Sorry Gaijin - if you're from outside of the UK and not a native British-English speaker, I'm not surprised!

'Unwinese' (Stanley Unwin-speak) is a peculiar and eccentric form of 'Word Mangling / distortion' that has had its place in traditional British comedy for many years.

You're right about Unwinese (or similar) being a seemingly 'different' language. It's the same for some of us Brits - but who, for some reason, are intrigued and amused by the mis-pronunciation, contortions and 'mangling' of regular, grammatically correct English.

Why? Maybe it's part of the British culture to be un-conventional and defiant of any kind of convention!

That said, I'm sure others here (from whatever country / background) will have a view too.. ;-)

MB :-)

Gaijin profile image
Gaijin in reply to markbenjamin57

I hadn't seen this reply,, MB.. Thank you for the explanation of Unwinese . Even though I don't understand some of your posts fully, I still enjoy your clever use of English and get the gist of it. Maybe when I get rid of this pred brain, I'll get better at it..,😀

jinasc profile image

So who are these non-brits according to DNA we all came from that lady out of the Rift Valley.........even those pesky Vikings.

And then they spread their jeans far and wide.

Enuff said.

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to jinasc

Ha, jinasc! DorsetLady was on about all that stuff recently..

Well, I've always suspected that I have Viking / Nordic heritage because:

1. I once owned a Volvo, then a SAAB

2. I'm a pushover for tall, slim, blue-eyed blondes (females naturally)

3. I visit IKEA a lot

4. I'm pretty partial to soused herrings and that kind of nosh

5. And, oh yes, my favourite mobile phone is a classic Nokia 6310i

6. 'Mark Benjamin' isn't my real name (sorry) - it's actually Lars Johanssen

7. As for spreading my 'jeans' (?) far and wide - better not comment on that one or I'll get myself chucked off the forum :-( :-/ ;-)

So, do I qualify as an honorary Viking..?

Your votes please...


(aka LJ) :-D

jinasc profile image

You are one quarter towards an Honorary as:

Yes to Saab, Volvo, IKEA (ugh) soused herrings and Nokia (mine is 16 years old)

No to Blondes and Blue Eyes (I don't qualify).

So connexions please to rest of Scandinavia please.

ie the Little Maid, the gift at Christmas in Trafalgar Square, and Reindeer

Geography rules KO.

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to jinasc

Ok, I'll raise you:

1 x Ansager Mobler (Danish) teak veneer dining table circa 2002 (mint condition)

12 x ABBA LPs from approx1980

4 x Nokia 6310i s (one fitted in current car as standard kit)

Swedish meatballs a regular 'eat'

Was at one time a senior external training consultant for Nokia

MB :-)

jinasc profile image

Ok, after consulting the Crystal and boiling a puppy dogs tail, some rats and snails and a drink of the brew. My black cat talked the broomstick, which had just been serviced with Teak Oil and they decided, as the Moon smiled down.

Yeh, let him in as an Honorary. otherwise he will just get more uppity becos he needs to be in the polywhotsit with a giantcel thingy club and he does make us throw-up with laughter.

So You are in by me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but DorsetLady might have something to say about that as she is on the lighter side and I am ..........(fill the space in).

Nighty Nighty and mind those midgie's don't bite

sondya profile image

oh I remember him. Tried speaking Unwinese but it's more difficult than he made it.

csy50 profile image

Totally brilliant Mark! Have been trying for half an hour to respond in like speak and failed utterly!

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to csy50

Ah, deeply thanklodes csy50 ;-).

Actually, it takes quite a bit of thinking about to get the style right - even harder if you try to talk in Unwinese! In case you haven't seen it, there's another piece from The Prof buried somewhere in my various posts, and he's also featured in the latest PMRGCAuk News Wire.

Enjoy..! :-D

MB :-)

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