I am a 23 year old male with a highly unusual presentation of giant cell arteritis in my right temporal artery. I cannot believe I am saying this but the rheumatologist I have been seeing still refuses to give me steroids until the results of the temporal artery biopsy that I just had today become available, which could take up to 2 weeks!! Ugh I am in so much pain and all I need is someone to prescribe me prednisone! The head artery pain is so maddening and I can't sleep, think or work! Why won't this doctor help me?? I believe it is because I am so young and the rheumatologist does not think I can possibly have GCA since it affects only older people. I need to find a GCA or vasculitis specialist USA preferably on the east coast so that I can get the treatment I need and deserve! Does anyone know of a good doctor in USA? swear I am complelely at my wits end with this isolation and desperation. If no doctor can help me I don't want to live anymore; I'd gladly just throw in the towel and give up. I'm even considering ordering prednisone on the internet since I cannot find a doctor to help me and prescirbe the prednisone. All my blood tests and scans have been normal. The biopsy result may be positive but I cannot be sure and it takes too long to get the results especially when you are in such excruciating pain.