I've had PMR since Dec 2013 and have tried tapering many times only to have to go back up. Back in August I had to go back up to 4mg Methyl-prednisolone because the pain was too great. I felt it almost all over my body, mostly shoulders and hips. I could walk but it was very difficult at times because I felt pain in my legs sometimes.
To make a long story short, the pain in my shoulders felt worse than usual so I went to my GP and I had an MRI and X-rays done from a orthopedic Dr. It turns out I had a torn rotator cuff, and also have osteoarthritis. He gave me a shot of steroids in both shoulders (they both hurt) and within 2 days ALL MY PAIN WAS GONE!!! Including my PMR pain!!! This was Aug 15th and nothing has changed. Still NO PAIN!!!
I'm totally baffled by the whole ordeal! I'm VERY HAPPY that all the pain is gone but I don't know why it all left. I'm down to 1mg per day on the pred and I really believe that terrible disease is totally gone!!
I did make one change around the first part of July and that was I radically changed my diet. I honestly don't know if this had anything to do with it but who knows? Maybe it did. It's actually our new way of eating, and not just a diet. The book is by Dr. Hyman and it's called "Eat Fat Get Thin". I do know one thing, I've lost 20 pounds, and my husband has lost over 20. He had his blood work done, and it is much BETTER than it was. Anyway, I could go on about this, but I just wanted to share what happened.