I'm well aware that this post is going to seem more than a tad stupid to some, but I mentioned it briefly in a reply last week, it works for me and I wondered if anyone else might find it useful.
This fatigue that gets us all down, the sudden feeling that someone has just pulled the plug and all your energy has drained away... it's demoralising. And I realised I was beginning to feel a bit sorry for myself every time it happened and think "Oh poor me, I have PMR" and droop. Made me feel like I was sick, or a victim. So I gave it a name. I now call them my SDORFD moments - Sit Down Or Fall Down. I know I'm one of the lucky ones because when those moments hit if I sit down, shut my eyes and stay still for a while it does pass - not as simple for some of you.
All the same, saying to myself "Here we go - SDORFD again!" instead of Poor Me genuinely makes a difference. Makes me smile anyway. There's a rather nice raffish ring to "SDORFD Again", vague reminders of long ago late Friday nights out on the town with friends, emptying one too many bottles of wine.
That's it, for what it's worth. Just a different way of looking at one of the more annoying aspects, and if anyone out there finds it of use, I won't feel so daft for posting it!