I have been at 12.5 for some months. I am currently taking plaquenil for 6 weeks in hopes that it will reduce inflammation and I will be able to then reduce to at least 10 slowly. I am finding that 12.5 is just not quite enough. Over the last month I have added 3 one day one week and yesterday added 5 as I had been miserable all week. I Sides were sore, hips, tailbone, shoulders and generally felt crummy. I felt much better several hours later. I have had major family events the last 3 months but I do rest and am not overdoing currently. I had hoped to get my feet back under me. If I call the Rhuemy he will want a sed rate and last time it was only 11. At my worst it was 30. It doesn't convince him. I feel well able to increase my dose if necessary. As I hear so often what is the point of suffering sides effects and then getting no relief. At one point the above dose was perfect and I thought I was well. Would going to 13.5 be enough daily?
Thank you all for your most valuable support. This is indeed a dyi disease as someone so well put the other day. Also apologies if I do not answer each response. I have trouble with blurry vision and usually am reading responses on my phone so it's hard to type on. Also sometimes I am headed for work. Hope this is correct courtesy as this is all new to me.
xxoo Bunnymom