Hi Everyone, hope all are well and getting through the GCA , PMR and pred.
A week ago had a major exacerbation of the meralgia paresthetica (femoral cutaneous nerve -- incorrectly-- attaches by tendon growth to the inguineal tendon) I am dealing with.
Pain was very bad, entire thigh muscle spasming and swollen -- whole area -- could not walk. Went to the hospital. Gave me --- thoradol (? Spelling) by injection , neurontin, oxycodone and 20 mgs of medrol.
Was upset about upping the medrol this much ( no symptoms of GCA at all - fine there).
There is this one young woman who is head of the Rheumatology Dept. at Columbia Presbyterian -- that no matter what I come in with -- heart -- pneumonia -- she tries to give me high dosages of pred.
I have explained the slow way I am trying to reduce and this throws it all off. She usually tries to soothe me " but this will help" etc. She doesn t get it. Not EVERY illness is GCA or GCA related. I don t want Cushing s or Addison s.
I took the pred before I knew what I was taking, I was in so much pain. Have reduced now to 6mgs.
Thigh is slowly better. Taking celebrex which helps. Have nurse, phys ther and occupational therapist coming to my apt during the week.
Any ideas how to get this woman to stop with the instantaneous administering of 20 mgs of methylprednisolone everytime she sees me (I believe I am her only patient w GCA-). ----?
Anyone else dealing with inguineal tendon and thigh nerve pain? How do you deal w meralgia paresthetica?
Thinking of going incognito into the hosp if I have another issue ----
All my best,