So.... This weekend marked hubby's 60th birthday. How to celebrate, given my uninvited, unpredictable guest PMR would undoubtedly gate crash!!!!!!!!!!!!
Considered 'Bat out of Hell' show / meal in London with family (Hubby loves Meatloaf!) but what if PMR friend was 'showing off???? PMR doesn't like sitting for long periods, and though PMR will be silent he / she will make sure his / her presence is felt! Rethink..... Family meal at reasonably local (expensive but worth it) restaurant saved for special occasions only......booked!
But what about celebrating with friends??????............. Hubby doesn't 'do' parties since giving up alcohol post liver transplant a decade ago. I know..... call it an 'open house' and he won't know the difference! Food????? Platters from local cafe???? Ok no hassle, but expensive and picky bits won't 'fill up' guests. Don't want them going home hungry do we????? But remember what your virtual friends have said......It's all about pacing.....
What to do......Hmmmm. Pacing?????
Well everyone likes a Chilli (except Cath who is vegetarian). I make a mean Lasagne, Tacos and Spaghetti. It can all be prepared beforehand and makes a substantial meal ........ And so I have a plan......
But what about the day itself. Timing of 'open house'? 4pm - 10pm. That gives me a chance for the 'fresh food prep', a shower and also a nap if I need it!
Thoughts return to my absent virtual friends........ Don't be afraid to ask for help........ Michelle! (ex chef neighbour - chilli, baked pots and rice sorted!) Sons and son's girlfriend - shopping for the heavy stuff like drinks, ice and fresh food like breadsticks, gateaux, trifle etc.on the day- blowing balloons, setting up and serving - job done so well I beaming with pride at the wonderful complementary comments from guests about my youngsters!!!
Thirty guests joined us in our relatively small, (but exclusive, expensive, 'designer') mobile home! Fortunately a dry day with plenty of tables and chairs outside (some extras loaned from neighbours) to support eating from the flimsy paper plates ( a small concession when planning to avoid the washing up!)........ Enough food to sink a ship and very kind remarks received on how delicious and filling it was too!!!! sorted for next few days!
Hubby was chuffed to bits with his 'not a party' celebration. The 'ole boy network' (picture if you will the cast from 'Last of the Summer Wine' - can't make up my mind which one reminds me most of Compo!) took him out on his actual birthday, the following day, to England v West Indies. With hubby out from under my feet, I could clear at my leisure.
And what of my uninvited guest????? Ever present but subdued with an extra 2.5 mgs of pred on the day and the day after. So firmly put into his / her place!!!!!! Any remaining presence dealt with the day after clearing up with a lovely relaxing massage!
You are right my virtual friends. Life can be good. It's just about the adjustments, planning, pacing and enlisting support.
An excellent time had by all and a special birthday celebrated.
P.s. Still have special 'celebration' holiday cruise later this month to look forward too! Yahay!!!!