The Lighter Side of PMR - PMR Progress Update, Pr... - PMRGCAuk


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The Lighter Side of PMR - PMR Progress Update, Pred Tapering, The Summer (UK) Flu, and all that Life throws at Us.. ;-)

markbenjamin57 profile image
37 Replies

Sincere Greetings to You Lot here - whether Newbies, Veterans, Aunties, or anyone else who is daft enough to follow my rambles. (For you Newbies, I mean 'You Lot' in the nicest possible sense and with tongue firmly-in-cheek) ;-)

Well, what to say and where to start? I'm a great believer in delivering bad news followed by more positive news, so here goes:

First, the Bad news:

Yes, I'm still here despite being AWOL for a few weeks - although I'm sure no-one noticed (he said, cowering behind the sofa and clutching teddy in anxious anticipation of some expressions of sympathy). Be careful what you wish for, if wanting more of this nonsense... :-/

Now, the Good news:

Having eventually fought-off an energy-sapping 2-week 'Summer' (?) Flu bug (which a few of you have also mentioned in the UK - with a host of other nasty, associated symptoms as you report), I'm feeling much brighter and more energetic mentally and physically. Yes, PMR + the Preds + Bugs / Viruses + any other health condition can really drain the life out of us. On, and forwards...

My conclusion(s)?

1. As always, try to roll-with it and be kind to yourself with any combination of PMR, steroid tapering, bugs and viruses, other health conditions etc. They all conspire to make Life miserable for us, and for those - and for those around us. In my experience, PMR and Pred tapering (to manage it)is very-much a 'Snakes and Ladders' process where, for many, our best 'plans' can be sabotaged by the mysterious and unpredictable course of the illness itself.

2. Don't forget that Time, itself, can be a great healer for many of our challenges and ailments along the way.

3. Choose your health advisors carefully. Even the best of Professionals aren't always right, and don't ever be afraid to question them or ask for a second opinion. Many folks here say that this forum is a much richer and reliable resource of collective expertise, advice and support than most medics could ever dream of providing. Enough said..?

4. Trust your judgement - if you feel truly rotten with PMR / GCA (in any way, and for any reason), act on it and don't take chances. With suspected or actual GCA symptoms, especially, time is of the essence.

4. Try to stay positive when feeling low, for whatever reason. As with many things in Life, 'This, too, will Pass'.

5. A few smiles and some laughter help in the process of coping, at least. There's some hard research evidence out there to support this idea (releasing 'pleasure' endorphins etc?).

That's it. Have a great weekend all, and try to keep smiling on the Journey ;-)

MB :-)

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markbenjamin57 profile image
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37 Replies
jinasc profile image

See Senor, der daygo 40 lorry's in a row.

Dem ain't lorries dem ar truxs, Full of hens an geese and duxs.

Those ten ton lorries can come along at anytime on this journey no-one ever wanted to take, happy to see you survived with laughter and common-sense.

Hope the next 39 miss you.

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to jinasc

Dear 'jinasc'

I have no idea who you are, or where you come from. All I can say is that you are truly 'Bonkers' - in the nicest sense of the word.

Keep on truckin..! ;-) :-D

MB :-)

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to markbenjamin57

Really???? I think you have made acquaintance, even if only remotely...

I know what she means...

GWS - though man flu is a very serious illness... ;-)

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to PMRpro

No idea what you mean PMRpro... ;-)

Thanks, fighting back but really was wiped out for a couple of weeks. Hey ho!

Marie1479 profile image
Marie1479 in reply to jinasc


kulina profile image
kulina in reply to Marie1479

That's probably because we are on the other side of the lake? :)

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to kulina

Hi Marie / kulina (Garine)

Yes, jinasc's jargon is probably a bit eccentric - but some of us Brits are like that! ;-) :-D. I know that British-English colloquialisms can sound a bit strange to non-native English speakers and often wonder if my SOH and ramblings make any sense to those of You Lot in the US and other parts of Europe!

kulina profile image
kulina in reply to markbenjamin57

Oh, I understood what you said but I certainly need a translation with jinasc's comment. :)

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to kulina

I think some of it was borrowed from a Country & Western song lyrics? - but jinasc probably knows better than me! :-D

Chrissy1953 profile image

Love this from my 8year old granddaughter. Nanny I passed someone today who didn't have a smile. So I gave them one of mine.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Chrissy1953

That's lovely Chrissie. My grandson was in the bath with a water pistol, I got hold of it and said in my best James Cagney voice " stick em up you dirty rat" when he disarmed me he retorted " I'm going to shoot you you naughty squirrel. They are a tonic as is the one and only Mark Benjamin fresh from his sick bed full of wisdom and good cheer. We missed you Mark, it's gone a bit flat round here.

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to SheffieldJane

Ohhh, Jane, thanks so much. Just a quick one before I 'retire'..

I sensed a bit if 'flatness' (as opposed to flatulence!) here recently. Always a pleasure to lighten the mood a little - if I can! ;-)

Back soon with more Funnies - if I can muster them!

MB ;-)

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Chrissy1953

Lovely, Chrissy! :-)

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer

Thought you'd been quiet m'dear.

Thought maybe you were off to exotic places where you were enjoying yourself too much to worry about us poor souls - but no you were loafing about in WSM with a severe case of Man Flu 🤧😷🤒. Call yourself a Viking!

Glad to see you've rejoined the land of the living!

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to DorsetLady

Thanks DL, I wish (exotic places etc)! Yes, SMF (Severe Man Flu) is the worst kind :-(

Back to business... with a cunning plan for the next post soon ;-)

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to markbenjamin57

Of course it is - and some do it so well!

JJackdaw profile image

Many thanks again to our very own bard who never fails to put a smile on our faces😊

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to JJackdaw

Thanks too JJ, always a pleasure to supply a few giggles if I can ;-)

Wenben profile image

Love the reference to Snakes and true !

Estellemac profile image

Hi Mark you have put a ray of sunshine in to my day. Missed your input but your PMRGCAuk articles are a good reread as once is not enough to keep the sicky blues away.

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Estellemac

Thanks Estelle, was pretty wiped-out with the flu / fatigue etc. but feeling a bit more human now - phew!

Glad you enjoy the funnies - more to come soon ;-) :-)

Janll profile image

Yes, Mark, you are indeed a ray of sunshine, which is ALWAYS welcome in the UK. Wise words of advise with a pinch of laughter. Great combination! I always look forward to your tales, and what might be coming next?! I am no longer being treated for PMR but something more sinister. However, the doc has increased my steroid dose and I'm feeling much better that I should. I heard about a report about how 'Thankfulness' increases our endorphins and our general well being. Some just did mental acknowledgements of what the day or week had brought in the form of good things that happened or Blessings. Others, wrote a list once a day, once a week or once a month. This improved their attitude and gave then a higher score on the Happiness scale. I'm very grateful for this forum and I'm certain there are hundreds that will agree. I'm also very grateful for you Mark and all those who support you in their silliness.

Bless you all! Jan ❤️

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Janll

Thanks Jan, but I didn't feel like one last week!

Sorry you're battling with things, try to keep your chin up. I agree, a smile or laugh doesn't cure some things but it defo helps in the coping process.

Now I'm feeling more human again I'll be concocting another silly post soon - don't want to let You Lot down! ;-)

MB :-)

Janll profile image
Janll in reply to markbenjamin57

I shall stay tuned in and await the next installment with great anticipation. I'm doing okay and wish I just had PMR. It's awful to be suffering with PMR but the fact it has a life and then one day you are free from pain and steroids. I suffered with PMR over 13 years ago so I know what it means and feels like. I'm a PMR survivor! Yay for me and for all the others who are suffering now. Like the song, " I Will Survive" I'm glad to hear you too Mark are surviving. I'm keeping my chin up, I feel positive and I have another grandchild to boast about. Callum Galbraith Connelly. And he's deliciously adorable.

Happy September! 😎

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Janll

Thanks Jan, great that you're handling things so positively and I'll bet a new addition to the family will keep you occupied for ages!

Back soon - enjoy this nice WSM weather! :-)

Sandy1947 profile image
Sandy1947 in reply to Janll

Congrats on the new baby! Grands keep us from too much self absorption! Enjoy!

Jackoh profile image

"Now I'm feeling more human again" really!!! Couldn't resist that. Lovely post Mark - as always encouraging. Always know your posts from the title- could you make them a bit longer please!!!😜 Best wishes Jackie x

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Jackoh

Thanks Jackie

I was going to say 'I'm feeling myself again' but, knowing You Lot, you'd give it totally the wrong interpretation! ;-D

Yep, more in the pipeline - and more regularly now I've got some mental energy back at last :-)

MB x

jannie21 profile image

It has all been said above so I will just say a big THANK YOU x

altywhite profile image

Glad to hear you're better :-) And great advice in the post as well, not just for newbies but for some of us 'nearly' oldies...and I mean that as in progress..not age!! :-)

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to altywhite

Thanks altywhite, much appreciated! :-)

Sandy1947 profile image

Welcome back even if you're still clutching your Teddy! Your messages help us stay plugged in, focused and upbeat! We all need "a little help from our friends"! Thanks for starting off Labor Day on a happy note!

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Sandy1947

Thanks Sandy, nice to feel a bit more human again! Teddy sends his best wishes ;-) :-)

mzz70-70 profile image

It must be a real hoot in your household Mark ! and anyone who cuddles a teddy for comfort in times of illness or stress is o.k in my book. My little teddy goes everywhere with me and I am 70 yrs old. Hope you are completely better now and not passed on any bugs to Ted, or anyone else for that matter. Man flu can be the pits I'm sure but I know you will conquer all MarkB, you are made of the right stuff. Thanks for all your humour and I look forward to more shortly.......Maz x

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to mzz70-70

Many thanks Maz, I usually clutch teddy tightly when I'm winding-up the Aunties here - they can be a formidable bunch! :-/ ;-).

Yep, suddenly feeling much better thanks, PMR + reducing the Preds at 4mgpd + SMF (Severe Man Flu) nearly wiped me out for a week or two ;-(. But then again, I AM Action Man! :-D

Yep, more funnies as soon as I can think of them, and That Book's coming on well - hopefully out in time for Christmas ;-)

MB :-)

Seamusdog14 profile image

How true. Good Advice to keep smiling and laughing - if possible. I also think this forum is great I have read more info on here than I have had from my Doctor.

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to Seamusdog14

Welcome, and many thanks seamusdog14

As always, it's nice to see a new 'face' here - and I agree with your comment about doctors (well, some, at least).

Yes, try to keep smiling in between the tough bits. I'm sure it helps us to cope with PMR / GCA - even if it can't fix it!

MB :-)

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