I have been on here before about fatigue and no energy,i have gca pmr,type1 diabetes ,addisons disease,sticky bloodor APS.I always get told of medics that there is no pill which will make it right.Im 52 yr old and cannot do the things I used to do regards to physical things ,ive been medically retired from work.Ive been advised by people on here like pmrpro and celtic that illnesses autoimmune will not go away which is depressing but true.The amount of meds im on is high,that causes added fatigue.I just get peeed off with it all and like to have a good rant.One thing I still can do is drive thank god,ive got my taxi licence and do a school run which is 2.5 hrs a day keeps me sane ,and im doing doing something worthwhile.The main thing is I sit on my bum the whole time.Soz for the down beat tone of this post but its reality.!!
Damn fatigue: I have been on here before about... - PMRGCAuk
Damn fatigue

I can empathise with it all, whitley and I'm glad you have some activity/human contact during the day, it does help. Have you thought of offering some volunteering work for a few hours? Most charities jump at the chance of someone new to help.
I am lucky enough to have a small (very small) garden which keeps me occupied and sane - even in winter I am still thinking about it!
I do wish you well.
Have you thought of swimming? I meet quite a lot of people to chat to there as well particularly afterwards over a cup of coffee. There are exercise classes such as Tai Chi where you can chat to people too.

It's a pain - but with all your problems you are still doing something useful with your taxi run - which is more than a lot of people with no such problems seem to be able to manage. And that is a really positive thing - so, yes, you're allowed to have a whinge!
Me? I spend much of the day sitting on my bum - in front of the computer and 3 forums which keeps me out of mischief
Thanks for replies.I go swimming 2 times a week well try to anyhow.... which I enjoy the weightlessness of being in the water ,I watch non lge football is my hobby Its good to have this forum to blow off a bit of steam!!.

whitleybayfc, certainly no apologies needed for having a moan here - it's the best place to have a whinge where everyone will sympathise and empathise, mainly because most of us will have felt exactly as you feel now at some point or another along their personal PMR/GCA road with its twists and turns. However, I think you should give yourself a bit more credit and a pat-on-the-back for keeping up with your daily school run taxi service, and managing to fit in swimming as well. I'm sure as the inflammation of your PMR and GCA lessens, you will find that your fatigue will also lessen and your energy levels will improve - fingers crossed for you.