Warm Greetings to 'You Lot', whoever and wherever you are.
As always: this Post is less about celebrating my progress than sharing some 'news' - in case you can relate to, or gain some insights from it. Here goes:
If you haven't read my previous posts (I don't blame you if not..) about a recent breakthrough in my PMR symptoms despite reducing the Preds quite quickly, here's a synopsis / my latest update:
2-ish years into my PMR Journey, and having gradually reduced DSNS-style from a heady 30 mgpd initially, I've hovered at around 6mgpd +/- for the past 6 months without much let-up in low-level pain or stiffness. And.. still with frequent periods of the dreaded DF (Deathly Fatigue) despite this. Grrrr.... Miserable or what..?
Recently, and after reluctantly 'upping' the Pred dosage to 7.5 mgpd to (hopefully) alleviate the continuing symptoms, I actually felt WORSE (nausea, dizziness, general feeling of malaise) than before. My conclusion / intuitive feelings?: maybe the PMR has decided to give me a break (at last!), and / or those sleepy Adrenals are getting back to their 'normal' work. And.. maybe (?)... the side-effects of a (now?) un-necessarily high dose of the Preds, at this point, were worse than those of a (hopefully) acquiescing PMR?
So: after a relatively sudden and not usually DSNS-advised 'sudden' drop from 6mgpd Pred to 4mgpd within 6 weeks - but feeling significantly better all-round (albeit with some continuing low-level symptoms) - I'm still going strong. Yes, a little fatigue and some muscle stiffness / pain: but at a level of 2-3 out of 10 as opposed to 7-8 out of 10, as has been so frequently for the past two years. Phew....
My conclusion? As I'm sure the 'Aunties' here will confirm, there can be light at the end of the tunnel of PMR and GCA... eventually. We can't make any assumptions, even at relatively low (e.g. sub-5mgpd) Pred dosage - as I am discovering - but at least it's good to have some Hope in the meantime?
So, the end of another late and garbled message to 'You Lot' on a Thursday night from the depths of a secret and isolated location somewhere in the UK. Ohh, I give up: Weston super Mare actually
Best wishes, keep smiling on the Journey.
MB aka 'Virgil from HQ / Tracy Island'