Ever wondered what research is going on in the world of PMR and GCA? Your UK national charity, PMRGCAuk is bringing patients, public and researchers together in an exciting series of free research roadshows around the country in 2017. The first ones will be:
Southend 15 February - Prof Dasgupta and his team
Bristol 7 March - Dr Jo Robson, Prof Kirwan and team
Birmingham 9 March - Dr Sue Mollan and team
Keele 23 March - Prof Christian Mallen and team
Leeds 30 March - Dr Sarah Mackie and team
Each roadshow will be focusing on research being carried out in the local university and teaching hospital, but will also look at the wider picture. And each roadshow will have a special theme. This is really a fantastic opportunity for patients and researchers to learn from each other! You can find more information and reserve your place on this link bit.ly/pmrgcaeventbrite.
The roadshows project is supported by the Wellcome Foundation.